

Photo: Christina Rogers/flickr
Tortoise meets hare in new product releases from Microsoft and Apple | Nov 2 2016 | Wayne MacPhail | Last week both Microsoft and Apple released new input devices: a puck and a bar. We'll see if the tortoise beats the hare or the puck trumps the bar in the years ahead.
 (University of Toronto/Mark Neil Balson)
Ursula Franklin (1921-2016): Imagining a world of technology where people and nature matter | Nov 1 2016 | Mel Watkins | Mel Watkins pays tribute to a mammoth figure in the study of technology, Urusula Franklin, who passed away earlier this year.
Photo: Lindsey Turner/flickr
Is the government about to make the Internet even more expensive for all Canadians? | Nov 1 2016 | David Christopher, Digital Freedom Update | Canadian Heritage Minister Melanie Joly is considering adding a new ISP tax to the monthly bills of Canada's Internet subscribers, which will make Internet access even more expensive.
Photo: Mike Mozart/flickr
AT&T merger with Time Warner would pose major threat to privacy and net neutrality | Oct 27 2016 | Amy Goodman, Denis Moynihan | If AT&T is allowed to buy Time Warner, it will form an enormous, "vertically integrated" company that controls a vast pool of content and how people access that content.
Image: elhombredenegro/flickr
Safeguarding our digital security with cardboard doors and paper locks | Oct 26 2016 | Wayne MacPhail | In a rush to create smart homes and make our devices talk to each other, we have allowed a threat into our houses through our cardboard doors and paper locks.
VMedia vs. Bell Media: What will it take to change the channel on Internet law and policy? | Oct 21 2016 | Cynthia Khoo | Learn more about the ongoing legal battles between Big Media giant Bell and VMedia, offering an innovative new online TV service. It's time for the law to catch up with the digital era.
'Storming the Digital Divide' illustrates how PovNet made the Internet accessible | Oct 20 2016 | Redeye Collective | PovNet was born out of a meeting of anti-poverty activists in 1997 who wanted to make the Internet accessible to all. A new comic book tells the story of this unique online resource.
Photo: Crystal radio ad/Wikimedia Commons
Technology and the knowledge of dissatisfaction | Oct 19 2016 | Wayne MacPhail | Sometimes it feels like our technical knowledge has smeared us, like a palette knife, across an unfortunate expanse of time.
The history of the Internet: Military anxiety and a hacker's ethic | Oct 16 2016 | Kyle Curlew | The Internet we know today is an unlikely combination of radical philosophy and military surveillance.
Image: Pexels/freestocks
Social media algorithms are shaping our daily lives -- and they're not neutral | Oct 6 2016 | Kyle Curlew | People need to know how social media platforms can evoke the power of code and algorithms to shape entire populations. It's a rough battle.
Image: Kristina D.C. Hoeppner/flickr
Imagination takes flight in the worlds of Birdly and Topobox | Oct 5 2016 | Wayne MacPhail | At the Association of Science and Technology Centers conference, two products stuck out. One created virtual reality, the other augmented reality. Both were imagination prosthetics for adults.
Photo: Kent Lins/flickr
Despite flaws, the government's consultation finally gives us a real chance to repeal Bill C-51 | Oct 4 2016 | David Christopher, Digital Freedom Update | It's here. The Liberal government has finally launched its long-awaited public consultation on Bill C-51, and a broad range of privacy and national security issues.

on babble

how do I search the Ontario Elections site for a list of contributors? mark_alfred said... Hi folks.  I've been trying to find the information on who (either person or corporation or...
Canadian Submarine Fleet Needs Billions To Stay Afloat Sean in Ottawa said... CanadianEh19 wrote:
The Information Age of Warfare Has Arrived Webgear said... Depends on what you considered "Information Age of Warfare", I would suggest there hasn't been a...
Libs selling out Canada: not conducting security reviews on foreign takeovers mark_alfred said... Trudeau...
Spell Check in Babble Post (it is possible) mark_alfred said... Hello.  For anyone who sometimes makes typos and would like to be able to review a post...
Why is Rabble now sidelining Babblers in its comments section? mark_alfred said... It used to be that comments on articles in Rabble came exclusively from signed in Babblers. ...
Marine Energy Doug Woodard said... Scottish island to be entirely powered by tides:   in
Internet privacy mark_alfred said... In the thread, linked...
Harperite Dirty Tricks: Have We Had Enough Yet? Brachina said...  Does a bear shit in the woods? Of course. in
No audio on YouTube videos Tito Dutta said... Namaste, lagatta, Have you checked Antivirus and Firewall software to see if its blocking third-...

in cahoots

B.C. Government and Service Employees' Union
B.C.'s social welfare software system failing, says Auditor General
British Columbia's social welfare software system is failing to fulfill its intended role, the B.C. Auditor General said in a report.

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