Signals author Pippa Malmgren says Australia should forget China, tilt to Mexico

Signals author Pippa Malmgren  says signs of  incipient inflation are everywhere, but central bankers haven't got the ...
Signals author Pippa Malmgren says signs of incipient inflation are everywhere, but central bankers haven't got the right tools to measure it. Supplied

When American economic adviser and author Pippa Malmgren visited Australia recently, she was struck again by how self-contained and protected it feels.

Australia has been insulated from the worst aspects of the global financial crisis and the remedies imposed by global central banks, but the bubble has burst, she says. We just haven’t realised it.

“I find it very interesting how human beings everywhere will get a notion in their heads and they’ll leave it there for 10 years, so it’s 10 years out of date.

“In Australia it takes the form of, ‘We have to be tied to the Chinese economy because that’s the only thing that’s growing.’ That was true 10 years ago, but it hasn’t been true for about four years. We’ve been in a hard landing in China that doesn’t look like they’re going to recover from because the problem is not the slowdown. The problem is they’re not competitive any more because their wages have gone up so much.

“The Mexico-Texas midwest corridor is probably the most dynamic part of the world economy and I say to Australians, ‘You need to be doing more business with Mexico,’ and they look at me like, ‘What the heck are you talking about, what planet are you on?’”

Right tools

Malmgren’s book Signals is a breath of fresh air for all of those who start to turn away when the discussion turns to economics.

She  says the global push by central banks to flood the world with money will eventually unleash an almighty inflationary wave, making it vastly easier for indebted nations to repay their debts. The signs of this incipient inflation are everywhere. But central bankers haven’t got the right tools to measure it.

In Australia, official inflation is low and yet everything is expensive. “It’s a disconnect that we see globally and that I write about, this disconnect between the official data and inflation versus the cost of living and the actual pain everybody’s in.”

Signals says the way the central banks have reacted to the great recession has had terrible consequences for the developing world, where the cost of food is going up. Anti-government activism and populism are flourishing as a result. She even says Russia and China’s territorial grabs can be linked to quantitative easing.

Property, stock markets and bond markets have rallied: “But if you don’t own those things, what you’re feeling is your cost of living is rising and that’s creating more pain. I think that helps explain why we’re having a sort of populist uprising of the discontented and it’s global in nature.”

Whole world economy

Again, she says, Australia seems largely ignorant or uninterested in what she describes as the single-most important Chinese policy: One Belt, One Road.

Over the next 25 years, China is going to build physical infrastructure from China through central Asia into western Europe and along the coastline of Asia around India into the Middle East, around Africa, up into Europe and across Latin America.

“So here we’ve got this huge economic policy which is going to expand the world economy enormously. It’s huge development for the whole world economy, we can’t not participate and it’s critical for China, too, because what they’re basically doing is building special economic zones outside the country.

“Australians either don’t know anything about this, or they’re not going to participate. They were happy to tie the economy to China, but now that China’s going to really expand they’re not participating because the concept is either too big or too foreign.”

She ends with a warning. “If you’re really tied to China’s economy you will be walking down the One Belt, One Road with them. That’s where you’ll have to go.”

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