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Photo credit: Bureau of Land Management Oregon and Washington
| September 21, 2016
Dawn in the Anthropocene
| September 15, 2016
| September 14, 2016
Green Majority Radio

Stupidity insurance: NEB in depth

September 13, 2016
| We dig into the ongoing National Energy Board scandals, with skepticism about their independence and unbiased perspective. Also Dakota Access Pipeline protest updates and more...
Length: 53:16 minutes (48.78 MB)
| September 8, 2016
| September 1, 2016

Nature is not benign, it's responsive

Photo: Viv Lynch/flickr

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When I got home from the cottage Monday, there were signs of struggle in the kitchen, like scratched, torn packaging on rice cakes. Mice? But why didn't the cat disperse them as he always does? Rats? Later I heard scuffling and went back in: a squirrel!


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After Louisiana floods, U.S. accelerates climate change with offshore drilling

Photo: Thomas Cizauskas/flickr

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Cornucopia community garden in Calgary's Inglewood neighbourhood. Photo: Tavis F
| August 23, 2016

Climate change puts future Summer Olympics at risk, scientists warn

Photo: Eddy Milfort/flickr

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