Todd Sampson puts his body on the line for science

Todd Sampson in the 3AW studio with Denis Walter.

Todd Sampson in the 3AW studio with Denis Walter.

Todd Sampson has put his body on the line for science.

The host of ABC's Gruen experienced life as a mixed martial arts fighter for his show Body Hack, which premieres on Tuesday on the Ten and WIN networks.

Of course, after just two weeks of training, he was no match for experienced fighters.

Sampson told Denis Walter he was left unconscious both through impact and choking, and the show looks at what concussions are and how they work.

"It was a beautiful pain... it was a flash, I saw a light, and the next thing I felt I was on my butt," he said.

"This is not in the episode, but I had to eat with a straw for two days."

Click play below to watch Todd explain more

Click play for the full interview

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