Frank Conniff
Writer, Comedian, TV's Frank
This is an actual thing. My first book, Twenty Five Mystery Science Theater 3000 Films That Changed My Life in No Way Whatsoever, with cover art by the great Len Peralta, will be available for purchase in paperback and as an e-book at Amazon and...

This is an actual thing. My first book, Twenty Five Mystery Science Theater 3000 Films That Changed My Life in No Way Whatsoever, with cover art by the great Len Peralta, will be available for purchase in paperback and as an e-book at Amazon and Kindle very soon. I will also be signing copies at Dragon-Con in Atlanta over Labor Day weekend. It’s a book of absurd essays and if you’re an MST3K fan, or just a fan of obscure references, I think you’ll enjoy it. Coming soon!

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