Bangladeshi spectators celebrate their victory over England in the second cricket test match in Dhaka, Bangladesh, Sunday, Oct. 30, 2016. (AP Photo/A.M. Ahad)

Party time as Bangladesh revel in Poms torment

THOUSANDS of people took to the streets as a teenage spinner lifted Bangladesh to a momentous Test cricket victory over England.

Proteas spearhead Steyn gunning for Smith wicket

RUTHLESS South Africa spearhead Dale Steyn is headhunting Steve Smith as his trophy wicket on what will be his farewell Australian tour.

Cricket Insight: How Aussie teen spun out Proteas skipper

Insight: How Aussie teen spun out Proteas skipper

FAF du Plessis has faced the best bowlers on the planet, and bested most. So how did an 18-year-old Australian spinner outsmart the Proteas’ captain?

First Epic scenes as rookie floors Poms

Epic scenes as rookie floors Poms

ENGLAND suffered a catastrophic collapse at the hands of teen tyro as Bangladesh roared to an emotional and historic victory in their Test match.

Cricket - Australia vs Zimbabwe Test match day 2 at the WACA ground in Perth. Australian batsman Matthew Hayden raises his bat after breaking the world record of 375 runs by hitting 380 10 Oct 2003.

Top venue Greatest moments in WACA Test history

FROM its debut 46 years ago through to last year’s run-fest against the Kiwis, the WACA can be relied on to provide a compelling fixture. Here are 15 of the best.

Strike bowler ‘Bowl fast and intimidate’, Harris tells Starc

RETIRED star Ryan Harris has implored an underdone Mitchell Starc to cast other responsibilities aside and focus on intimidation against South Africa.

Confession Boof admits he should have listened to Simmo

ALMOST three decades after he could not stand the sight of Australian coach Bob Simpson, Darren Lehmann has a confession to make.

Underperforming Marsh not feeling the selection heat

MITCHELL Marsh has vowed to not let the unprecedented heat on his Test future ruin a cherished family milestone this week at the WACA.

Vital experience Hazlewood backs Siddle for WACA

JOSH Hazlewood has called on selectors to back the old hard head of Peter Siddle when Australia goes to battle with South Africa on Thursday at the WACA.

Shock revelation Cricketer reveals he considered suicide

FORMER Test cricketer Brad Hogg has revealed he contemplated suicide after the breakdown of his first marriage.

Trouble Ball isn’t pretty in pink: Warner

IT’S the ball that is supposed to save Test cricket but David Warner isn’t convinced that the pink rock is the answer.

Big score Lanning smashes women’s domestic record

AUSTRALIAN captain Meg Lanning has broken her own Australian women’s domestic cricket record for the highest individual score, smashing 190 against Tasmania off just 153 balls.