
Mark Kenny

Mark Kenny is Fairfax Media's chief political correspondent. A director of the National Press Club, he regularly appears on the ABC's Insiders, Sky News Agenda, and Ten's Meet the Press. He has reported from Canberra under three prime ministers and several opposition leaders.

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull speaks during the Summit for Refugees and Migrants at UN headquarters.

A non-idiot abroad: Malcolm Turnbull presents an Australian story

An increasingly sure-footed Malcolm Turnbull spent last week in New York and Washington jawboning legislators about two complicated challenges nipping at the sovereignty of the modern nation state and its collective conscience: protectionism and irregular migration.

Senator David Leyonhjelm is challenging an article published by Fairfax.

Angry white men talk tough but fight with hypocrisy

A tough-talking libertarian, born into the most advantaged cohort in western society, being a highly educated white middle-class male, and a member of the governing class no less, has scurried to the apron strings of the state because he has had his feelings hurt.

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull needs to sell his innovation plan to Australians.

Turnbull's best chance for a stable government

All the signs are that an enlarged right-wing cross bench will create new tensions, dragging Turnbull's party in unhelpful directions, and emboldening hardline conservatives to re-litigate the case to scrap section 18c, and argue about climate change science.