

Image: Flickr/Kat Northern Lights Man
In case you missed it, Canada passed an anti-Islamophobia motion last week | Nov 2 2016 | Thomas Woodley | This may be a case of "anti-Islamophobia motion meets Islamophobic media."
LGBTQ+ organizing against racism and pinkwashing in Nova Scotia | Nov 2 2016 | Scott Neigh | Ardath Whynacht and Dee Morse talk about the work of the Nova Scotia Rainbow Action Project.
Mapping segregation: New York 2015
Poverty and segregation endemic in U.S. cities | Oct 31 2016 | Redeye Collective | Black poverty rates are double those of whites. One in three Black men has a felony record. U.S. cities are deeply segregated. Police killings have their roots in the system, says Paul Street.
'Evicted' probes the multiple dimensions of the housing crisis | Oct 27 2016 | Yutaka Dirks | In "Evicted: Poverty and Profit in the American City" sociologist Matthew Desmond offers a critical examination of urban poverty and homelessness told through the stories of eight families.
Photo via Lindell Smith campaign website
Halifax councillor Lindell Smith is more than a symbol | Oct 26 2016 | Stephen Kimber | First, of course, there is the symbolism. Lindell Smith is Halifax's first Black city councillor since 2000. But not just.
Image: Ello/@MrKeating
Third hunger strike this year highlights despair of Canada's detained migrants | Oct 24 2016 | Sophia Reuss | Minister Ralph Goodale has shown no sign of turning his promised reforms into action -- leading detainees to the third hunger strike this year and second in less than four months.
Quebeckers and Jews share an empowered sense of vulnerability. And it's not warranted. | Oct 23 2016 | Yves Engler | French-speaking Quebeckers and Jews share a sense of victimhood far out of proportion to Canadian experience, which blinds many to their own religious and ethnic supremacism.
Image: PMO/Adam Scotti
The Syrian refugee crisis is a historic challenge. Canada needs to meet it with a historic response. | Oct 21 2016 | Thomas Woodley | What is Justin Trudeau's long-term plan for Syrian refugees?
Image: Facebook/U of Toronto
Studying while Black still tokenizing experience for many racialized post-secondary students | Oct 20 2016 | Julia-Simone Rutgers | A lack of commitment to prioritizing marginalized voices on campus means racialized students still struggle to find and build community at Canada's universities.
Halifax Pride 2014
Atlantic Jewish Council doesn't speak for all Jewish Haligonians on Pinkwashing | Oct 14 2016 | Larry Haiven | The Atlantic Jewish Council took over Halifax Pride's Annual General Meeting in order to protect Israel's pinkwashing campaign "Size Doesn't Matter." Many Jews oppose such pinkwashing campaigns.
Gabriel Allahdua, migrant worker and campaign member, speaks at the Ontario Food
Harvesting freedom and sowing resistance: Migrant workers in Canada demand permanent immigration status | Oct 13 2016 | Binish Ahmed, Navjeet Sidhu | A historic caravan of migrant agricultural workers undertook a 1,500-kilometre journey to Ottawa to rally for permanent immigration status.

on babble

Kellie Leitch takes a page from Harper with divisive politics alan smithee said... When is this  Liberal 'majority' going to take a page from Harper and tell the Cons to sit in...
'How privileged are you?' (Quiz) Ken Burch said... Just found this quiz. (...
Partisan song from Vilna ghetto sung by Annie Lederhendler Unionist said... Thanks so much for this, lagatta. In my youth, as the child of survivors, there was no such thing...
Black Lives Matter mobilization in Toronto Unionist said... Epaulo posted about this, but I think it's been under-reported and deserves its own thread. Toronto...
Conservative Condemns CUPW Support of BDS Movement terrytowel said... Today is Opporstion Motion Day The Conseravtives have chose to seek all party support to condemns...
Remembering Viola Desmond: A clicktivist moment! swallow said... Awesome, clicked.  Also, replying so the topic will show up on active topics. :) in
Desmond Cole accuses Justin Trudeau of Subtle Racism terrytowel said... This is what Desmond is tweeting this morning I wrote recently about subtle racism. We saw an...
Bloc Throws Hail Mary In New Attack Ad Against Mulcair & NDP terrytowel said... A vote for Thomas Mulcair and the NDP means a vote for pipelines and niqabs — and possibly even a...
Hassidic man assaulted in Outremont - hate attack? voice of the damned said... lagatta wrote:I don't want to jump to conclusions, but beating up a guy leaving a bank and NOT...

in cahoots

Toronto and York Region Labour Council
Statement on the police killing of Abdirahman Abdi
We write statements, call for reform, yet police violence against unarmed Black men and women continues. We need action and we need it now.

on twitter