

Waiting for the US presidential election inside Guantanamo Bay

Guarntanamo Bay: At the detainee library recently, the Army captain in charge divulged that he had ordered Season 4 of Desperate Housewives after a detainee wrecked the collection's DVDs of seasons 1-3.

Three stops later in the monthly media tour, the man who serves as warden explained why. The destructive detainee was a fan of the show and "disappointed that the new ones hadn't come in," said Army Colonel Stephen Gabavics.

This was the last media opportunity inside the Detention Centre Zone before the US presidential election. It seems a lifetime ago that the current commander in chief was elected in 2009, bringing with him the promise of closing the camp for good.

Ordering season 4 of Desperate Housewives for the 35,000-item detention centre library is the least of it.

The skeletal structure of a $US12.4 million dining hall – for the exclusive use of hundreds of staff assigned to the prison that today holds 60 captives – is rising not far from the commander's eavesdrop, along with hurricane-proof headquarters that opened in 2004 at a cost of $US13.5 million. 

Elsewhere, contractors are remodelling a cell block at an empty state-of-the-art, 100-cell prison building, Camp 5, which will become a new multi-million dollar health clinic and psychiatric ward to serve fewer than four dozen prisoners.


"We are planning for closure. That's the direction we're given," the Detention Centre Zone commander, Rear Admiral Peter Clarke, told five reporters representing news outlets from China, Germany, Spain and the US. 

Yet he also made a pitch to build new barracks even as he plans to cut three military police companies from his guard force by year's end, shrinking his staff to 1,600. 

"I think it's my professional responsibility to continue to look at what we can, should and must do if we're going to be here for an extended period of time," he said.

Unprodded, the submariner says his staff is forseeing detention operations "10 years from now."

The commander's cultural adviser, a Jordanian-American Muslim man known to the captives as Zaki, says the detainees are more interested in the American presidential campaign than the World Series. But nobody will hazard a guess about who the 60 foreign captives from 13 nations favour.

As secretary of state, Hillary Clinton was a strong supporter of Mr Obama's failed closure plan, which cut down the detainee population to a fourth of the approximately 240 captives who were left there after the administration of George W. Bush released or repatriated about 540 war-on-terror prisoners. Her Republican opponent, Donald Trump, has vowed to "load it up with some bad dudes."

"They watched all three debates," says Zaki, some in the original English on Iran's Press TV and others through Arabic translation on Lebanon's Al-Mayadeen satellite channel. Both are subscription-free channels available in the communal cell blocks. He predicts that on election night, "they'll watch it live."

Camp 7, the secret super-max-style lock-up of 15 former CIA captives – six awaiting death penalty trials for al-Qaeda's USS Cole and September 11 attacks – is not up for discussion.

But for the captives who arrived here mostly from 2002 to 2004, the command staff is brainstorming quality-of-life improvements that, in some instances, seem to take a page from the Geneva Conventions.

Col. Gabavics, the warden, is exploring whether the prison can provide "aquaponics" to the captives who live in communal confinement. Gardening efforts through the years have failed at the searing seafront property. These days, the only thing the captives have succeeded in growing is mint, a taste of home for their tea, planted in a recreation yard that reporters are not allowed to see.

Commanders are also discussing whether they can set up a commissary – under the Geneva Conventions prisoners of war are entitled to a canteen – where cooperative captives could trade points earned for good behaviour for personal hygiene products, rather than take prison-issue basics.

It's just an idea. No action officer has given Admiral Clarke a report yet. But the commissary would let captives trade points earned for good behaviour for choices in toothpaste, deodorant and soap, he says.

What the knot of international reporters did get to see was Saturday night prayer. Groups of captives in hospital-style uniforms could be seen through one-way glass standing hip-to-hip in a communal ritual carried out across several cell blocks.

But not in Hotel Block. There, two Army guards occupied the common area meant for communal activities. Locked inside one of the cells was Ali Hamza al-Bahlul – the prison's lone convict, serving life for conspiring with al-Qaeda as Osama bin Laden's media aide.

The prison visit came two weeks after Hurricane Matthew brushed past, causing no meaningful damage to the base but devastating a western portion of Haiti.

On the base, the commander sent 717 family members plus several dozen pets to safe haven in Pensacola, just in case. And at the prison, troops moved the 15 former CIA captives from Camp 7 to a secret hurricane shelter that nobody would describe, and unplugged the satellite dishes used by the other 45 detainees in Camp 6, a 200-cell state-of-the-art building. "There was no appreciable damage to any of our camps," said Admiral Clarke, responding tersely to a question about whether he had to get the CIA's permission to move the men. 

"The Department of Defence operates all the detention facilities here."

For the 45 run-of-the-mill detainees of Camp 6, that meant issuing them pork-free rations, and locking down each man in his cell until the storm passed. Just in case.

Zaki said the "shelter in place," as the military called it, went smoothly – no complaints from the captives, who were briefed on the progress of the storm.

But it's an account that can't be verified since even now – 14 years into their detention – reporters are still not allowed to speak with captives.

For the storm, most troops evacuated the Detention Centre Zone to shelter at the base gym or ballroom. The few guards who were necessary to manage the 45 captives of Camp 6 slept in an empty block, their cell doors unlocked.
