Federal Politics

Pauline Hanson goes to ground amid Rodney Culleton High Court challenge and One Nation unity test

Firebrand One Nation leader Pauline Hanson has gone to ground amid a push to oust West Australian senator Rod Culleton from Parliament and fresh warnings the resurgent party could come unstuck by its own ineffective vetting.

As the party awaits legal advice about the Coalition's plans to refer the businessman's election to the High Court as soon as Monday, One Nation faces the first major test of unity among its bloc of four senators. 

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In his unique style, One Nation Senator Rod Culleton responds to news his election win will be challenged in the High Court. Courtesy ABC News 24.

Senator Culleton even raised the prospect he would quit of his own volition - if his colleagues determined it was in the party's best interest. Questions also remained about whether the rookie senator would keep his commitment not to vote on any bills while the challenge was underway. 

Calls to Senator Hanson and One Nation figures in three states went unanswered on Thursday afternoon as Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull rejected suggestions the July 2 double dissolution had brought chaos to Canberra.  

Senator Pauline Hanson's One Nation party is seeking legal advice on the push to oust Rod Culleton.
Senator Pauline Hanson's One Nation party is seeking legal advice on the push to oust Rod Culleton. Photo: Alex Ellinghausen

"The Senate will continue," Mr Turnbull said in Sydney. 

"The reality is that issues of the eligibility of senators - and indeed members of the House of Representatives - have been considered by the courts from time to time, in fact quite regularly over the years."


He called for the High Court to quickly deal with Senator Culleton's case, and a challenge to the eligibility of former Family First senator Bob Day, as soon as possible, describing the facts of Senator Culleton's larceny conviction as very clear.

On Thursday, Senator Culleton evaded waiting journalists in Perth outside a creditors' meeting into the collapse of his company Elite Grains, which owes $6.1 million.

Senator Rod Culleton faces the music in Perth on Wednesday.
Senator Rod Culleton faces the music in Perth on Wednesday. Photo: Stefan Gosatti

A report to creditors by liquidators PPB Advisory has told creditors there is "no prospect" people will get their money back.

The ANZ is believed to be the biggest creditor, owed $4.3 million, while the Tax Office is owed $231,000.

Senator Hanson with her former adviser John Pasquarelli.
Senator Hanson with her former adviser John Pasquarelli. Photo: Mike Bowers

Senator Culleton became agitated before the meeting when approached by Fairfax Media for comment.

He verbally lashed out, demanding to see a reporter's camera and claiming his photograph had been taken illegally.

Senator Culleton said repeatedly his photograph wasn't allowed to be taken in a public place, before his chief of staff, Margaret Menzel, stepped in to calm him down.

In a statement on Thursday night, Senator Hanson said she had been briefed on the case. But the statement pointedly lacked a strong defence of Senator Culleton. 

"This is not an easy time for Rodney and his family and I have encouraged him to make an informed decision on his future," Senator Hanson said.

She said Senator Culleton could take a leave of absence or vote as normal on divisions in the Senate while the High Court case was under way. 

Senator Hanson's one-time adviser John Pasquarelli told Fairfax Media her party was repeating the mistakes of its 1990s rise and fall, with ineffective vetting of candidates causing inevitable legal strife.

"I'm predicting Pauline will win eight, 10 or 12 state seats in Queensland next year but then we've got to wait and see what the MPs turn out to be like," he said. 

"Who has she got with her that can screen candidates properly? At the moment I can't see anyone with her who has that experience." 

The author of the explosive 1996 maiden speech that shot the fish and chip shop owner to fame, Mr Pasquarelli said the party would be recalling the expulsion of Queensland senator Heather Hill in 1999 because of her dual-UK Australian citizenship.

​"Pauline is picking up votes literally every day so it is going to be a great shame if that is squandered like it was last time," he said. 

This week One Nation registered for next year's Western Australia election, with Senator Hanson warning the major parties of a coming resurgence in a state where she attracted record support in 2001 and played a critical role in the downfall of Liberal premier Richard Court. 

One Nation candidates are expected to run in both houses in the March poll. 

With Brendan Foster

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