Posts Tagged ‘Hunger Strike’

Petr Mikolas on hungerstrike in solidarity to striking prisoners in United States (Czech Republic)

Wednesday, November 2nd, 2016

Petr Mikoláš is so called social prisoner who had shared a cell with Lukáš Borl before the director of Litoměřice prison separated them into different cells. Petr and Lukáš became to be friends and Petr started to see similarities in between his and other stories of imprisoned ones pretty quickly. Petr Mikoláš after separation from Lukáš decided to go on hunger strike.

One of his reasons to start a hunger strike is to be in solidarity with striking prisoners in the US. We support Petr’s struggle as we would support any imprisoned being fighting against their oppressor.

Statement on the hunger strike of Petr Mikoláš

Hey all friends, my name is Petr Mikoláš. The failure of the state and basically state robbery led me to understand and recognize anarchistic values and therefore the need of revolution. I was deprived of all my property, social relations and family ties. And all of that only by a fictional and manipulated accusation by the police!

I was put in custody in September 2015 and I’m still here, totally isolated.

I understood that the representative democracy is manipulated and non-functional. I don’t want my children to grow up in such a totally sick system.

If repression is inflicted upon us, including physical attacks or captivity, we have incontestable right to defend ourselves. The impulse to self-defense is an instinctive human trait that is taken from us by every system. Therefore I agree with all the anarchistic values!
I start the hunger strike in the custody jail on the 1st of November 2016 and I want to:

-support all the prisoners on strike in USA
-demand a full vegan diet in the jail, acknowledging a tradition of not eating products coming from abused animals
-be reunited in a cell with Lukáš Borl from whom the authorities have separated me, right after the captors learned about our will to support others by the hunger strike. We want to have a chance to be in contact again!

Who wants to support us, write, call, or fax to the Litoměřice prison.

Petr Mikoláš 24.1.1972
Vazební věznice Litoměřice
Veitova 1
412 81 Litoměřice
Czech Republic


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Conspiracy of Cells of Fire – “For Alfredo and Anna – Until we meet” (Greece, Italy)

Tuesday, October 25th, 2016

In Italy, comrade Alfredo Cospito since October 3rd and comrade Anna Beniamino since October 10th, are on a hunger strike against the isolation imposed on them and on the anarchists imprisoned for the attacks of FAI (Operation “Scripta Manent”).

We know that the struggle against authority is unequal… Nevertheless we choose the war for freedom instead of the peace of fear.

Because we know that there are “free” people, who are more enslaved than prisoners, and living people that are more dead than most of our dead comrades who fell in the battle for freedom.

Because for every battle that we lose, a new one begins.

“Because if I don’t get burnt, if you don’t get burnt, how will the darkness turn to shining…”

For us solidarity is not simply a “touching” word, but a way of life, of becoming people with the dream as our measure.

We stand by our comrades Alfredo and Anna with all our hearts and minds, until our dreams meet…




CCF / FAI – Urban Guerrilla Cell

George Polydoros

Olga Economidou

Gerasimos Tsakalos

Christos Tsakalos

Korydallos prison

CCF Per Alfredo ed Anna fino al incontro

In Italia dal 3 ottobre il compagno Alfredo Cospito e dal 10 ottobre la compagna Anna Beniamino sono in sciopero di fame contro il regime d’isolamento imposto a loro ed agli anarchici incarcerati per attachi di FAI (operazione scripta manent).

Conosciamo che la battaglia contro il potere è ineguale….però scegliamo la guerra per la libertà che la pace di paura. Perché sappiamo che ci siano “liberi” più schiavi che i carcerati e vivi più morti che i nostri compagni caduti in battaglia per la libertà. Perché per ogni battaglia che perdiamo, una nuova comincia. “Perché se non mi brucio io, se non ti bruci tu, come il buio diventerà splendore…”

Per noi la solidarietà non è una parola “emozionante” ma una maniera di vivere ad essere umani dove la nostra misura sarà il sogno.

Stiamo a lato dei compagni Alfredo ed Anna con tutta la nostra cuore e nostro mente fino al incontro del sogno…


Polidoros Giorgio Iconomidu Olga Tsacalos Gerasimos Tsacalos Christos Dalle prigioni di Coridalos

Italy Anarchist comrades Alfredo Cospito and Anna Beniamino ended their hunger strike on 22nd October
On 22nd October, following the revocation of solitary confinement, Alfredo and Anna stopped their hunger strike, which they had begun on 3rd October and 10th October respectively.

via: Croceneranarchica, actforfree

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Operation Fenix: Solidarity to anarchist comrade Martin on hunger-strike (Czech Republic)

Friday, June 17th, 2016

As “Czech” Anarchist Black Cross and the AntiFenix Collective, we call for international solidarity actions against the repression of anarchists in the so-called Czech Republic. This repressive wave is labeled Operation Fenix – 8 people are accused or charged, some with possible life sentences, and with many more harassed by police, interrogated, raided, devices confiscated.

Our call for international solidarity is to support all of charged and affected, but also in particular to support Martin, an anarchist who was entrapped and accused of preparation of a terrorist attack, all planned by two state infiltrators. He has been locked away already almost 14 months in terrible conditions, and in response, he has just gone on hunger strike. Especially in places where you have Czech embassies or consulates, you can show that borders can’t stop anarchist solidarity.

Although Martin’s English isn’t very good, he will be very happy to receive any mail, here is his address:

Martin Ignačák 10.8.1986
V.V. Praha – Pankrác
P.O.BOX – 5
Praha 4
140 57
Czech Republic

On the antifenix website there are already some pictures from solidarity actions from foreign countries.

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Communiqué from Martin Ignačák about his hunger strike (Czech Republic)

Monday, June 13th, 2016

We have already informed about the fact that Martin, unlike us, has not been aware of the decision of the court. He hasn’t received the official decision to this day (June 9th, now he has gotten it) but has been informed about the court decision by his family and his lawyer who visited him yesterday. The court had decided that Martin is to remain in custody. Therefore today Martin officially begins the hunger strike. Here is Martin’s statement.


The hunger strike is my free reaction to the circumstances that concern the approach of the police in the Fénix case.

The situation is unbearable for me due to the slander through which R. Šlachta has demagogically been ling to the Higher court. I consider it unlawful that my family is being monitored, their private lives are being interfered with, their opinion and feelings of the Fénix case are being judged. This indirectly shows that any criticism is an impulse for the monitoring of the dissenting persons and the recording of details of their private lives. (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Operation Fenix: Urgent – Imprisoned anarchist Martin Ignačák has gone on hungerstrike (Czech Republic)

Monday, May 30th, 2016

On Friday 27.5. 2016 in Pankrác remand prison anarchist Martin Ignačák accused of terrorism went on hunger strike. He did this because on 29.4. 2016 the City court in Prague ruled in favour of his release from remand and the state’s attorney appealed this decision to the High court in Prague. On Friday 27.5. 2016 the High court in Prague extended the remand. Therefore the anarchist has decided to protest by going on hunger strike and has stopped taking in nutrition and liquids. This type of hunger strike threatens the life of the hunger striker after a week.

During the year long investigation of the preparation of a supposed terrorist attack the imprisoned anarchist has exhausted all legal options, to achieve objective procedure of the respective organs active in the criminal proceedings. None of them were taken into account. This is why he now chose this radical form of expression, to draw attention to this manipulated police case. ” I consider the approach of the investigators and the police to be very problematic, it is a threat to the freedom of every human being, a threat to freedom of speech, a threat to activism that tries to lead to a better world , and this doesn’t just involve anarchists.” (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Hunger strike communiqué of comrade Kevin Garrido (Chile)

Thursday, May 26th, 2016

‘We will ensure that there is not one safe place left for them. Our weapons are charged and ready to talk… if words make them sweat, actions will spill blood’ Sebastián Oversluij.

Today I write to you from captivity, Mauricio Morales. These words are from and for you and I hope they reach you.. How many years have passed since you physically abandoned this disgusting modern world? Does it really matter? Not to me. Time is just time and the future is uncertain, the attack is here and now… There’s the present to be set on fire and blown up! The present war!

For me you didn’t ‘fall in battle’. Because, dying while attacking authority is falling? no, in my opinion, and I believe that many repeat this phrase mistakenly. For me you died attacking authority, with dignity and pride. You died with the courage of the warrior you are, amidst the triumph of Power and the respect of those who consider you a comrade. I don’t idolise you or any other, even less do I cry for you. I honour your courage, your acting in total coherence with your words, ideas and practices; a fighter of praxis. (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Osman Evcan obtains victory through hunger strike (Turkey)

Wednesday, April 6th, 2016

Osman Evcan gained the victory from the determined struggle in which he put his life against the state inside the thick walls of prison which he is enclosed. Osman, got everything he demanded through this hard period without surrendering to the state. Osman Evcan ended his indefinite hunger strike which took 45 days against intimidation, torture and extermination politics against prisoners and again he proved us that how he is right about his call to raise the struggle. He continued his resistance resolutely by choosing to die with honor and this is the only reason why his demands are accepted. The State’s “punishment” system and their officials that made comrade Osman Evcan suffer hunger for 45 days and tortured him are our enemies. The recognized demands of Osman Evcan are not a matter of grace, instead that is the end of torturous practices. Torture is a state policy. He is grateful to everyone who have held demonstrations, spoken up, and gave support for Osman Evcan’s cause. Osman Evcan is now trying to get over the adverse effects of the hunger strike process, and his present health condition is fine. We will share the message from Osman Evcan soon.

With anarchist solidarity

ABC İstanbul

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Letter from imprisoned vegan anarchist Osman Evcan (Turkey)

Tuesday, March 1st, 2016

Update: New article about Osman Evcan.

From ABC Istanbul:

Hi, I wish everyone healthy, pleasant, free lives, I send my love and greetings.

I was exiled from Kocaeli No 1 F Type prison on 05.02.2016 and taken to Silivri prison by force.

Our VEGAN ALIMENTATION RIGHT, which we have obtained through hunger strike in Kocaeli No:1 F Type Prison is totally usurped and destroyed in Silivri No:6 L Type Prison, which I have been exiled=transferred to. The aim of this exile=transfer was to practice the violation of right in Silivri No:6 L Type Prison. This planned scheme is put into action in this prison.

From the day I have arrived to this prison, I have faced violation of rights. To put an end to these inhumane practices and violation of rights; I have written petitions heaps of times. Till this moment, none of my petitions are answered. The violation of rights neither have ended, they are still going on. (more…)

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Vegan eco-anarchist prisoner Osman Evcan starts new hungerstrike (Turkey)

Tuesday, February 23rd, 2016


Despite the oppressions like exile, naked body search, cameras in cells, banning of letters and visitors, blocking vegan food; Osman Evcan didn’t took a step back and he has started his indefinite hunger strike starting from the 22 February, 2016. Because fear, submission and consenting, crushes the bodies under the heaviness of power of the state. State’s efforts to depersonalize political individuals with systematic pressures, should be smashed under Osman’s resistance. There is no middle way with the state who is establishing the policy of eliminating the prisoners on price-punishment order. Osman Evcan’s struggle is towards the authority. Only way to prove that he does not obey the authority, he does not accept the authority, is to setting forth his body. They can only destroy and divide political identities with murder, not with prison practices.
We summon everyone to share Osman Evcan’s struggle, who is fighting against state, surveillance and control, whether outside or inside.

İnsurrection is essential for freedom to come into leaf.

Fire to the cells!

Abc İstanbul


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Radio Fragmata: Radio spot for Solidarity to Gabriel and Juankar (Spain, Greece)

Wednesday, January 20th, 2016

MP3 Download: Solidarity to Gabriel and Juankar

Pirate radio spot for Solidarity to Gabriel and Juankar by Radio Fragmata.


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Posted in Prison Struggle

Anarchist comrade Gabriel Pombo da Silva wins his demands and stops hunger strike (Spain)

Wednesday, January 20th, 2016

Yesterday, 19 January, imprisoned anarchist Gabriel Pombo da Silva came off his hunger strike which he started on the 17 January with the demand to get a single cell. The comrade won his demand and stopped the hunger strike. Companion Juankar Santana Martín, who started a hunger strike in solidarity also stopped his hunger strike. The move by the prison lackies of Dueñas to mess around with Gabriel is a typical act to provoke him during his regular prison transfers.
The victory for his demand shows that each attempt by the authorities to harass our imprisoned comrades should be met with resistance and agitation. Solidarity to those who fight.

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Gabriel Pombo da Silva on hunger strike against his conditions of imprisonment (Spain)

Tuesday, January 19th, 2016

Anarchist comrade Gabriel Pombo da Silva who is held hostage by the Spanish state and has recently been ‘ghosted’ (transferred suddenly to another prison) from Topas, Salamanca, to Dueñas, Palencia, has started a hunger strike. The hunger strike is to demand a single cell, as the Spanish authorities always try to revenge Gabriel by putting him in cells with junkies, snitches and other scum, like rapists. By censoring, monitoring and interfering with his correspondence and visits in direct provocations and keeping placing him with the scum, the authorities want to make Gabriel pliant to the new incentives and privileges scheme that they are using across Spain to keep the prisoners heads down. Gabriel has already been forced to endure over 30 years of imprisonment at the hands of the Spanish State, in some of the worst conditions of annihilation. Gabriel started the hunger strike on 17th January, and he is joined by another companion, Juankar Santana Martín, also in the prison of Dueñas.

Solidarity to Gabriel and Juankar!

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Anarchist prisoner Osman Evcan resisted and won his fight again (Turkey)

Sunday, December 20th, 2015

Osman Evcan and Hasan Çınar gained the victory from the determined
struggle which they put their lives against the state inside the thick
walls of prison which they are enclosed. Osman and Hasan, got what they
demanded through this hard period. Osman Evcan ended his indefinite
hunger strike which took 39 days against intimidation and extermination
politics against prisoners in prison and again he proved us that how he
is right about his call to raise struggle.

We celebrate Osman Evcan who has proved that the thick walls that are
built in order to revitalize the new “terrorist” wave that the Turkish
state needed and legitimize further operations cannot be an obstacle to
anarchists at all. The “punishment” system and their officials that made
comrade Osman Evcan suffer hunger for 39 days and tortured him are our
enemies. The recognized demands of Osman Evcan and Hasan Çınar are not a
matter of grace, instead that is the end of torturous practices. Torture
is the state policy. We are grateful to everyone who have held
demonstrations, spoken up, and support for Osman Evcan’s cause. Osman
Evcan is now trying to get over the adverse effects of the hunger strike
process, and his present health condition is fine. We will share the
message from Osman Evcan and Hasan Çınar soon.

With anarchist solidarity,

ABC Istanbul

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Istanbul: Demo for Osman Evcan, vegan anarchist on hungerstrike (Turkey)

Saturday, December 19th, 2015

video & pictures

A demonstration took place in Taksim (Istanbul) to show solidarity with
vegan anarchist Osman Evcan who is on hunger strike for 37 days, and
with the political prisoner Hasan Çınar who is on hunger strike for 15
days. The demo continued by constant threats by the riot police and
ended by police attack after the public statement.

Public statement

Vegan anarchist prisoner Osman Evcan- who is resisting against authority
in prisons for 23 years- is demanding total freedom against the
ecological destruction and slaughter, hunger, poverty and war politics
that state, civilization and capitalism created.

Osman’s first hungerstrike was at 2011 to access vegan food in jail
which lasted 42 days. During his hungerstrike the anarchists, animal
liberationists all over the World and in Turkey supported Osman’s fight
to access vegan food in prison. After 42 days of hungerstrike the
government took a step back and made regulations for the vegan and
vegeterian prisoners in prison: ”Vegan or vegetarian prisoners demands
will be accepted as long as its limited by subsistence allowance”

After his hunger strike for 33 days on June 2015 he took vegan food
supplies one step further and he gained the right to get vegan food from
outside the prisons. (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Osman Evcan is on hunger strike for 35 days – Hasan Çınar is on hunger strike for 10 days (Turkey)

Tuesday, December 15th, 2015

Osman Evcan continues his indefinite hunger strike to protest Kocaeli no.
1 F Type prison and other prisons of oppressive, authoritarian, retributive,
unjust practices. He is on hunger strike since 10th November 2015. Also
Osman Evcan’s cellmate Hasan Çınar started an indefinite hunger strike 10
days ago to support Osman. He is suffering from stomach cancer. Due to
his health condition this hunger strike might be really dangerous for
him in a really short time period.

We got the information that Osman Evcan’s health condition is good for
now and he continues his hunger strike with strength. He also told us in
his letter that the prison administration and prison prosecutor is
putting pressure on him by going into his cell, yelling at him with
threats so that he brings his hunger strike to an end. But he
underlines that he is determined to continue the hunger strike. Besides
that he says that he is thankful to everyone who is supporting him by
sending letters, by protests, by creating a public opinion. He sends
everyone his love and greetings. (more…)

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