
The Luddites: machine-breaking in regency England

Cartoon depicting the fictional Luddite leader Ned Ludd

A historical overview and analysis of the Luddite movement 1811-1816 which swept parts of the UK as workers smashed machines to defend their jobs, pay and conditions.

A new world in our hearts: the faces of Spanish anarchism

CNT members in Valencia, 1978

Book published in 1978 by Cienfuegos Press, edited by Albert Meltzer, giving an overview of the anarchist movement in Spain following the death of dictator General Franco.

Antifascism: Instrument Of Capitalism

Here is a very draft translation from Spanish of text published in the second issue of the review "Ellos No Pueden Parar La Revuelta". If somebody could help me in proofreading, (s)he would be welcomed.

La du Oktobroj: Petro Arĉinof

Eseo sur la temo de la Oktobro Rusa Revolucio, kaj la kontraŭrevolucian rolon de la bolŝevisto partio.

Olympism and fascism

Excerpt from the book “The Olympic Deceit of The ‘Divine Baron’ – Pierre de Coubertin” by Ljubodrag Simonović

The May 18 Gwangju democratic uprising

Demonstrators gather in central Gwangju

A detailed account of the May 18 popular uprising in Gwangju, South Korea, against the dictatorship's declaration of martial law and for workers' rights in 1980.

La Meksikano Felipe Rivera: Jack London

Rankonto pri la vivo de Felipe Rivera, la Meksikano boksisto kaj revolucia. Skribis per Jack London en 1911 (eldonis en 1913).

La Kolektivigoj en Katalunio (1936-1939)

Eseo de Antoni Castells Duran pri la kolektivigoj en Katalunio okazigitaj inter la jaroj 1936 kaj 1939.

Laboristaj Olimpikaj Ludoj: Jakvo Schram

Artikolo de Jakvo Schram pri sporta evento kiu devus esti okazinta la jaron 1936 en Barcelono.

Sport as the religion of capitalism

An interview with Ljubodrag Simonoviç, author of The Philosophy of Olympism. Sport is central to his critique of capitalism.