Amy Goodman
Nov 3 2016 | Musicians are rallying with the land and water protectors at Standing Rock to pressure oil billionaire Kelcy Warren, CEO of Energy Transfer Partners, which owns the Dakota Access Pipeline.
Wayne MacPhail
Nov 2 2016 | Last week both Microsoft and Apple released new input devices: a puck and a bar. We'll see if the tortoise beats the hare or the puck trumps the bar in the years ahead.
David Christopher
Nov 1 2016 | Canadian Heritage Minister Melanie Joly is considering adding a new ISP tax to the monthly bills of Canada's Internet subscribers, which will make Internet access even more expensive.
Jim Stanford
Nov 1 2016 | True believers may think that merely educating citizens about how trade deals really are good for everyone will save the day for globalization. But there's a much deeper problem.
Murray Dobbin
Oct 28 2016 | At a time when more and more attention is being paid to off-shore tax havens and the billions we lose to them, Canada needs to make an example of this irresponsible corporate "citizen."
Rick Salutin
Oct 28 2016 | It's as if the Liberal cabinet was frolicking along among its doting public when an explosion went off at close range, rattling their hearing.
Lauren Blumas
Oct 27 2016 | While new regulations governing the growth of medical marijuana provide a quick solution for the issue of reasonable access, they leave the tough questions for tenants and housing providers.
Linda McQuaig
Oct 27 2016 | While privatizing our airports would mean millions in profits for the banks and law firms involved, aviation authorities say Canadian air travellers would face higher costs to cover corporate profits.
Amy Goodman
Oct 27 2016 | If AT&T is allowed to buy Time Warner, it will form an enormous, "vertically integrated" company that controls a vast pool of content and how people access that content.
Wayne MacPhail
Oct 26 2016 | In a rush to create smart homes and make our devices talk to each other, we have allowed a threat into our houses through our cardboard doors and paper locks.
June Chua
Oct 26 2016 | Most board games pit players against each other but a new kind of board game seeks to subvert that narrative, requiring players to unite and play against the game itself.
Ole Hendrickson
Oct 25 2016 | Protesters at Muskrat Falls are demanding that Nalcor Energy clear away vegetation and the surface soil layer from the area to be flooded in order to reduce poisoning by methyl mercury.
Matthew Behrens
Oct 21 2016 | Anyone following discussions on the ultimate disposition of the Harper regime's C-51 "anti-terror" legislation will soon be hearing a lot about "SIRC" -- the Security Intelligence Review Committee.
Rick Salutin
Oct 21 2016 | Values are slight and transient. You can't really pursue them. They're more like happiness or love: they tend to be by-products or end results of other experiences.
Amy Goodman
Oct 20 2016 | Attempts to criminalize nonviolent land and water defenders, humiliate them and arrest journalists should not pave the way for the controversial Dakota Access Pipeline.