

US Election: So many scandals and only one vote

Tampa, Florida: This is simply outrageous. That's it. I'm done with Hillary Clinton. Whatta crook.

Crook? What did she do?

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Beats me, but Donald Trump, that titan of integrity, says all those emails on Huma Abedin's computer clearly prove dastardliness is afoot, so it must be true.

Wow! What do they say?

I have no idea, but like Trump says, it if it looks like a Hillary and talks like a Hillary, it must be an indictment-in-waiting. That's why I'm all-in for Donald J. Trump.

But wait. What about all those stories about how Trump finagled the tax code to avoid paying millions of dollars to the Internal Revenue Service when he wrote off bazillions of dollars in bad debt by claiming other investors' money as a loss, instead of declaring it as taxable income?


You're absolutely right. I'm furious. There is no way I could possibly vote for that conniving huckster. Hillary, here I come. I'm all yours, sweetheart. Ever onward to victory.

But wait. Aren't you just a little bit alarmed over reports detailing how Bill Clinton essentially used the Clinton Foundation to hustle donors for multimillion-dollar speaking and consulting contracts? Turns out, this guy was Irwin Mainway peddling Bag-O-Alms.

Hard choice? Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton
Hard choice? Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton 

That's disgusting. Clearly I'm throwing my lot in with Donald Trump to make America quake again. Donald, my man! It's my final decision. No turning back now.

But wait. Have you forgotten Trump's insulting comments about women, Muslims, Mexicans, Gold Star families, prisoners of war and people with disabilities with the possible exception of the Dominican Nuns of America, who he probably regards as a two, at best?

A supporter holds up a mask representing Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton before a rally with ...
A supporter holds up a mask representing Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton before a rally with Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump. Photo: AP

I've never been more offended in my life. There's no way we can let this man anywhere near the White House. It's time to take a principled stand. And that's why the only clear choice on Election Day is Hillary Clinton. In fact I'm going out right now to buy my wife a pantsuit as a show of solidarity.

But wait. Let's not lose sight of Benghazi, the private server, the scandal over all those earlier mails and the rumors Hillary is closer to death's door than Old Yeller.

A person wearing a Hillary Clinton mask and holding a Donald Trump effigy stands outside a rally with the Republican ...
A person wearing a Hillary Clinton mask and holding a Donald Trump effigy stands outside a rally with the Republican presidential candidate. Photo: AP

What was I thinking?!?! The arrogant gall of it all. I'm beside myself with annoyance. How could I possibly cast a vote for such a careless, irresponsible, dreadful person? Trump is the only possible alternative to lead this wonderful country. If there is anything I value, it's loyalty. Trump, no question about it.

But wait. In recent days various news reports have hinted at a shadowy back-channel relationship between the Trump Organization and a Russian bank. The FBI has been looking into ties between former Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort and his consulting work with all manner of tyrants, despots and kleptocrats around the world. And let us not forget Donald Trump gets a tingle down his leg at the mere mention of the object of his bromance, Vladimir Putin. Good grief, this is a chap who watches reruns of Dr Strangelove to learn about foreign policy.

Hillary Clinton.
Hillary Clinton. Photo: AP

We're doomed! Could Trump be any more utterly shameless! As you know, I've been with the visionary Hillary Clinton from day one, no need to change my mind now. Let's shatter that class ceiling!

But wait. You do realise if Hillary Clinton is elected Bill gets to come along? And that we are probably in for at least four years of "What did he do now?" Not to mention all the conflicts of interest and old scandals given new life, at least among the right-wing chattering teeth classes?

Donald Trump enthusiastically greeted the explosive return of Hillary Clinton's private email server to the presidential ...
Donald Trump enthusiastically greeted the explosive return of Hillary Clinton's private email server to the presidential race. Photo: Bloomberg

Oh dear. Who needs that? I had been trying to forget. Four years of Jersey Shore meets the Beltway? That's why I've said consistently that Donald Trump is the Big Apple of my eye. Let's do this thing.

But wait. Have you overlooked Trump on that Access Hollywood tape talking about women and saying he wanted to ... ?

I know, I know. You're right. Do we really want a president you couldn't trust to be left alone in a room with Queen Elizabeth? Well, that does it for me. Hillary, yes, a thousand times yes, Hillary.

But wait. How do you feel about Hillary Clinton refusing to release transcripts of her soft-soap speeches to Wall Street big shots for which she received hundreds of thousands of dollars for big fat, sloppy air kisses?

That's true. Then again Trump still refuses to release his tax returns, which everyone suspects will show he paid less in taxes than the Joad family. What am I supposed to do?

One potato, two potato?

Daniel Ruth is a Tampa Bay Times columnist.
