
on rabble.ca

Image: Flickr/Zorah Olivia
This Woman Abuse Prevention Month, familiarize yourself with many forms of abuse | Oct 28 2016 | Doreen Nicoll | Women living with, leaving, or healing from intimate partner relationship violence experience multiple forms of abuse. Take a moment to learn about them.
That 'am I pragnent' video can fuck right off | Oct 27 2016 | Arielle de Pagter | Why is it that the Internet seems to find misspelled questions about female reproductive health so damn amusing?
Image: Flickr/Paul Townsend
To understand sexual assault, we still need to listen to Donald Trump | Oct 27 2016 | Lucia Lorenzi | Survivors, primarily women, have been speaking out about Trump and other sexually aggressive men for decades. Why is it that we don't pay attention until these men speak themselves?
Phumzile Mlambo-Ngcuka at CHUO with other panelists heard in the program
Executive Director of UN Women on violence against women in Canada | Oct 25 2016 | Sarah Newton | In a roundtable with Canada's National Campus and Community Radio Association, Phumzile Mlambo-Ngcuka discussed violence against Indigenous women; how to include transgender people.
Death of gender parity bill means Canadian women could wait until 2075 for equality in parliament | Oct 19 2016 | Doreen Nicoll | Bill C-237 would offer financial incentives to ensure gender parity during elections. Unfortunately, it will be voted down by the Liberal government.
New bill will move Ontario women closer to being able to live without fear of violence | Oct 18 2016 | Doreen Nicoll | Ontario MPP Peggy Sattler's Bill 26 The Domestic and Sexual Violence Workplace Leave, Accommodation and Training Act to be voted on Thursday, October 20.
Sexual assault is society's norm. Stop treating Donald Trump as an anomaly. | Oct 17 2016 | Nora Loreto | Finally, a call for the mainstream press to take a broader approach to analysing Trump's sexual abuse history.
The 'Pink Ribbon' campaign should be for all women, not just the non-disabled | Oct 13 2016 | Bonnie Brayton | "Pink madness" began showing up on football fields across North America on Sunday night and it will soon be in full swing. Are all women included in the campaign against breast cancer?
Image: freestockphotos.biz
Canada's women lagging way behind in the workplace -- and we can do so much better | Oct 12 2016 | Kate Bezanson | Where are all the women in Canada's labour force?
Image: Wikimedia Commons
Pearson security needs to respect the rights of nursing mothers | Oct 6 2016 | Ethel Tungohan | Canadian Air Transport Security Authority personnel at Toronto Pearson International Airport should read up on their own guidelines about discriminating against nursing mothers.
Image: Bill B/flickr
Gratifying to see snarling bully publicly humiliated as Clinton triumphs over Trump | Sep 30 2016 | Linda McQuaig | The U.S. election is far from over, but Monday's faceoff was a crucial battle in that campaign, and it fell to the first woman candidate in U.S. presidential history to take a dangerous bully down.
Colourful Year of Indigenous Rights circle symbol
Canada's Charter is helping to create a language of rights around the world | Sep 29 2016 | Penney Kome | UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous People draws gender equality language from Canada's Charter of Rights.

on babble

Liberal MNA Gerry Sklavounos alleged to have sexually assaulted young woman in Québec City lagatta said... Sorry for the self-reply, but here is another report, in French, about alleged inappropriate...
Hooters set to open in downtown Mtl - fight misogyny! bagkitty said... I was wondering where in downtown Montreal... then I followed the link - Crescent Street, all is...
Rethinking sexual assault laws in Canada kropotkin1951 said... I am really tired of the debate in the other thread so I am opening a new thread that is not...
Ghomeshi lawyer says Tom Mulcair is shopping for votes by exploiting his case for political gain terrytowel said... After the Ghomeshi verdict NDP leader Tom Mulcair tweeted Today, and every day, #Ibelievesurvivors...
"A Girl in the River: The Price of Forgiveness" wins best documentary short Oscar mark_alfred said... A Girl in the River: The Price of Forgiveness wins best documentary short Oscar.  Quote:...
Bill C-237 Gender Equity Act mark_alfred said... ETA:  Error on my part.  The thread should be titled "Candidate Gender Equity Act". The...
Chatelaine Magazine Names Rachel Notley Woman of the Year! terrytowel said... There are actually 30 women who have been singled out by Chatelaine magazine as women of the year...
Husband of the Chief of Staff to PM Justin Trudeau Gives Up His Career To Support Hers terrytowel said... Katie Telford is only the second woman to be Chief of Staff to a Prime Minister in Canada (the...
NDP candidate said he is personally against same sex marriage and abortion takeitslowly said... “If I win, it will be easier. As a group, when we tell them, they definitely have to listen,”...
City o Vancouver Sex Work Guidelines...YAY!!! mark_alfred said... Good to hear. in

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in cahoots

Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives
The 2016-2017 Newfoundland and Labrador budget's impacts on women
A new study released by the CCPA finds the Newfoundland and Labrador Liberal government's austerity measures will cut wages and services to women the most.

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