States are making it a lot harder for transgender people to vote

Strict voter ID laws don’t target trans people. But they can hurt trans people the most.

Lawyers are offering to defend Trump’s sexual assault accusers for free

But Trump’s lawsuit threats are still intimidating to women who might consider coming forward.

Someone shot 30 holes in the Emmett Till memorial. The sentiment behind that is normal in politics.

Incidents of vandalism like this are "a low-risk outlet for racism."

Racial justice groups sue feds for monitoring activists in the movement for black lives

Surveillance has been one of the federal government’s longstanding intimidation tactics.

6 charts that will change how you think about sexual assault in America

More people are sexually assaulted in the US each year than the entire population of Vermont.

Congress member defends Trump: “sometimes a lady needs to be told when she’s being nasty”

"Genteel" sexism can really be the worst.

A New York Giants player admitted to abusing his wife. The team re-signed him anyway.

Did the team’s owner just suggest there’s an acceptable level of domestic violence?

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  2. How Pepe the frog and Dilbert explain the culture wars of the 2016 election, in one comic

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  4. 21 maps and charts that will change how you think about the election

  5. Teaching evolution in the South: an educator on the “war for science literacy"

Trump is an abnormal candidate. But his lies about abortion are very normal.

The abortion wars in America are a battle between fantasy and reality.

How the “Grab Her by the Brain” campaign tried and failed to advocate for women

How about not grabbing women at all?

Donald Trump’s “inner city” has nothing to do with where black people live

The "inner city" is another example of Trump’s dog whistle politicking.

“All the black and brown people have to leave”: Trump’s scary impact on how kids think

Children have picked up on all the racist rhetoric.

Why Donald Trump says “the” before “African Americans” and “Latinos”

A linguist calls it “the key to othering.”

Trump’s solution for “the African Americans” is useless and unconstitutional

The only thing he’s actually talked about is stop and frisk.