Daily Life

Susan Sarandon says fear of Donald Trump is 'not enough for me to support Clinton'

It's no secret that Academy Award-winning "Thelma and Louise" star Susan Sarandon isn't fond of Hillary Clinton.

During the primaries, she got behind Bernie Sanders, after saying in a CNN interview that Donald Trump was "like the guy at a wedding that gets drunk and just goes on and on and on."

Susan Sarandon.
Susan Sarandon. Photo: Getty

Later on MSNBC, she added that, if Trump loses, "Some people feel Donald Trump will bring the revolution immediately if he gets in then things will really, you know, explode."

After Sanders lost the nomination, the actress who The Washington Post's Chris Cillizza called "uber-liberal" faced what likely seemed like an obvious choice: keeping with her belief system (and in hopes of avoiding a "revolution"), Hillary Clinton was the only option, right?

Wrong, because it seems that Sarandon, as Cillizza put it, still "really, really doesn't like Hillary Clinton."

She proved just how much she doesn't like the Democratic candidate on Tuesday, when she sent the Green Party a letter officially endorsing its candidate for president, Jill Stein. This, even though Sanders himself has urged his supporters to vote for Clinton over a third party.


The letter has since been posted to the party's website.

"Fear of Donald Trump is not enough for me to support Clinton, with her record of corruption," it stated.

The letter tellingly didn't espouse the virtues of Stein so much as it offered an exhaustive laundry list of reasons she does not support Clinton. Among those reasons were Clinton's lack of support for the following: a $15 minimum wage, legalisation of marijuana and a binding climate treaty. It also expressed frustration at Clinton's support of "unconditional military aid to Israel."

Finally, it argued that Clinton holds no position on the Dakota Access oil pipeline, a subject that, judging from Sarandon's Twitter feed, is close to the actress' heart.

In bold lettering, the missive against Clinton stated, "It's clear a third party is necessary and viable at this time. And this is the first step in accomplishing this end."

This shouldn't come as too much of a surprise. After all, back in June, Sarandon tweeted, "I'm not with her," referencing the "I'm with her" phrase that Clinton supporters often employ.

Reactions on social media varied but appeared to be generally - if not completely - negative.

"She's a monster. Before asking 'Which she?' Throw a dart, both (Stein/Sarandon) are," one user tweeted.

"Sarandon is smarter than this," tweeted another user, who added, "Geez, Susan, get real." Yet another tweeted, "I had to sit down I was so shocked. 'Are you certain Susan Sarandon is supporting Jill Stein?' I tearfully shouted."

Below is her full letter.

Dear Jill and team,

I've been waiting for any indication that Hillary Clinton's position on the issues that are most urgent to me, has changed. But ...

- She does not support the $15 minimum wage.

- She shows no support for legalizing marijuana.

- She supports TPP.

- She has sold fracking and Monsanto.

- She supports offshore drilling.

- She has no position on the Dakota Access Pipeline.

- She opposes the labeling of GMOs.

- She opposes the breakup of big banks.

- She takes lobbyists' money for campaigning.

- She opposes a binding climate treaty.

- She supports unconditional military aid to Israel.

I'm therefore very happy to endorse Jill Stein for the presidency because she does stand for everything I believe in.

It's clear a third party is necessary and viable at this time. And this is the first step in accomplishing this end.

Fear of Donald Trump is not enough for me to support Clinton, with her record of corruption.

Now that Trump is self-destructing, I feel even those in swing states have the opportunity to vote their conscience.

Susan Sarandon

The Washington Post
