Federal Politics

Liberal MP's 'fix' to throw out junk 18C race hate complaints

Julian Leeser delivers his first speech at Parliament House on Wednesday.

Streamlining complaints under controversial provisions of the Human Rights Act would avoid long delays in cases like cartoonist Bill Leak and students at the Queensland University of Technology, Liberal backbench newcomer Julian Leeser said on Friday. 

Hanson goes to ground amid One Nation unity test

Senator Pauline Hanson at Parliament House in Canberra on Thursday 13 September 2016. Photo: Andrew Meares

Firebrand One Nation leader Pauline Hanson has gone to ground amid a push to oust West Australian senator Rod Culleton from Parliament and fresh warnings the resurgent party could come unstuck by its own ineffective vetting.

Abbott to meet PNG leader in latest foreign foray

Tony Abbott's trip is likely to trigger comparisons between the foreign policy priorities of his government and Mr ...

Tony Abbott is flying to Port Moresby where he will meet with Papua New Guinea Prime Minister Peter O'Neill and a group of Australian Federal Police officers he deployed to the Pacific nation during his time as prime minister.

Senate turmoil spreads amid fresh eligibility doubts

Senator Culleton

Questions over the eligibility of a second crossbench senator in as many days have plunged the nation's upper house into chaos and forced the federal government to refer both cases to the High Court for adjudication.

New MH370 report suggests plane dived rapidly

Flight MH370 disappeared on March 8, 2014, and only a few pieces of confirmed wreckage have been found.

A new report by Australian investigators into the disappearance of Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 effectively rules out the possibility of a controlled descent into the Indian Ocean.

The Bob Day controversy explained

Outgoing senator Bob Day.

The former Family First senator first said he would resign on October 17, after his failing building company was placed in liquidation. He then delayed his resignation and said he would seek to vote with the government in the final three weeks of Parliament for 2016. On Tuesday, Mr Day's resignation brought to a head concerns about a potential breach of section 44(v) of the constitution, relating to an indirect pecuniary interest over the ownership of Mr Day's electorate office in Adelaide.