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Updated November 4, 2016 - 12:43 AM EDT
Rebel Groups Fight Each Other in Syria's Aleppo
  Syrian Kurds Warn US: Turkey Can't Be Involved in Raqqa Invasion
  Rebels Escalate Attacks on Western Aleppo, Killing 12 Civilians
Iraq PM Threatens War Over Turk Military Buildup
  ISIS Leader Confident in Mosul Defense, Rules Out Retreat
  Pentagon: No Plan 'So Far' for US Troops to Enter Mosul
Saudis Quietly Backing UN Peace Plan for Yemen
  Saudi Arabia Employing 14 Lobby Firms as It Fights 9/11 Law
US Strikes Kill 30 Afghan Civilians After 2 US Troops Killed
Assange: WikiLeaks Didn't Get Emails From Russian Govt
Hillary Clinton and the Neocons  by John Feffer
Duterte vs. Washington's Cold War System  by Walden Bello
Hillary Clinton's Selective Moral Outrage  by Will Porter
Will President Trump Free Julian Assange?  by Justin Raimondo
Last Stand for ISIS?  by Eric Margolis
Turkey and the Next War  by Philip Giraldi

More Viewpoints

WikiLeaks: Podesta Agrees Sanders Needs to Be 'Ground to a Pulp'
Afghan Report Slams 'Gross Miscarriages of Justice' at Guantanamo
NATO: Montenegro Membership Certain Despite Russia Objection
Court Tells UK Government Brexit Start Requires Lawmakers' Approval
Residents Flee Eastern Mosul; 69 Killed in Iraq
Iraqis Fear 'Bloodshed Will Continue' After Mosul if Sectarian Tensions Aren't Addressed
Mosul's Christian Exiles Have Little Hope of Return
New Zealand Troops Expanding Their Presence in Iraq After Govt Approves New Base for Training
Iraqi Commander Predicts ISIS Withdrawal to Western Mosul
1,700 Soldiers From Fort Bragg Will Deploy to Iraq
12 Dead, 200 Hurt in Aleppo Rebel Fire: State Media
Syria Rebels Renew Aleppo Attack Before Russia Ceasefire
Rebels Step Up Aleppo Offensive With Three Car Bombs
Russia, US Discuss Flight Safety Over Syria: Agencies
Russian Helicopter Downed in Syria: Agencies Quoting Russia's Defense Ministry
Turkey Pro-Kurdish Leader Selahattin Demirtas Detained
Greek Justice Studying Extradition of Turkish 'Coup Officers'
Turkey Threatens to Kill EU Refugee Deal Over Visa Restrictions
Turkey's Erdogan Says Germany Has Become 'Haven for Terrorists'
Jerusalem Approves Construction of 181 Housing Units Beyond the Green Line
Palestinian Tries to Stab Soldier in West Bank, Shot Dead: Army
Three Palestinians Arrested for Molotov Cocktail Attack
Middle East
Yemen: The Man Who Lost 27 Family Members in an Air Strike
The Billion-Dollar Gold Rush to Tap Into Iranian Oil
Saudi Activist on Hunger Strike in Jail: Rights Group
Hezbollah Abstains From Naming Hariri for Lebanon PM
Philippines President Duterte Suggests Asking Russia for Weapons After US Block Rifle Sale
Rodrigo Duterte Plays US and China Off Each Other, in Echo of Cold War
Philippine President Meets Rebel Leader After Arrest Warrant Lifted
Afghan Officials: Blast Kills Nine People on Way to Wedding
Pakistan Accuses India of Running Islamabad 'Spy Ring'
Insurgent Bomb and Gun Attacks Kill Three in Southern Thailand
The War at Home
Fighter Jet Accidentally Drops Training Bombs on Michigan
FBI Launches Internal Probe Into Its Own Twitter Account
Lightning Strike Brought Down Predator Drone Over Iraq: Report
Pentagon Chief Draws Fire Over 'Dangerous' Plan to Relax Military Recruiting Standards
Navy's LCS Montgomery Sustains Second Hull Crack in a Month
Russia in U-Turn After Evicting Amnesty From Moscow Office
Vladimir Putin Grants Russian Citizenship to Steven Seagal
Demonstrators in London Protest Aleppo Attacks
UK Military Officials Accused of Using Stasi-Like Tactics Against 'Whistleblower'
Serbia Hosts Joint Military Exercises With Russia
Syrian Held in Germany Got ISIS Instructions for Attack: Prosecutors
Ukraine's Military Wants Hololens Helmets for Its Tank Commanders
Spanish Civil War: Majorca Digs for Lost Victims
Amnesty Says Italy Abused Migrants Under EU Pressure
Albania Passes Law to Launch Judicial Reforms Key to EU Bid
After Calais, France Prepares to Clear Migrant Camp in Paris
UN Says 240 Migrants Drowned Off Libyan Coast on Wednesday
Libya Oil: Troubles Are Not Ending
South Sudan
Kenya Accuses UN of Targeting General Fired in South Sudan
UN Says It Values Kenya's Troop Presence in South Sudan
Violence and Political Pressure Anger Nigeria's Shi'ites
Western Sahara Standoff Fuels Tensions, Diplomatic Scramble
Four High School Students Killed in Mexico
Body Left Hanging on Bridge in Mexico's Tijuana
Venezuela Opposition Gives Maduro Until Nov. 11 to Meet Demands
Court Says Canada Spy Agency Illegally Kept Data
Quebec Inquiry Into Police Surveillance of Journalists
Read more

Justin Raimondo
Will President Trump Free Julian Assange?

Ivan Eland
'With Friends Like Theseā€¦'

Lucy Steigerwald
Yes, Obama, the Next President Will Drone People

Ran HaCohen
Peres' Disputed Funeral

Sheldon Richman
Shimon Peres and the 9/11 Attacks

Dan Sanchez
Do Orcs Love Their Children Too?

Nebojsa Malic
Biden in Belgrade: A Trip Down NATO-Invasion Memory Lane

David R. Henderson
Questioning the Powerful

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