

Flickr/Kat Northern Lights Man
Coalition urges Trudeau to support UN 'journalists' protector' | Nov 3 2016 | Canadian Journalists for Free Expression | A coalition of media organization and press freedom groups have joined forces to call on the Canadian government to help protect journalists.
Monitor what is happening in Marrakech | Nov 3 2016 | Marrakech is where the rubber starts to hit the road
Wikipedia image labeled for reuse
'This is really community building': What sponsoring a Syrian refugee family means to one Toronto parent | Nov 2 2016 | Maya Bhullar | Stephanie Rickard-Chadda talks of her community's experience with privately sponsoring a Syrian refugee family and supporting another government-sponsored family.
Lutz Gregor on Mali, Culture and Colonialism and the Power of Music to Disrupt
Lutz Gregor on Mali, culture and colonialism and the power of music to disrupt | Oct 31 2016 | Face2Face | Lutz and I talk about his new film "Mali Blues," the question of culture, colonialism, the power of music to evoke emotion and change and artful disruption.
Photo: Ali Eminov/flickr
Munk School of Global Affairs reveals much about the state of Canadian foreign policy | Oct 29 2016 | Yves Engler | Canada's most influential global studies program is the brainchild of a mining magnet with a significant personal stake in a particular foreign policy.
Photo: Behind the Numbers
Wallonia's inspiring stand on CETA | Oct 28 2016 | Scott Sinclair, Stuart Trew | By standing firm under incredible pressure, the regional government of Wallonia gave a voice to millions of citizens who feel the Canada-EU trade deal fails to represent their interests.
Bill Clinton displays corporate code for LGBTQ inclusion.
A tale of two foundations | Oct 28 2016 | Penney Kome | Hillary is pilloried for the Clinton Foundation -- currently treating 11 million AIDS patients -- while Trump's very personal foundation has gotten a pass.
Trade union procession along King William Street, Adelaide.
November 16 marks the global day of action against trade union repression | Oct 28 2016 | Jiselle Hanna, Piergiorgio Moro | Labour updates of workers' struggles from the Asia-Pacific region and an interview on the Global Day of Action against trade union repression.
TPP rally in Ottawa on June 10, 2014. Flickr/SumOfUs
Thousands of Canadians raise their voices against TPP | Oct 27 2016 | Brent Patterson | Council of Canadians delivered a petition to Parliament Hill that was signed by 20,000 to voice concern against the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade deal.
Automobile factory in the Philippines. Flickr/ILO in Asia and the Pacific
The effects of death squads in the Philippines' war on drugs | Oct 27 2016 | Jiselle Hanna, Piergiorgio Moro | Labour updates of workers' struggles from the Asia-Pacific region and an interview on the effects of the continuing war on drugs in the Philippines.
Not Rex: Hail Wallonia! | Oct 26 2016 | Humberto DaSilva | The Canada-EU trade agreement has met its Waterloo in Wallonia. Turns out CETA, which the Harper regime said was a done deal, may indeed be done.
PMO/Adam Scotti
Wallonia holds firm against CETA, Trudeau sets Monday as deadline to resolve impasse | Oct 24 2016 | Brent Patterson | The Council of Canadians celebrates European opposition to CETA.

on babble

Ken Wiwa, dead at 47 lagatta said... I'm very sad to hear that. in
Banning Russian media: Has it begun in the West? ikosmos said... RT bank accounts blocked in UK – editor-in-chief RT wrote:RT UK’s bank accounts have been blocked,...
UNSC nominates Antonio Guterres, former PM of Portugal, as Sec Gen of UN sherpa-finn said... FWIW, I met Guterres in Ottawa at a consultation meeting with NGOs a few years back when he was UN...
Jeremy Corbyn 2 Ken Burch said... Thanks, Meg. At this point, it's prediction time, since the results will be announced Sunday....
War in Syria 3 ikosmos said... The jihadists are being decimated, their Western sponsors are practically apoplectic with rage...
Ukraine 5 ikosmos said... Follow-up. A number of Ukrainian saboteurs were caught, or killed, as well two Russian soldiers, in...
Russia 3 ikosmos said... ah. What is best in life? A fleet horse, the open steppe, the wind in your hair, a new thread, and...
Turkey: Coup d'état ikosmos said... Turkish PM: a group within the military is engaged in an attempted coup. RT: LIVE coverage. in
Possible terror attack in France Todrick of Chatsworth said... "Dozens of people were killed in the French Riviera city of Nice late on Thursday when a truck...
Dallas police officers gunned down mark_alfred said...

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in cahoots

Socialist Worker
No to intervention in Syria by Turkey and all other states
Turkish and Syrian socialists have issued a joint statement opposing Turkish and all other external military intervention in Syria.

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