Posts Tagged ‘Mauricio Morales’

Respondiendo a la campaña “A la mierda las naciones – Okupa el mundo!” a 7 años de la muerte del compañero Mauricio Morales (Chile)

Wednesday, May 11th, 2016


En el contexto de la circulación de debates y propuestas en torno a las okupaciones y espacios antiautoritarios, compartimos algunas reflexiones, experiencias y propuestas en el marco de la campaña “A la mierda las naciones – Okupa el mundo!” propuesta por compas de Grecia [1, 2, 3], buscando propagar la crítica y autocrítica en la lucha contra el poder, a siete años de la muerte del compañero anarquista Mauricio Morales.

A lo largo de los años, no hemos sido pocxs lxs compañerxs que desarrollamos parte importante de nuestra maduración política participando en diversas actividades en espacios autónomos anárquicos/antiautoritarios. Espacios okupados como La Krota, Sacco y Vanzetty, La Idea, y otros centros sociales autónomos fueron claves hace ya varios años para el desarrollo, agudización y propagación de las ideas y prácticas insurreccionales en el contexto local de la ciudad de Santiago. Algunxs de quienes participamos de algunas de las instancias de encuentro, debate y agitación desarrolladas en esos espacios, recordamos tales vivencias como si hubieran sido ayer, teniendo frescos recuerdos de un contexto de efervescencia insurreccional que no pasó desapercibido para el poder y su sociedad. (more…)

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Conspiracy of Cells of Fire: Call for international ‘Fuck the Nations, Squat The World’ actions (Greece)

Wednesday, May 11th, 2016

The well-regulated normality of social life within systems of power is not the product of a one-dimensional strategic perception that follows a determined path, but on the contrary it’s the totality of many well-thought and tested logics, tactics and practices. It’s a fact that power would not be what it is today, had it not been in a constant process of self-evolution covering previous deficiencies and weaknesses in the management of social tolerance of its followers. It is not accidental that there have been and continue to appear entire political and philosophical currents that examine the necessity of power structures within human societies. Through the constant appearance of experiments, studies and dissertations, a series of political and scientific think-tanks arm the hand of power with more and more specialized methods that ensure social tolerance.

»If the initial imperceptible signs of disarray are not combated, then chaos and anarchy will soon prevail.» The above sociological interpretation, which posits the essence of a particular theory, upon which a variety of repressive plannings have been formed, is inextricably connected to the way the enemy handles all possible dangers of destabilization since their birth and in their totality, even before they have flesh and bones. Speaking of the danger of destabilization which may be manifested in subversive radical currents, we could say that the zero-tolerance doctrine aims at their preventive tackling. Different phases of preventive tackling have been noticed. It is observed that during the first phase, with the beginning of a new subversive current that internally acquires a more radical and aggressive logic, repression is upgraded almost instantly and becomes excessively disproportionate in order to stop any further sharpening of the current’s offensive characteristics. Those who express this combative logic are met with the ruthless vengeance of the system that does not hesitate to turn against their entire social circle in order to create conditions of generalized fear. (more…)

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Acciones en Santiago (Chile)

Saturday, March 26th, 2016

Bomba de ruido en visita nocturna a sede de la UDI.

Madrugada del 23 de Marzo – Santiago

Cuando nos declaramos a viva voz enemigxs de la dominación, contrarixs a la forma de vida impuesta vigilada y controlada por el poder, es una obligación aportar en aquel camino elegido, aportar desde la multiformidad de la acción directa en pos de la lucha. Es así como queremos vivir y lo demostramos con acción antagónica, diciéndole a las policías, al poder. Aquí estamos, existimos, no nos rendimos. Multiplicaremos nuestro accionar, lo potenciaremos, para atacar cuando menos se lo esperen. (more…)

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Brigada de la Muerte FAI/FRI – Reivindicación de amenaza a párroco de iglesia Los Sacramentinos (Chile)

Tuesday, March 15th, 2016

English Translation

Reivindicación de amenaza a párroco de iglesia Los Sacramentinos

La iglesia y sus mutaciones a lo largo de la historia ha logrado prevalecer como símbolo y ejecutante de poder en el mundo, con pequeñas reinversiones han logrado que su moral y divina autoridad sigan siendo legitimas, permaneciendo así como forma de control para la humanidad. La sangre derramada por la inquisición en su época es reemplazada hoy por cánones morales, rutinas de comportamiento que no son más que el reflejo de una sociedad enferma. Heteronormatividad, supremacía del hombre por sobre todo, monarquías, justificación de la explotación humana y animal, vicios como machismo, pedofilia, el poder llevado a la escala más pequeña, la imbecilidad legitimada en más imbecilidad, y por supuesto no podría estar ausente el castigo más “duro” al que se puede someter a un bastardo pederasta: Una vida de oración.

A lo largo de la historia la iglesia siempre ha sido un blanco de ataque para quienes luchan contra el poder. No podemos olvidar como Mateo Morral atentó contra los reyes católicos en el año 1906. Acá en Chile el ataque tampoco ha sido la excepción, en el año 1915 el poder montó una cacería contra compañerxs anarquistas tratando de buscar a los responsables de ataques dinamiteros contra conventos religiosos. La Brigada de la Muerte en la España de 1936 saqueaba iglesias, profanaban tumbas de sacerdotes y asesinaban a los que se mantenían vivos por salvaguardar el fascismo en pequeños pueblos.

En la actualidad en Chile estas acciones han continuado, distintos células insurreccionales han bombardeado iglesias con cargas explosivas e incendiarias. Hasta en protestas han sido blanco de ataques, por ejemplo: La Iglesia de la Gratitud Nacional ubicada en plena Alameda. Su puerta principal fue incendiada por insurrectxs en una manifestación el 25 de agosto del año 2011. Esta nuevamente vio las llamas el 23 de mayo del año 2015 en la conmemoración por la muerte del anarquista Mauricio Morales, y días después, el 28 de mayo -nuevamente en una manifestación- sus puertas fueron alimentadas por el fuego anarquista.

Sin más, mediante este correo electrónico reivindicamos el envío de una carta a Rafael Cáceres Olave, párroco de la iglesia Los Sacramentinos en los días previos al juicio que enfrentaban lxs anarquistas Mónica Caballero y Francisco Solar en España acusadxs de distintas explosiones en iglesias adjudicadas por el Comando Insurreccional Mateo Morral. La carta contenía un mensaje por nuestrxs compañerxs y balas. Elegimos a este sujeto por ser párroco de la iglesia a la que Mónica había sido acusada de atentar en el denominado Caso Bombas en Chile.

El incendio, el ataque, la amenaza contra cualquier representante de la iglesia y el poder esta plenamente justificada. Tenemos las armas y nuestra voluntad para atentar contra ellxs. Sus días de jolgorio han acabado.

Derribando su historia, falsa moral, poder y autoridad…
Nos erigimos y gritamos fuerte:
¡Mónica Caballero y Francisco Solar a la kalle!
¡Muerte al estado/capital/iglesia y que viva la anarquía!

Brigada de la Muerte FAI/FRI

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FAI-IRF claim responsibility for the bomb left at the gendarmerie center in Santiago (Chile)

Thursday, February 18th, 2016

Santiago, Chile, February 11, 2016

On February 11, we headed for the intersection of Pedro Lagos and Arturo Prat, where the Chilean gendarmerie have their Center for Social Reintegration, and there we proceeded to place a powerful time-delayed bomb. This was a conscious and libertarian act which, far from wishing to harm passersby, sought to directly attack not only the premises’ facilities but also to in a single blow possibly take away the life of some guards, without regard to their rank or status. For us, putting an end to any of these miserables will always be a pleasure.

It is worth mentioning that the device failed, and that this clearly happened because of our mistake in its placement, and not the effective work of the police, as they are saying in the press. (more…)

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Contribution by 'Sin Banderas, Ni Fronteras' for Black December (Chile)

Friday, December 25th, 2015


Since the democratic state dismantled and wiped out the leftist armed
struggle organizations which continued operating once the dictatorship
ended in the early 90s, there have been the ideas and practices of
horizontality and direct action from revolutionary autonomous
environments and related to anarchy – and also the Mapuche resistance,
which have positioned themselves as protagonists of radical struggle
against Capital, the State and authority in Chile.

We have decided to be involved with strength, conviction and engagement to
fight against all forms of authority. Some of us have previously gone
through various practices and anti-capitalist speeches, but it has been
the practice and reflections emanating which have led us to consider
ourselves as anarchic individuals, denying every “ism” and claiming the
anti-authoritarian character of anarchy as the essence of the struggle
against domination.

We have forged our struggle’s identity going through a path that is drawn
both from our own experience and other comrades’ in different times and
places. In this journey we do not deny even a small part, but on the
contrary, we think each step is a part of a radical but always
unfinished learning process that interests us to put into dialogue with
other related comrades around the world. And we know very well what we
do not want, neither leaders nor vanguard organizations or specialists;
neither bourgeois nor popular power. (more…)

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Diciembre Negro/Angry presente!: A dos años desde que un guerrero pasó a ser estrella negra iluminando las noches de la anarquía (Chile)

Monday, December 14th, 2015

Diciembre Negro/Angry presente!: A dos años desde que un guerrero pasó a
ser estrella negra iluminando las noches de la anarquía.

Hace dos años, el 11 de diciembre de 2013, el compañero Sebastián Angry
Oversluij fue abatido por las balas de un defensor del capital mientras
intentaba expropiar un banco. Con el corazón lleno de recuerdos en este
Diciembre Negro queremos nuevamente compartir algunos sentires y
reflexiones sobre la muerte y la memoria.

No es fácil asumir la muerte de un compañerx. Pero todo continua!

Nuestra lucha a muerte con el poder la vivimos como una guerra, pero en
ella cada compañerx es valiosx y no podemos normalizar la pérdida de
seres irreemplazables que asumieron la lucha anárquica como camino de
vida. Vidas como las nuestras, con ideas como las nuestras, con
prácticas como las nuestras. Por eso es para nosotrxs inevitable
preguntarnos a nosotrxs mismos cada día ¿Qué hicimos hoy en relación a
nuestrx compañerx muertx? ¿Sacamos alguna propaganda o llevamos su
nombre y las ideas que nos conectan a las calles? (more…)

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Ataque a circulo de suboficiales de la policia federal en Buenos Aires (Argentina)

Wednesday, September 9th, 2015

El día jueves 24 de agosto a eso de las 2 am colocamos un artefacto explosivo de fabricación casera compuesto por una botella plástica de medio litro rellena de pólvora negra , mechas detonantes y de iniciación. Adheridas a un cigarrillo que sirvió como retardo, todo únido a dos camping gas (gas butano) en la entrada de una de las sedes del circulo de suboficiales de la policía federal argentina ubicada en Alberti entre Chile y Mexico del barrio porteño de Balvanera. A pesar de que las cámaras sigan nuestros pasos, contamos con buenos amigxs y la determinación e imaginación creativa para evadir la seguridad de esta paz social.

Con este gesto nos solidarizamos con las y los compañeros anarquistas fugados y encarcelados en distintas partes del mundo. Que son ejemplos de lucha y convicción!

El poder es quien ejerce el monopolio de la violencia, la jurídicamente justificable, no solo la policial (la económica, la mediática, la social, el discurso democrático).

Por eso ESTAMOS con los amotinadxs, con los fugadxs, con los pibes y las pibas encerradas en los penales y psiquiátricos de argentina (y el mundo) “comunes” y anónimos que se rebelan, con los “suicidados” asesinados por el servicio penitenciario.


Hagamos practica la libertad, enfrentemos la resignación. Exaltemos la vida!

Saludos y ánimos.

Algunos anarquistas y nihilistas

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'Commando Emile Henry' takes responsibility for an incendiary attack against the offices of Groupama Insurance and McQuilling Partners shipping company (Greece)

Friday, May 29th, 2015

(Athens, 22/05/2015)

Inter Arma received and translated:

“My hands don’t get used to the artificial connection in virtual universes. Connected lives in wireless networks, my eyes search for the eternal fire of rebellion among the multitude of corpses and only in isolated gazes, the conscious individual emerges with dagger eyes that resists dying in the democratic cemetery. Before going to sleep I embrace chaos as an idea that liberates my body and my mind Because after all, it makes me feel alive. I do not want to search for the grail that will liberate future societies. My fingers search for the bloody flight of the destruction of the chains of the rhythmic fire, of the close fire of power and its masters.”

Mauricio Morales Duarte

This day, six years ago, comrade Mauricio Morales was heading to the school for prison guards in Santiago, in distant Chile, when suddenly the bomb, which he intended to place there, exploded prematurely depriving him of his life. Six years later, today at dawn, we carried out a double arson attack as a minimum tribute to the memory of the comrade.

We mined a two-storey building on Vouliagmenis avenue in Elliniko, where the offices of the insurance company Groupama Insurance (a subsidiary of the multinational banking group with the same name) and the offices of the multinational shipping company McQuilling Partners are co-located, placing four improvised incendiary devices. With this action we do not anticipate an impact on or the understanding by neither the willingly obedient mass of peaceful citizens nor the irredentist “professionals” of the movement. Of course, the recognition and appropriation of anarchist violent action by young comrades is a positive perspective. However, we do not see this as a condition or constraint for going on the offensive. That would be hypocritical, because part of our mentality and orientation, beyond the theoretical constitution and practice, remains the constant satisfaction of our instincts and desires, something which is far from negligible. (more…)

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PDF: Palabras desde la prision para la actividad "Hermosamentx Violentx" – Mayo 2015 – ($hile)

Wednesday, May 27th, 2015

PDF: folletohermosamenteviolentx

Saludos queridxs compañerxs… a continuación publicamos las palabras
enviadas y leídas para la actividad “Hermosamentx Violentx” del 17 de
Mayo en la Okupacion La Kolera, ademas del diptico repartido para
aquella jornada.

Buscamos difundir y expandir la insurrecta memoria, esa que construimos
entre todxs. Hoy distintas palabras en distintos idiomas y desde
distintas aristas llegan buscando acuchillar el olvido junto con la
multiplicacion imparable de gestos y actividades en recuerdo del Mauri.

Agradecemos a cada compañerx que participo y colaboro con esta actividad
y en las expansiones de otras que contribuyen a traer al presente al
punky mauri. Saludamos las distintas iniciativas que se han organizado
durante estos dias en recuerdo y combate. (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

FAI-IRF claim incendiary attack against a Chilectra substation in Santiago ($hile)

Friday, May 8th, 2015

From Insurrection News:

An Informal Anarchist Federation (FAI) – International Revolutionary Front (IRF) cell based in Chile calling itself Grupo Kapibara have released a communique claiming responsibility for an incendiary attack against a substation of the electricity provider Chilectra in Santiago on 06.05.15.

According to the communique a timed incendiary device containing 1.2 liters of gasoline and 400 grams of polystyrene was placed in a room inside the substation. The timing mechanism was set to activate half an hour after placement of the device but for unknown reasons activation did not occur until several hours later.

The communique states that the action was carried out in order to strike a destructive blow against the techno-industrial system in defense of Mother Earth. The communique also contains expressions of solidarity with the anarchist nihilist prisoner Spyros Mandylas held captive in Greece, the comrades Nataly, Juan and Guillermo on hunger strike in Chile and the comrades Sol, Tato and Javier, also imprisoned in Chile. Mention is also made of fallen anarchist Punky Mauri who died in 2009 while attempting to place a bomb at the prison warden’s school in Santiago, Chile.


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8 y 17 de Mayo: Actividades en recuerdo del compañero anarquista Mauricio Morales ($hile)

Saturday, May 2nd, 2015

Empezó Mayo…

Próximos a cumplir 6 años desde la partida en combate de nuestro
compañero anarquista Mauricio Morales durante aquel 22 de Mayo del 2009,
tras la detonación accidental de un artefacto explosivo en las cercanías
de la Escuela de Gendarmeria.

Desde esa fecha hasta hoy, año tras año, una serie de actividades y
gestos a lo largo y ancho del mundo se expanden combatiendo el olvido y
transformando en presente de acción el recuerdo revolucionario. (more…)

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Text by the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire and Andreas Tsavdaridis about Mauricio Morales (Greece)

Monday, June 2nd, 2014

via inter-arma:

A true life may end too soon,
but a meaningless one may not even really begin

The restless war against this world and its civilization has its own calendar. A calendar of fire, in whose pages, thousands of moments of hostilities between anarchists of Praxis and dominion, come alive. A calendar of memory against oblivion, which tries to cover within its dark veil all these moments, when anarchy armed itself and went on the offensive.  A calendar of honor for all our brothers, who fell fighting in the dangerous journey for Dignity, Freedom and Anarchy. But even if they fell, they are not lost. They live among us. They are present in every moment of war against the existent, in every moment when conspiracies and dark plans of attack are woven. They live through acts of vengeance and they will continue to live as long as there are armed consciences ready to put their negations into action.

A calendar, in which our brother, anarchist comrade Mauricio Morales, has his own page written with the ink of memory, which seeks revenge…

“Arm yourselves and become violent, beautifully violent, until everything is blown up… Arm yourselves and fight state terrorism, burn, conspire, sabotage and be violent, beautifully violent, physically violent, deliberately violent…”

Mauricio Morales

On the 22nd of May, 2009, a black day dawns in its darkness. Our brother Mauricio Morales, putting his words into action, headed to the prison wardens’ school in Santiago, Chile, planning to blow it up. But the bomb he was carrying exploded prematurely and he fell dead before he was able to fulfill his plan of attack.

But our comrade was not forgotten. For five years now, dozens of attacks all around the world, were dedicated to him, honoring him in the way he deserves to.

In our world we do not weep for our dead, we do not perform memorials, sticking to miserable customary formalities. We carry our dead in our hearts. We carry them with us, in the fierce moments, where anarchist attack disturbs the order of this world.

Anarchy has neither victims, nor heroes.

Anarchy has a memory of living forms that honored their lives with their deaths and not shadowy zombies, which day by day honor their slow death with their life.

Mauri is on our side. He is the comrade we never met but shared with him the same passion for the destruction of this world. We shared with him the same desire to act aggressively, promoting continuous anarchist insurrection. Any of us could have been in his place and so we feel that he is one of us and we will never forget him…

Nothing is over

We still have much to do…

For us, for our dead…

“Because the eyes of the dead –our dead- are bright meteor, which roam in the infinite to find their way to us…

The eyes of our dead tell us about the “why” of life, showing  us the secret flame, which burns our mystery…”

Renzo Novatore

Conspiracy of Cells of Fire FAI/IRF – Imprisoned Members Cell
Andreas Tsavdaridis – Commando Mauricio Morales – FAI/IRF

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Incendiary attack at Yate Magistrates Court on 22nd May in memory of Maurico Morales by FAI – Conscience & Fury (UK)

Friday, May 23rd, 2014

Communique censored by the pacifist-judiciary of Indymedia UK:


We firebombed the courthouse in central Yate, on 22nd May. 10 camping gas canisters were enough to devastate the front lobby, with a homemade napalm mixture as the detonator. We chose the early hours to avoid any injuries. Social war doesn’t sleep: at any given time, irrepressibles somewhere are awake and angry, raging against impositions of the governing system which wants us as its cogs. That night it happened to be us.

New and bigger custody centers; more restrictive laws, injunctions and “anti-social behavior” legislation; legal aid reduced to entrap the poor; phonelines for snitching; different shades of cops embedding themselves throughout the layers of society; probation schemes to reinsert convicts into the world of wage-slavery and consumerism; a whole prison-world of concrete cities and surveilled data-streams overseen by the powerful, armed with CCTV, biometrics and electronic tagging to defend their wealth and social order…

And also carrying out this authoritarian disciplining of the individual, are the courts. Enforcers of human misery, shamelessly applying laws drawn up by the upper classes, politicians and business leaders. Stamping down to subdue people who are mostly trying to find means of survival while capitalism pits all against all.

The justice system tries to pass itself off as the only protection from the very same desperation and imbalances that civilized society creates. Its real function is and has always been to protect and sanctify property and privilege above all: and to usurp free communities or individuals capacity for autonomy, retaliation or reconciliation. (more…)

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'Commando Mauricio Morales / FAI-IRF' takes responsibility for the sending of a parcelbomb to Dimitris Horianopoulos, scumbag former commander of the anti-terrorist division (Greece)

Sunday, July 14th, 2013


PHOENIX PROJECT – Part 4 [Parts 1, 2, 3 &… 5]

“Be proud of your actions, because it is through disobedience and insurrection that a bright ray of human beauty is born! Hello anarchists of praxis! Hello brothers and sisters!”
Renzo Novatore

Some thought that we raised a white flag. Some thought we forgot our imprisoned brothers and sisters and sunk in the social swamp, next to the two-legged herd. The bosses, journalists, politicians, society and the ridiculous “anarchist” bureaucrats thought they got rid of us.

For all those, Project Phoenix is a punch in the gut. A punch in the gut because the new anarchist urban guerrilla is here and tears down the desires of all these worms to terminate our actions. Old groups are activated and new are created, with the promise to give life to the nightmares of authority and its subjects.

Comrade G.Tsakalos has been held on remand for 32 months when the limit is 18. We do not care about the provisions of the constitution.

We do not desire the cleansing of institutions, we fight for their destruction. We know that the law is a weapon in the hand of dominance, just like we know that our ten imprisoned brothers and sisters will not be liberated with legal procedures.

We believe authority is total of values which in the core is the citizen-mass human, who lies in the muck of stagnation, where everyone forgets their name and responsibilities. But even in this disgust some have a name. One of them is Dimitris Horianopoulos. During his service as a commander of the anti-terrorist force, the operation against the R.O. CCF was carried out. Horianopoulos is nothing more than a piece of garbage of the complexity of security and the fact that he has retired does not mean that we forgot him. The same goes for the rest of the scumbags in his department. They should know that they are on the top of the target list of FAI/IRF.

We take responsibility for the sending of a parcelbomb to the scumbag mentioned above, which was, unfortunately, detected.

We dedicate our attack to the UNREPENTANT and PROUD members of the CCF, as well as all imprisoned anarchists of praxis, wherever they are. We send our LOVE and RESPECT to all anarcho-individualists, nihilists, and iconoclasts who discovered the fountain of life in the attack.


P.S. It was announced that the parcel was ignited after falling down in the post office. The parcel we sent was absolutely safe for anyone not a target. The mechanism activates ONLY if the envelope is opened and not if it falls or gets shaken. We do not know what happened. The only sure thing is that the package was opened.


via actforfree/boubourAs

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