Posts Tagged ‘Fernando Barcenas’

Incendiary attack against a Banamex bank in Oaxaca by Informal Anarchic Individualities (Mexico)

Monday, May 30th, 2016

On the morning of May 23rd in complicity with the full moon we decided to attack, in a city taken by police and military, we joined the night which makes us invisible and provides anonymity and secrecy. We torched a Banamex branch by placing tires in front of it and watering them with gasoline. So we illuminated the darkness and struck a blow, it’s a fleeting moment, but it’s a moment we enjoy and that for a few seconds makes us feel a little freer, releasing the fire that slowly eats away at the awful branch and it’s ATMs. We decided to videotape it so that everyone can see that some actions are easy to carry out, to encourage all comrades to take action wherever they are.

It is undeniable, we are everywhere. We see banks and those responsible for them as direct generators of poverty and social inequality. Banks are the temples where the “God” of money comes and goes, where misery is managed, where that “God” is placed above any form of life. (more…)

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Posted in Direct Action

Explosive attack against CORTV Oaxaca by ‘Informal Anarchic Individualities’ (Mexico)

Tuesday, April 26th, 2016

Received and translated by Insurrectionnews on 25.04.16:

In the early hours of April 23 we placed a homemade explosive device on the premises of CORTV Oaxaca, a media / manipulation channel working in the service of the state.

Given the wave of repression against anti-authoritarians that is especially focused on the anarchist movement, we undertook this action as a call to spread the attack against those who we consider our enemies.

We recognize the different faces of those who condemn us to a life of misery and oppression, and their collaborators.

This time it was the media of mass communication, who are noted as instruments of power for social alienation and as an indispensable part of the repressive framework of different sustained operations in recent times against the anarchist movement fulfilling the role of criminalizing our compañeros and their struggle.

Our objective is to break the social peace, exacerbate the conflict and sharpen and expand the revolt.

We stand in solidarity with our imprisoned compas and the fallen of this war sending them fraternal greetings, wishing them to feel the fire and the action.

For Fernando Barcenas, Monica Caballero, Francisco Solar and all anarchist and anti-authoritarian prisoners.


Informal Anarchic Individualities


La madrugada del pasado 23 de Abril fue colocado un explosivo casero en las instalaciones del canal CORTV Oaxaca, medio de comunicación/manipulación al servicio del Estado.

Ante la ola de represión especialmente enfocada contra el movimiento antiautoritario y/o anarquista, emprendemos esta acción, que a su vez deseamos sea un llamamiento hacia la propagación del ataque contra quienes consideramos nuestrxs enemigxs.

Rconocemos los distintos rostros de quienes nos condenan a una vida de miseria y opresión, y de sus colaboradores.

Esta vez fueron los medios de comunicación de masas, a quienes señalamos como instrumentos del poder para la enagenación social y como parte indispensable del entramado represivo de las diferentes operaciones sufrida en los últimos tiempos por el movimiento anarquista cumpliendo el papel de criminalizar y señalar a nuestrxs compañerxs luchadorxs.

Nuestro obbetivo es romper la paz social, agudizar el conflicto y provocar y expandir la revuelta.

Nos solidarizamos con lxs compas presxs y caidxs de esta guerra enviandolxs un fraternal saludo, deseando sientan el fuego y la acción.

Por Fernando Bárcenas, Mónica Caballero, Francisco Solar y todxs lxs presxs anarquistas y antiautoritarixs.


Individualidades anárquicas informales.

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