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So Brexit is still probably going to happen but maybe not? Also there's a presidential election happening, and a baseball team won a baseball event.
What happens to a Brexit deferred
- Remember Brexit? It's still probably happening. But it might not happen! [UK High Court]
- The UK High Court has ruled that the country can't move forward with withdrawal without a full vote of Parliament. The decision is being appealed to the Supreme Court, which will likely rule in December. [NYT / Stephen Castle and Steven Erlanger]
- If the ruling holds, that sets up a major battle in Parliament. Most MPs opposed Brexit before the vote, after all, but overturning a direct vote of the people is another thing entirely. [Vox / Zack Beauchamp]
- It's unlikely that Parliament will refuse to go through with Brexit, full stop. But what it could do is demand terms for Brexit that are hard for the government to achieve, like a commitment that Britain could stay in the European Common Market (which EU officials have suggested Britain could be forced out of). [FT / Jolyon Maugham]
- That would delay the process, and maybe set up either a second referendum or a general election that becomes a de facto second referendum and leads the whole process to be scuttled. Exit is still more likely than not, but it got a whole lot less likely with the court ruling. [Marginal Revolution / Tyler Cowen]
- Reminder: Brexit is a disastrous, mind-boggling policy decision that will reduce British GDP by 5 to 10 percent and is already creating a toxic climate of xenophobia that will materially hurt immigrants in the UK. [Times of London / Sam Coates and Oliver Wright]
So it might be a good time for anti-Brexit MPs thinking about voting to go through with it to reread their Weber and think about what adopting an ethic of responsibility really means. [Max Weber]
The long, slow death march to Tuesday
- Just four more days until Election Day. Just four more days until Election Day. Just five more days until it's all over.
- In the final runup, it looks like polls might be tightening a smidge. In New Hampshire specifically, Democrats have been getting some bad news. [Vox / Andrew Prokop]
- Then again, actual early voting seems to be going well for Hillary Clinton, especially in Nevada, where veteran political journalist Jon Ralston concludes, "if Clinton holds her base here (data I have seen shows she is, and minority turnout is going up) and turnout patterns don't dramatically shift in the last two days of early voting, she can't lose Nevada." [Vox / Matthew Yglesias]
- One thing not to worry about: "shy" Trump voters, who don't appear to be a major factor, according to new research from Morning Consult comparing responses to phone and online polls. [Politico / Steven Shepard]
- And in general, don't freak out about polling swings. Most people don't change their minds much during campaigns, and swings are more about changes in who responds to polls than changes in actual public opinion. [YouGov / Ben Lauderdale and Douglas Rivers]
- In particular, don't expect new damning stories from now to the election to have a huge effect, unless they are like "Donald Trump is in fact the Zodiac killer and has been framing Ted Cruz all along." That being said, this story showing that Trump is probably lying about his income is indeed quite damning. [NYT / Russ Buettner]
- Meanwhile, at an event Thursday, Melania Trump expressed concern that people are being too mean on social media. Oh, do tell! [Vox / Tara Golshan]
Cubs in seven
- On Wednesday night, the baseball team with the longest championship drought in MLB history (the Chicago Cubs) defeated the team with the second-longest drought (the Cleveland Indians) in 10 innings. [NYT / Billy Witz]
- If you missed the game, it was pretty exciting stuff. While at one point the Cubs were up 5-1, the Indians had clawed back to a tie (in part thanks to a two-run homer) by the end of the ninth. There were tons of places the Cubs could've blown it, but they didn't. [SB Nation / Grant Brisbee]
- If you've ever wanted to see photos of Chicago native and Cubs fan since childhood Hillary Clinton looking just absurdly happy, this was the occasion for that. [Jezebel / Joanna Rothkopf]
- Other major winners: Bill Murray, John Cusack, Nick Offerman, Chris Hayes, Nick Miller, and, most importantly, retired Justice John Paul Stevens, who is 96 years old, went to his first Cubs game in 1929, and still had never seen his team win a championship before. [National Law Journal / Marcia Coyle]
- This is as good a time as any to read John Darnielle of the Mountain Goats reminiscing about his classic 1995 song "Cubs in Five." [Slate / John Darnielle]
- It's also a good time for the losing team to maybe consider changing its name and logo to something that isn't ridiculously racist. [Vox / Victoria Massie]
- German officials report that applications for citizenship from British descendants of Jews who fled the Nazis are up twentyfold after the Brexit vote. [The Guardian / Kate Connolly]
- California could be about to end the death penalty. Many death penalty inmates don't want that to happen. [Mother Jones / Brandon Ellington Patterson]
- A Keurig coffeemaker, but for cookies. Yes, the cookie pods are proprietary and expensive. No, it is not clear why this is better than just buying cookie dough. [The Verge / Ashley Carman]
- If you have Hulu Plus, you're losing access to the Criterion Collection in a little over a week. Here's what you should watch before then. [NY Mag / Andrew Lapin]
- Cat meows, explained. [BBC Earth]
- "That's the thing about 'death positivity'—it's not about wanting to die, looking forward to dying, or fantasizing when and where and how it'll happen. It's about feeling better about death in order to feel better about living." [Marie Claire / Jen Ortiz]
- "'I'll have no man telling me to shave my fuckin’ legs. Shave yours." [Adele to Vanity Fair / Lisa Robinson]
- "When I was a doctor at L.A. County hospital in 1986, my predecessors who’d trained there told me the septic abortion ward at that hospital was a 20-bed, U-shaped ward, and they had two private rooms. These private rooms were there so women could be alone with their families as they died from complications of illegal abortions, and those rooms were always full." [Cosmopolitan / Hannah Smothers]
- "The shoppers’ main complaint is that, although it is still possible to leave tips via Instacart’s platform, the tip feature is now hard to find, and customers, who were never explicitly told about the change, don’t realize they’re no longer leaving tips. Donovan called the move 'knavish subterfuge.'" [BuzzFeed / Caroline O'Donovan]
- "Philippe Reines, a 34-year-old Democrat who works on Capitol Hill (and who coined the term 'blirting,' for BlackBerry flirting), said he went through severe withdrawal after finding that Martha's Vineyard lacked BlackBerry reception. Mr. Reines wandered around the Vineyard for days looking for spots of coverage before begging an airline employee to take his BlackBerry on a round trip to the mainland, where it could send and receive messages." [NYT / Jennifer 8. Lee]
Watch this: An American Muslim comedian on being typecast as a terrorist
Ahmed Ahmed explains the challenges that are specific to a Muslim American comedian. [YouTube / Joshua Seftel]