Category Archives: Videos

Video: Dakota Access Construction Is Almost at the Missouri River


Drone footage shows how close the pipeline construction has gotten to the Missouri River. Photo: Indian Country Today.

by Indian Country Today, November 2, 2016

Five days after the October 27 military-style assault by police and Dakota Access Pipeline (DAPL) security personnel were launching a military-style attack on unarmed water protectors trying to stop the desecration of sacred burial sites, the construction has just about reached the shores of Lake Oahe, the dammed-off section of the Missouri River that serves as a water supply for the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe and millions of other people. Read the rest of this entry

Video of police assault on #NoDAPL protesters crossing Cantapeta Creek


To watch the video see below: Read the rest of this entry

Video: #NoDAPL Camp Attacked by Police & Military in North Dakota


Heavily armed police during raid on Oceti Sakowin Treaty Camp, Oct 27, 2016.

Morton County, ND – Over two hundred multi-state law enforcement and National Guard personnel attacked water protectors gathered on unceded 1851 Oceti Sakowin treaty land just north of the Standing Rock Sioux Reservation in the late morning of Thursday, October 27th  (see video below). Read the rest of this entry

Video: Prayer Walk Against Dakota Access Pipeline Met with Large Police Presence

by Ancestral Pride, October 15, 2016

BREAKING VIDEO: LIVE FROM THE FRONTLINES! again prayerful people are met with the riot police. a prayer walk to lift the spirits of the locked down ally who is sacrificing their safety for the common good and Sacred Water! more updates to come!!

Video: Defending the Water: Indigenous Resistance to Industrial Fragmentation

By Grassroots Rendering, Posted to Youtube on Oct 6, 2016

A short documentary on the initiatives of the Unist’ot’en, Madii Lii and Lelu Island camps and their resistance to prevent the development of LNG and fracking infrastructure in their lands and water.

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Video of arrests at Dakota Access Pipeline site


By Red Warrior Camp, October 10, 2016 Read the rest of this entry

Warriors speak on why they wear masks at #NoDAPL actions

Toxic Tour Shuts Down 5 Dakota Access Pipeline Construction Sites

BREAKING VIDEO: #NODAPL Indigenous Resistance to the Black Snake! Water Protectors from the #StandingRock encampment embark on a Toxic Tour today to defeat the Black Snake and claim victory by shutting down five DAPL construction sites. #DAPL #NoPipelines #WaterisLife #KeepItInTheGround #BlackSnakeKilla #WaterProtectors #WaterIsLife Red Warrior Camp Ancestral Pride

Why Wear a Mask 101

100 police arrest 20 water protectors during #NoDAPL actions


Police in riot helmets work to protect Dakota Access Pipeline, Sept 13, 2016.

September 13, 2016

BREAKING NEWS: 100+ Armed Riot Police arrest 20 Brave Water Protectors stopping construction of the Dakota Access Pipeline including 2 journalists and medics. credit Unicorn Riot
See video below: Read the rest of this entry