

Crowds bite back at savage response to Duncan Storrar's simple Q&A; question

The lives of the poor are hard. They are all too often short, nasty and complicated. For struggling truck driver turned national piñata, Duncan Storrar, this last, short week has been about as nasty and complicated as ordinary lives can be. Brutish, too. A short, nasty and brutish passage he will no doubt be happy to leave behind. Hopefully, he enjoys the money, just over sixty grand, from a Go Fund Me campaign set up by a sympathiser and generously supported by a couple of thousand punters.

I doubt he'd consider it a fair payday for the mess we have made of his already difficult life.

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Audience member Duncan Storrar stole the Q&A; show, while Kelly O'€™Dwyer was keen to extol the virtues of expensive toasters for small businesses. Vision: ABC.

To recap. Storrar had fame thrust upon him when he embarrassed the Assistant Treasurer Kelly O'Dwyer on Q&A; last week. He didn't so much then go on to embarrass Innes Willox, the Chief Executive of the Australian Industry Group, as Innes Willox decided to embarrass himself.

It was a brief exchange in which Storrar, without even trying, got the better of his betters by speaking a few simple truths about the realities of being poor, to which they responded with garbled nonsense (O'Dwyer) and lofty contempt (Willox).

Duncan Storrar on the Q&A panel.
Duncan Storrar on the Q&A; panel.  Photo: ABC

What happened next was fascinating and awful. His 'critics' did not refute Storrar's main point that a rise in the tax free threshold can change the daily life of a poor person. Probably because it's irrefutable. Nor did they take up O'Dwyer's bungled defence of a tax cut for the rich over the poor - which might even be defensible if you're arguing from deep inside the closed loop of neo-liberal economics. Nope. They just pulled on the jackboots and kicked forty-seven flavours of shit out of an impoverished, uneducated man who'd done nothing more than ask a simple but surprisingly difficult question.

The savagery of the media assault on Duncan Storrar, almost entirely the work of the Murdoch press, was sickening to behold. It was, to quote from Jennifer Wilson (@noplaceforsheep on Twitter), a "depraved abuse of power". It elicited feelings of deep disgust from many who observed the attack. It was not unlike watching a crippled man set upon by a gang, his attackers huge with steroids and laughing like psychopaths, drunk with the heady liquor of their own violence.


They turned his family against him. They blew up his criminal record. They called him a thug, an egregious hypocrisy coming from these people.

Interestingly, however, as terrible as it must have been for anyone in that family, the destruction of Duncan Storrar did not go exactly to plan. Even as he was defamed, normal people, which is to say not billionaire media barons or lickspittles in the employ of billionaire media barons, continued to offer support and donate to the Go Fund Me campaign set up on his behalf. It really does bear repeating that Storrar never once asked for the money or the attention. People just started throwing tens of thousands of dollars at him via the internet because they were sympathetic or outraged or both.

Duncan Storrar wit his family Jakalah-Rose, Indica and wife Cindy-Lee. Duncan appeared on Q&A with a question about tax ...
Duncan Storrar wit his family Jakalah-Rose, Indica and wife Cindy-Lee. Duncan appeared on Q&A; with a question about tax relief for middle class wage earners and how it was unjust that low income earners didn't receive any tax breaks. Photo: Justin McManus

He had dared to speak a simple truth – not even a particularly radical one. A couple of bucks means a helluva lot more to somebody without a buck to their name. For this, he had to be destroyed, and not simply refuted.


Because if you knock down an argument that threatens privilege and power, you always face the prospect of the argument being refined and returning to vex you. But if you utterly destroy the person who is bold or foolish enough to open their mouths and question you in the first place, you dramatically reduce the chances of anything like that happening again.