US Politics


Maximizing Fragility
Maximizing fragility | Nov 1 2016 | Daryn Caister | We discuss the ongoing protests at the Dakota Access Pipeline which resulted in over 100 more arrests of protesters this week, bringing the total to over 260 since the action began.
Image: Twitter (uncredited)
Police violence at Standing Rock shows America still addicted to frontier justice | Oct 28 2016 | J. Baglow | Bundys get acquitted after seizing federal property with armed force. Standing Rock Indigenous people's protest is crushed without mercy. The contrast tells us much.
Bill Clinton displays corporate code for LGBTQ inclusion.
A tale of two foundations | Oct 28 2016 | Penney Kome | Hillary is pilloried for the Clinton Foundation -- currently treating 11 million AIDS patients -- while Trump's very personal foundation has gotten a pass.
Image: Flickr/Paul Townsend
To understand sexual assault, we still need to listen to Donald Trump | Oct 27 2016 | Lucia Lorenzi | Survivors, primarily women, have been speaking out about Trump and other sexually aggressive men for decades. Why is it that we don't pay attention until these men speak themselves?
Photo: Mike Mozart/flickr
AT&T merger with Time Warner would pose major threat to privacy and net neutrality | Oct 27 2016 | Amy Goodman, Denis Moynihan | If AT&T is allowed to buy Time Warner, it will form an enormous, "vertically integrated" company that controls a vast pool of content and how people access that content.
Image: Flickr/Gage Skidmore
Lessons for Canada from a U.S. election that is indeed rigged | Oct 17 2016 | Karl Nerenberg | In Canada, we still have Harper's Fair Elections Act and electoral reform is still far from a reality. In the U.S., the system produces perverse incentives while depriving millions of the vote.
The new five letter word: Trump | Oct 15 2016 | Penney Kome | Candidate’s name moves from laughing stock to pejorative.
Photo: Disney | ABC Television Group/flickr
What's a mesmerized, terrified outsider to do about the U.S. election spectacle? | Oct 14 2016 | Rick Salutin | The main reason the "world" can't avert its eyes from the Trump drama isn't because it's imaginative and dazzling but because it's happening in a nation that has fateful impacts on everyone beyond it.
Edward Snowden Wikimedia image
Pardon Snowden | Oct 14 2016 | President Obama needs to know the world supports this.
Image: Flikr/DonkeyHotey
Canadians can be thankful for small, and probably temporary, mercies in wake of U.S. presidential debate | Oct 10 2016 | David J. Climenhaga | As ungentlemanly as it may seem, Canadian political parties that ignore U.S. trends in campaign strategy do so at their own peril.
Image: NASA Goddard Space Flight Center/flickr
As Hurricane Matthew hurtles toward Florida, climate change goes undebated in U.S. election | Oct 6 2016 | Amy Goodman, Denis Moynihan | Climate change is real, and it is worsening. That it should play a central role in the U.S. elections is undebatable.
Image: Wikimedia Commons
U.S. liberals have long history of punishing not-quite-left enough candidates. This time the world can't afford it | Oct 5 2016 | Gerry Caplan | If Trump hasn't by now traumatized you enough to get on board for Hillary, you'll deserve everything that's coming after November.

on babble

The third U.S. presidential debate Misfit said... I think Trump destroyed himself tonight irreversibly by not committing to accepting the results of...
White men in U.S. are dealing poorly with economic despair SeekingAPoliticalHome said... I have hearing about...
Vote for Hilary Clinton or else! says Joe Biden, VP of the United States 6079_Smith_W said... Kind of like what you are telling us here all the time, right ikosmos?   in
GOP scumbag gutter presidential nominee may lead to clean sweep for the Democrats NorthReport said... 2 days before the next debate The Democrats if they keep the high road could well have a clean...
The Trump phenomenon 2 mark_alfred said... Good article by Wente....
2016 Presidential election campaign 3 NorthReport said... So how much money can Trump steal in the election campaign
The United States of Atrocity part 2 ikosmos said... Conservative Paul Craig Roberts: The US Government Tortures Children. ... and here's the HRW Report...
Dallas police officers gunned down mark_alfred said...
America, wake up: It's time to repeal the Second Amendment NorthReport said... See the excellent article today by Constitutional Law Professor Cohen in Rolling Stone in
2016 presidential election campaign 2 iyraste1313 said...   Trump Picks Former Goldman Partner And Soros Employee As Finance ChairmanSubmitted by Tyler... feeds

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in cahoots

National Union of Public and General Employees
U.S. Justice Department ending use of private prisons for federal inmates
The U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) is phasing out the use of privately owned prisons for federal prisoners. Over the next 5 years 13 private prison contracts will be reviewed and allowed to expire.

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