Michael Fassbender stars as Tom Sherbourne and Alicia Vikander as his wife Isabel in DreamWorks Pictures poignant drama THE LIGHT BETWEEN OCEANS, written and directed by Derek Cianfrance based on the acclaimed novel by M.L. Stedman.

Powerful performances lift so-so weepy

WITH its three leads played by actors at the very top of their game, The Light Between Oceans is lifted by its commanding performances.

Secret feud between iconic comedy duo

Secret feud between iconic comedy duo
MIKE Myers and Dana Carvey form one of the most beloved comic duos of all time, but behind the scenes, the pair have had a distant, difficult relationship.

Mel Gibson’s redemption has arrived

Mel Gibson’s redemption has arrived
BEFORE his personal behaviour became headline fodder, Mel Gibson was a talented filmmaker. This is proof he still is.

Affleck’s latest is even worse than Batman

Affleck’s latest is even worse than Batman
BATMAN V Superman is not the worst Ben Affleck movie of 2016. There is something more asinine than that superhero crap bucket.

Behind-the-scenes from Romeo + Juliet

Behind-the-scenes from Romeo + Juliet
A KIDNAPPING, warring co-stars and subliminal messages: here’s what you never knew about 1996 hit movie Romeo + Juliet.

Leto’s deleted Joker scenes to be released?

Leto’s deleted Joker scenes to be released?
JARED Leto was filthy that so many so his scenes got cut from Suicide Squad, but they might be released after all.

Hitchcock obsessed with leading lady

Hitchcock obsessed with leading lady
WORKING with Alfred Hitchcock on The Birds was Tippi Hedren’s big break. She now reveals that it was also the worst experience of her life.

Cumberbatch nails Doctor Strange

Cumberbatch nails Doctor Strange
REVIEW: Marvel works a new kind of magic with Benedict Cumberbatch in Doctor Strange. It’s a super sleight of hand.

Mel’s Hacksaw Ridge is hard-hitting

Mel’s Hacksaw Ridge is hard-hitting
REVIEW: As a storyteller, Mel Gibson aims for maximum impact. Hacksaw Ridge delivers and packs a punch.

Why Affleck’s Accountant falls flat

Why Affleck’s Accountant falls flat
REVIEW: Despite a committed performance from Ben Affleck, The Accountant does little more than balance its books.

Rule-breaking, hard-partying misfits

Rule-breaking, hard-partying misfits
REVIEW: Shia LaBeouf is acting without a safety net in American Honey, a road movie without a map.

When Hugo Weaving met Mel Gibson

When Hugo Weaving met Mel Gibson
MEL Gibson was a few years ahead of Hugo Weaving at acting school. In Gibson’s comeback Hacksaw Ridge, the heavyweight Aussie pair finally catch up.

INXS, Barnesy back for one night

INXS, Barnesy back for one night
THE cream of Aussie rock is back on the big screen for one night only in a 30th anniversary restored re-release of the revered music film Australian Made.

The day Freddy Krueger called for me

The day Freddy Krueger called for me
HE’S been the stuff of nightmares for more than 30 years. And the man who became Nightmare on Elm Street’s Freddy Krueger can still scare the hell out of us.

Further proof Marvel is nailing it

Further proof Marvel is nailing it
AFTER 13 movies, Doctor Strange is Marvel’s first proper foray into magic. And it is a darkly trippy spectacle with mesmerising performances.

Gibson, Debicki lead AACTA nominations

Gibson, Debicki lead AACTA nominations
MEL Gibson’s stellar direction of Hacksaw Ridge and Elizabeth Debicki’s chilling performance in The Kettering Incident have won them AACTA nominations.

‘An unforgettable, challenging film’

‘An unforgettable, challenging film’
FILM REVIEW: Elle is a uniquely unnerving French drama with actor Isabelle Huppert’s astonishing performance in Oscars’ Best Actress talk.

Can Mel save the Aussie box office?

Can Mel save the Aussie box office?
AUSSIE film box office figures this year are on par with the worst figures ever. But there are a few more films to come that could bring it back from the brink.

Nobody noticed this totally big mistake in Clueless

Nobody noticed this totally big mistake in Clueless
IF YOU grew up in the ‘90s, you’ll know way too much about Clueless. But there’s one thing even die hard fans missed for years.

Movie facts: Raiders of the Lost Ark

Movie facts: Raiders of the Lost Ark
WHO was the first choice to play Indiana Jones and how come Steven Spielberg was the only crew member not to get sick? Here’s what you never knew.

Much more than your average heist movie

Much more than your average heist movie
HELL or High Water isn’t going to be in your face with a big, expensive marketing campaign. But it’s the one movie you should catch this week.

Isla’s new movie a huge bomb

Isla’s new movie a huge bomb
KEEPING Up with the Joneses, which also stars Zach Galifianakis, has entered the record books for all the wrong reasons after a disastrous opening weekend.

Deadpool director quits sequel

Deadpool director quits sequel
THE dynamic duo created one of the highest grossing films of 2016 but the sequel is now without a director because of creative differences.

TV anchor quit job to be porn star

TV anchor quit job to be porn star
AFTER 23 years as a reporter and TV anchor with two Emmy nominations, Jim Walker threw it in and reinvented himself as porn star Dallas Steele.

Revenge thriller with a strange twist

Revenge thriller with a strange twist
REVIEW: Basic Instinct, Showgirls and now a rape thriller Elle. Director Paul Verhoeven isn’t exactly mellowing with age.

Tilda’s incredible transformation

Tilda’s incredible transformation
TILDA Swinton is a pale, Celtic woman — but she’s undergone a complete transformation to play a bald, mystical character in Marvel’s Doctor Strange.

Aussie Isla’s action-comedy is a hit

Aussie Isla’s action-comedy is a hit
REVIEW: There hasn’t been a spy couple this perfect since, well, Mr and Mrs Smith. And Australian actress Isla Fisher doesn’t disappoint.

Tom Cruise gets the job done

Tom Cruise gets the job done
REVIEW: Veteran actor Tom Cruise hits his own cruise control button in this military-strength action-packed thriller.

Texas shines in cracker crime drama

Texas shines in cracker crime drama
REVIEW: Crime pays in Hell or High Water, a fresh spin on a classic story where the stars know their Bonnie and Clyde escapade is likely to end badly.

Han Solo spin-off casts its newest actor

Han Solo spin-off casts its newest actor
THE talented Glover will play the smooth-talking space pirate made famous by Billy Dee Williams.