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In BC, Caregiving Takes Toll on Finances, Career, Health

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One million British Columbians are caring for friends or family — and paying a price because of inadequate supports. Read more »

By Linda Givetash, Today


Bill C-51 protest

Curbs Needed on Sweeping Powers to Spy on Canadians

Fourth in a series to help you participate in the federal consultation on national security.

By Micheal Vonn, Today



Democracy Watch Wants Conflict Decision on Premier’s Fundraising Overturned

Advocacy group files petition for review by BC Supreme Court.

By Andrew MacLeod, Yesterday



Recalling 1980s Vancouver, When Radical Activists Took Up Arms

A Q&A; with historian Eryk Martin, on the legacy of the ‘Vancouver Five.’

By Madeleine de Trenqualye, Yesterday

Recent Stories


'Vote' key
A Tyee Series

Because It’s 2016: Why Can’t We Vote Online?

Canada is cold; don’t make us go outside. Third in a series on bringing government into this century.

By Jeremy J. Nuttall, 28 Oct 2016


ReAddress Demo

‘They’re Angry Because We’re Failing Them’: Cities Share Tensions at Housing Summit

Experts from Toronto, San Francisco, New York say they need help from those up top.

By Christopher Cheung, Today



Have Canadians Discovered 234 Alien Civilizations? And Should We Friend Them?

Signals from space signs of extraterrestrial intelligence, says physicist.

By Crawford Kilian, Yesterday



Liberal MLAs Linked to Killed Maple Ridge Shelter Plan, Documents Reveal

Coleman, BC Housing, council supported motel purchase to reduce homelessness.

By Andrew MacLeod, Yesterday


A Tyee Series

Because It’s 2016: Let’s Drag Access-to-Info Out of the Stone Age

Seriously, I’m writing $5 cheques. Second in a series on bringing government into this century.

By Jeremy J. Nuttall, Yesterday


St. George's private school

The Causes and Consequences of BC’s Private School Growth

It’s fuelled by social and cultural anxieties. And the impacts are considerable.

By Crawford Kilian, 25 Oct 2016


Jessica Ernst

Justice Delayed? Ernst Fracking Case Still Awaits Supreme Court Ruling

Alberta landowner’s complex lawsuit has now lasted nine years in total.

By Andrew Nikiforuk, 25 Oct 2016


Cartoon by Greg Perry

Please Advise! This Halloween, Be a Scary World Event

Put down that inadvisable clown costume and get 2016 political, says spin doc Steve.

By Steve Burgess, 25 Oct 2016


Justin Trudeau in the House of Commons

Eight Ways to Fix Broken Politics in Canada, Without Electoral Reform

System change won’t move non-voters and the cynical. These ideas will.

By Bill Tieleman, 25 Oct 2016



Abandon the Dream Home, This Prof Says. You’ll Be Happier

UBC’s Nathanael Lauster urges city dwellers to shake off their ‘house addiction.’

By Christopher Cheung, 24 Oct 2016



Don’t Be Fooled by Liberal Spin on CETA Deal

On this ‘trade’ pact, they and Conservatives are on the same team.

By Craig Scott, 24 Oct 2016




Trump, Gadhafi, computer utopian idealists... Adam Curtis’s new film tries to make sense of our current cultural moment.

By Dorothy Woodend, 24 Oct 2016


A Tyee Series

Because It’s 2016: Why Do You Still Need to Own Land to Be a Senator?

First in a series on bringing Canada’s government into this century.

By Jeremy J. Nuttall, 24 Oct 2016



CETA Failure Reflects Public Rejection of Sweeping Trade Deals

Don’t blame EU unreasonableness for saying no to bad agreement with Canada.

By Michael Geist, 22 Oct 2016



Trudeau Has More Time for China’s Elites than Us, Rights Group Complains

Visiting billionaires club gets more political access, says the org.

By Jeremy J. Nuttall, 22 Oct 2016



Almost One in Five BC University Students Now International

Critics fear high fees these students pay mask gaps in provincial funding.

By Andrew MacLeod, 21 Oct 2016


Education Minister Mike Bernier

Why Is Government Increasing Funding for Private Special Needs Schools?

Increases renew debate on support for special needs kids in public system.

By Katie Hyslop, 21 Oct 2016


Prime Minister Justin Trudeau

Four Harsh Truths for Canada’s Lovestruck Pipeline Politicians

A reality check for our bitumen-besotted leaders.

By Andrew Nikiforuk, 21 Oct 2016



Electoral Deformed? Things Getting Weird on Committee Studying Reforms, Says NDP

Liberal retreat on promised new voting system would be ‘immoral,’ says MP.

By Jeremy J. Nuttall, 20 Oct 2016



Tyee Poll: So, Do You Still Want Electoral Reform?

Trudeau seems to think you’re less interested, because you’re happy with his government.

20 Oct 2016



An Inevitable Disaster, a Failed Spill Response

Bella Bella spill shows politicians’ promise of ‘world class’ response empty - and always will be.

By Heather Libby , 20 Oct 2016


Baked beans on toast

Why I’m Not Taking the Welfare Food Challenge

With my job and kids, I knew I couldn’t afford to be hungry this week. But I had a choice.

By Trish Garner, 20 Oct 2016


Prime Minister Justin Trudeau

Why Trudeau Must Honour Electoral Reform Promise

Canadians want fairer elections, and proportional representation is the solution, says Fair Vote Canada.

By Kelly Carmichael, 20 Oct 2016



BC NDP Vows $10-a-Day Child Care: ‘It Pays for Itself Over Time’

Horgan makes election pledge, declines to offer details on timeline, cost.

By Andrew MacLeod, 19 Oct 2016



A Life and Death Relationship ‘Built Entirely on Trust’

Author Deborah Campbell on the riskiest journalism job you never hear about, Syrians struggling here, and more.

By David Beers, 19 Oct 2016



Start of a Friendship: Meeting My Fixer in Syria’s ‘Little Baghdad’

A slice from Deborah Campbell’s celebrated new memoir ‘A Disappearance in Damascus.’

By Deborah Campbell, 19 Oct 2016

Liberal MLAs Linked to Killed Maple Ridge Shelter Plan, Documents Reveal

Coleman, BC Housing, council supported motel purchase to reduce homelessness.

By Andrew MacLeod


Do you still want electoral reform?

  • Yes, we need electoral reform
  • No, we don’t need electoral reform
  • Reform it when ‘bad’ governments are in power only
  • Other

Take the poll now »

Last week: How you feel about sharing your personal life online. Read the results of that poll here.

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