Her car
media_cameraHer car

CFMEU's Labor minister gets members to pay her bills

This is absolutely astonishing from a Labor politician - and CFMEU pick - who supposedly represents the working man and woman. She's having Labor members pay her bills, now? No wonder the Premier asked her to walk, but what of the culture of Queensland Labor?

Queensland Agriculture Minister Leanne Donaldson has resigned from Cabinet following a day of mounting revelations about her personal finances.

Ms Donaldson this morning apologised to the Bundaberg City Council and the people of her electorate, and said an outstanding council rates debt of almost $8,000 was paid on Wednesday.

The Queensland branch of the ALP settled the account.

Ms Donaldson said she would pay back the money to the party next week.

In Parliament, Ms Donaldson also admitted she had missed some mortgage payments two years ago...

As a minister, Ms Donaldson earns an annual salary of $321,713.

But in a statement, Ms Donaldson said due to personal circumstances she was unable to personally pay the rates bill.

On Thursday night she also admitted she had not paid her registration on time and drove after the registration expired.


As her rates bill was accruing, Ms Donaldson appeared in her local paper, the Bundaberg News Mail, proudly showing off the 1973 Torana she had just restored. “I’ve tried to restore it in the original condition with the factory GMH paint,” she told the newspaper in May. “I picked the paint, I bought the wheels and I bought nearly all the new parts that are on the car.”

It all now makes sense:

A senior Labor source said Ms Donaldson, a member of the Left faction, was promoted to the ministry in a junior role last year in a bid to ensure ­adequate CFMEU representation around the cabinet table following the resignation of former police minister Jo-Ann Miller. She is a member of the CFMEU’s construction arm while Ms Miller is a member of the mining arm. The revelations have caused more friction ­between the Left and Right within Labor’s parliamentary wing.

Isn't Labor lovely? Isn't its relationship with the CFMEU wonderful?