When robots and AI come, what jobs will be left?

Experts are divided about the jobs that will be left for humans once artificial intelligence, robotics and automation ...
Experts are divided about the jobs that will be left for humans once artificial intelligence, robotics and automation are fully deployed.

If you're prone to fretting about robots eating your job, or the jobs of your kids, get over it.

We will eventually become indistinguishable from robots, says Hiroshi Ishiguro, a professor of robotics at Osaka University. Ishiguro is a pioneer builder of human-like androids and had a cameo role in the 2009 Bruce Willis film Surrogates, in which people lived their lives through remote‑controlled surrogates from the safety of their own homes.

In about 100 years, Ishiguro says, only 10 to 20 per cent of us will actually work. The rest will spend time learning how to interact with ever more complex robots in order to be able to work – or will be cared for by robots when we can no longer learn to work.

Some fear that technological disruption will speed to its logical conclusion and put vast swaths of humans out of a job. In the past, forebodings of this kind have never been realised. It is easier to imagine the jobs that will be usurped by emerging technologies than the jobs that will be created their stead.

Man machine: Japanese robotics expert Hiroshi Ishiguro (left) has created Geminoid, his android doppelganger.
Man machine: Japanese robotics expert Hiroshi Ishiguro (left) has created Geminoid, his android doppelganger.

But machines can now learn – rather than just carry out complex instructions and calculations – much more quickly and tirelessly than humans. So-called "deep learning" machines are moving artificial intelligence from science fiction to science, threatening jobs right up the food chain and spawning a new wave of anguish over the social impact of the rise of the robots.

Robots already make cars and computers can grade essays, author sport and business articles and diagnose cancer. They can write symphonies and create works of art. And a slew of studies suggests that automation and artificial intelligence will soon carve into highly skilled, high-paying, knowledge‑worker jobs.

Lawyers' work is "quite algorithmical", says Ishiguro. "It's easy to write a computer program for a lawyer," he says. But computers will have to become more intelligent and accumulate an understanding of how the law works like a good lawyer does. He gives lawyers five to 10 years before the robots are at the door of their chambers.

What's more, robots have an unexpected advantage: humans trust them more, because they think they're more objective. Ishiguro says male shoppers more readily believe robots who tell them they look good in that suit than human shopkeepers, which means the robots can sell more clothes. And humans will be more honest with robot counsellors and doctors, so they will be able to get to the real problem quicker.

Automated workmates

Ready for job interviews: Geminoid F was developed by ATR Hiroshi Ishiguro Laboratory and the Department of Systems ...
Ready for job interviews: Geminoid F was developed by ATR Hiroshi Ishiguro Laboratory and the Department of Systems Innovation at Osaka University.

Oxford University researchers forecast half of US jobs could be automated within 20 years. Bank of America Merrill Lynch found the "annual creative disruption impact" from artificial intelligence could amount to between $US14 trillion-$US33 trillion by 2025. That includes a $US9 trillion cut in employment costs from AI-based automation of knowledge work and a $US2 trillion cut in costs from self-driving cars and drones.

Author, futurist and technology entrepreneur Martin Ford argues in his book Rise of the Robots: Technology and the Threat of a Jobless Future that the use of robots and artificial intelligence could cause mass unemployment, falling incomes and a faltering economy as consumer demand evaporates.

He foresees the end of capitalism as we now know it. If most people don't have jobs, they won't have disposable income.

McKinsey Global Institute came to a less drastic conclusion in its work No Ordinary Disruption, which argued that 5 per cent of occupations could be entirely automated using current technology and 60 per cent of occupations could have 30 per cent of their work activities automated. Even highly paid finance executives, doctors and chief executives could see one-fifth of their work automated.

Home help: robots may soon take on domestic tasks and even caring roles.
Home help: robots may soon take on domestic tasks and even caring roles.

But rather than replacing humans, McKinsey argues, working with machines will add to the value of the output, as human employees will be free to focus on work of higher value.

Ramez Naam – computer scientist, futurist, angel investor and author – tends to agree. He says the use of AI, pattern recognition, visualisation and presentation systems to augment the human worker "might take away the jobs of some junior analysts, but ultimately what they're there for is to give advice to someone of a higher level, who now says, 'Okay, this is what I think we should do.'"

A place for people

Another conclusion is the end of repetitive work will give people more time to spend on activities that rely on creativity, human connection and emotion.

Says Naam: "It's easy to doomsay – and we should be very concerned about the possibility that technology will destroy millions of jobs. But we've had that concern for the last 100 years."

He believes there will always be a place for humans in service jobs that have an emotional or a care-giving component. "Nurses, for instance, don't just hand out medicine and watch your vitals. They calm patients, they make them feel secure and comforted. I don't see those roles going away, I see those growing."

Martin Ford, however, has a different perspective. "If you can build a machine to do what people do and do it faster and better and more reliably than people, then why not? If the only argument against it is 'Well, because people need jobs', then that's not really a good argument from a progress point of view.

"To me, it's better to let the progress continue and then adapt our systems to it with something like guaranteed income."

Russ Hagey, chief talent officer at global management consulting firm Bain & Company, says that solving tough business problems will be helped by artificial intelligence and big data analytics. "But the ability to pull insights out of that and then to help convince an organisation to change, that will have a place. A level of human contribution will be needed to distil the insights and to help motivate, inspire and lead organisations to change."

Stand-up androids

Ishiguro is also a glass-half-full kind of futurist. Japan's population is falling; it needs robots to get jobs done. For now, he says, we can expect simple, human-like robots – androids – to be common in workplaces and homes within three to five years. Working with silicon and human hair as well as electronic components and mechanical body parts, he has created female androids – and even a doppelganger of himself, dubbed Geminoid.

It's all part of the continuing evolution of the human species, Ishiguro says. He expects a "big boom" in interactive robots within three to five years. Their roles could include teaching languages, reading television news, working as department store sales assistants and caring for autistic children or dementia sufferers.

His most recent creation – Sophia – was built in partnership with US firm Hanson Robotics and has eerily real facial expressions, from wry and quizzical to hurt and amused. "Our goal is that she will be as conscious, creative and capable as any human," says Hanson's founder David Hanson. "We are designing these robots to serve in healthcare, therapy, education and customer service applications."

Even comedians' jobs could be at risk. Four years ago, Ishiguro built an android clone of Beicho Katsura III – a master comic storyteller who'd grown too old to perform. In the future, Ishiguro says, "about half of comedians are going to be robots and half will be humans".

Hiroshi Ishiguro, Martin Ford and Ramez Naam will speak at the Creative Innovation conference in Melbourne on November 7-9.