

Photo: Louise Palanker/flickr
Jackson Browne, Indigo Girls among musicians banding together against Dakota Access Pipeline | Nov 3 2016 | Amy Goodman, Denis Moynihan | Musicians are rallying with the land and water protectors at Standing Rock to pressure oil billionaire Kelcy Warren, CEO of Energy Transfer Partners, which owns the Dakota Access Pipeline.
Flickr/Shubhika Bharathwaj
Put down the selfie sticks and protect water in Canada | Nov 1 2016 | Emma Lui, Maude Barlow | People are hungry for real change. But one year later, are Justin Trudeau's actions speaking louder than his words?
Image: Flickr/DeSmogCanada
Lower Mainlanders essential in fight to halt Site C dam | Nov 1 2016 | Redeye Collective | Farmers and First Nations fought this project alone for years. People in Vancouver are waking up to the threat posed by a third dam on the Peace River. We hear from three speakers opposed to Site C.
Maximizing Fragility
Maximizing fragility | Nov 1 2016 | Daryn Caister | We discuss the ongoing protests at the Dakota Access Pipeline which resulted in over 100 more arrests of protesters this week, bringing the total to over 260 since the action began.
Flickr/Jen Castro
Aboriginal women deserve more than we as Canadians have been willing to give them | Oct 31 2016 | Doreen Nicoll | Why are Aboriginal women experiencing violence at far greater rates than non-Aboriginal women? In one word, colonialism.
Canadian banks are helping bankroll the Dakota Access Pipeline | Oct 31 2016 | Michael Stewart | TD, Scotiabank and RBC are providing hundreds of millions in financing both directly and indirectly to the Dakota Access Pipeline. Enbridge also owns a 28 per cent stake in the project.
Image: PMO/Adam Scotti
Justin Trudeau continuing proud Liberal tradition of betraying Indigenous peoples | Oct 28 2016 | Russell Diabo | The Liberals' backsliding on adopting UNDRIP and its inexplicable approvals of the Site C Dam and Lelu Island LNG plant in B.C. is part of a long tradition of deceiving and betraying First Nations.
Photo by Ossie Michelin
Make Muskrat Right activists celebrate cautious victory | Oct 28 2016 | Cory Collins | Action over Muskrat Falls gained momentum following occupation of the project's work site. Premier Dwight Ball met with Aboriginal leaders on Tuesday, which ended with an agreement on the project.
Image: Twitter (uncredited)
Police violence at Standing Rock shows America still addicted to frontier justice | Oct 28 2016 | J. Baglow | Bundys get acquitted after seizing federal property with armed force. Standing Rock Indigenous people's protest is crushed without mercy. The contrast tells us much.
Supreme Court of Canada. Flickr/Mike Alexander
Chippewas of the Thames take Line 9 to court | Oct 26 2016 | Meg Borthwick | An interview with Myeengun Henry from the Chippewas of the Thames First Nation, who is part of the group presenting a constitutional challenge to the Supreme Court of Canada against Enbridge's Line 9.
Image: Flickr/jmiller291
Adam Capay is a case study in the banality of evil [with updates] | Oct 26 2016 | J. Baglow | Adam Capay, a young Indigenous man, has been kept in solitary confinement for four years without trial. He has been driven to the brink of mental illness. The minister in charge says, "Tough."
Photo by Ossie Michelin
Science bears out Muskrat Falls protesters' demands. Governments should listen. | Oct 25 2016 | Ole Hendrickson | Protesters at Muskrat Falls are demanding that Nalcor Energy clear away vegetation and the surface soil layer from the area to be flooded in order to reduce poisoning by methyl mercury.

on babble

Young Indigenous politicians are leading the Manitoba NDP robbie_dee said... Quote:The mood was mainly sombre and the cash-bar business was mainly brisk as Manitoba New...
Alberta mother's battle puts spotlight on First Nations medical care rejections mark_alfred said... Alberta mother's battle puts spotlight on First Nations medical care rejections   Quote:An...
NDP confronts Liberals on Dept of Justice denying 3000 residential school survivors justice due to a technicality mark_alfred said... CBC article on it:Indigenous affairs minister to look into rejected residential school cases...
'Nation to Nation'? Indigenous people and the Trudeau government swallow said... Quote: If Prime Minister-elect Justin Trudeau wonders how to honour his historic promise of...
Israeli terrorists kill Palestinian baby, critically wound rest of family lagatta said... More on this atrocity from Al Jazeera, with a video report.
AFN asks Ottawa to declare all Aboriginal languages official lagatta said... I certainly agree with this in principle, and there are several languages spoken widely in northern...
quiet champion Carey Price urges First Nations youth to be "confident" lagatta said... Yes, I really liked that. Important message, and amazingly, he doesn't sound full of himself. in
Missing and murdered. Leah Anderson, 15 years old... and others lagatta said... Teresa Casandra Robinson of Garden Hill, Manitoba, age 11.
Australia: PM Abbott & Premier Barnett, stop forced closures of Aboriginal communities epaulo13 said... 300 Indigenous Protesters Stage Brisbane City Hall Sit-In Around 300 people stormed into Brisbane’s...
Connection between C-51 and Aboriginal and labour rights KenS said... There is quite a bit of discussion of this in aboriginal-oriented Facebook groups (and presumably...


Thu, Mar 30, 2017
the NDN way

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Public Service Alliance of Canada
PSAC supports calls to strengthen MMIW inquiry
The Public Service Alliance of Canada joins Indigenous Peoples in recognizing the importance of the newly-launched National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls.

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