Posts Tagged ‘Billy’

Domodedovo: Three wooden crosses cut down (Russia)

Wednesday, January 30th, 2013

Three wooden crosses were cut in Domodedovo area of Moscow during the nights of 25/12/12, 07/01/13 and 20/01/13. Situated near elite cottages, on the territory of a hunting resort, and near sand borrow works these symbols of religios dogmatism were standing there as a blessing upon thieves, murderers and rapists. Moreover, they are used as way stones marking the direction of further domestication and development projects. This is something we stand in opposition to.

Against clerical intrusion into nature!

Against any religion

Salute to our brother Walter Bond. It was good to hear of his recent decision about Islam. No mosques in our parts, so our iconoclast activity is focused on crazy orthodox fundamentalists.

Salute to our anti-religious comrades from Australia and UK!

Eat and Billy, we welcome you back!

Autonomous Carpenters, FAI-IRF

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'About Eat & Billy' Solidarity Zine released (ACN)

Saturday, December 22nd, 2012

Free international solidarity zine for the released comrades Eat & Billy. Featuring an introduction by the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire of the first phase and anarchist of praxis Theofilos Mavropoulos.

The blood of our comrades runs in our veins – Fire across the oceans.



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Comrade Eat of the Long-Live Luciano Tortuga Cell – FAI/FRI is free (Indonesia)

Sunday, December 16th, 2012

“Nothing’s to be preserved. Everything that maintains the status quo and the infrastructure of domination must be destroyed.”

Comrade Eat was released from prison on 14 December after serving a jail term for burning a BRI ATM bank in solidarity with Luciano Tortuga in Chile. As part of his probation the comrade must report to the authorities in Borneo.

Luciano, Billy & Eat all (kind of) free… what beautiful flames, explosions and anarchic-chaotic dreams flew through the nights and days of their imprisonment, upsetting the order across continents.


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Posted in Prison Struggle

Dark Nights 29: Considerations on Action and Anarchy – Dec 2012 (ACN)

Friday, December 14th, 2012

Download and distribute – December 2012 version of the international anti-prison anarchist freesheet to copy on the fly.

PDF: Dark Nights 29: Considerations on Action and Anarchy

Frontpage article from Italy considers the laming of Ansaldo Nucleare CEO Roberto Adinolfi, the zine also includes letters from imprisoned anarchist comrades, news and a direct action/sabotage round-up. Gabriel Pombo da Silva penned a letter in solidarity with Marco Camenisch this month, Marco is a persecuted eco-anarchist standing firm against the inquisition of nun Manuela Comodi in Italy and the prison authorities of Switzerland. Lastly, but not least, the call for an International Direct Action Week in solidarity with the always unyielding Mario Antonio López ‘Tripa’ from the 15th to the 22nd of December by the Anticivilization Fraction of the Earth Liberation Front in Mexico.

Not forgetting the yearly call for international anti-prison demonstrations and actions on New Years Eve – the time when people are encouraged by the system to spend even more money in consumerist temples and forget their problems through illusions.

Merry Crisis & Happy New Fear – For a Black Xmas!

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Comrade Billy of the Long-Live Luciano Tortuga Cell – FAI/FRI is free (Indonesia)

Thursday, November 22nd, 2012

Comrade Billy has been released from prison after serving a jail term for burning an ATM bank in solidarity with Luciano Tortuga in Chile. We welcome Billy back on to the streets with our raised fists and a salute to continue the fight. Billy had been imprisoned for a little over a year. His comrade, Eat, who is also a member of Long-Live Luciano Tortuga Cell – FAI/FRI, is still detained inside the prison.

Long live anarchy – Death to the state and the corporations.

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Posted in Prison Struggle

International Conspiracy for Revenge – FAI/IRF takes responsibility for arson of a school in Manado (Indonesia)

Wednesday, November 14th, 2012

School burns during the week of solidarity action for Eat and Billy, called by the International Conspiracy for Revenge.

325 receives and transmits:

On 11 of November 2012, covered by the night and with desires of revolutionary solidarity to the imprisoned anarchists from around the world, we burnt one state elementary school in Paniki, Manado. We salute our action to all of our brothers and sisters from Informal Anarchist FederationInternational Revolutionary Front (FAI – IRF).

Maybe, many of the comrades will be asking why we put a fire in a school? It’s a simple answer.

First, school is a prison. And there’s no other excuse to defend the school and write it out from the list of targets of revolutionary actions. In school, we can’t learn about freedom, bravery, uniqueness and revolutionary solidarity. We learn nothing but the situation of society that imposes on our dignity as a human being. (more…)

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ICR – FAI/FRI issue an International Call for Direct Action (Indonesia)

Thursday, November 8th, 2012

325 receives and transmits:

Dear comrades and companerxs of Informal Anarchist FederationInternational Revolutionary Front (FAI – IRF) from around the world, to all the rebels who still rise against the power, society and eco-disaster.

We, the International Conspiracy for Revenge, Indonesian section of FAI-IRF want to make an international call of direct action against all property and symbols of society, eco-destroyers, fascists, military and our enemies. This international call in the beginning is to remember the abduction of our two brothers from Long Live Luciano Tortuga Cell – FAI Indonesia, Eat and Billy, by the state one year ago. One year of kidnap and harassment of revolutionary action done by our brothers. And not to forget to mention, the fugitive member of Long Live Luciano Tortuga Cell, K, who is still underground and hunted by power.

But in essence, our action will be dedicated to all the rebels and revolutionaries who never step back, eating their words, and who never want to wash their hands by the sale of another revolutionary name to protect their comfort zones.

We want to call our sisters and brothers in arms from all the cells of FAI-IRF to refresh our revolutionary memories. That until today, we haven’t forgotten and will never forget our sisters and brothers who are kidnapped and seized behind bars by the state. Eat and Billy are only a small piece in a wave of repression that always faced the rise of insurrectionary desires around the circles of FAI-IRF. Action always speaks louder than words.

For one week, starting from today, we want to send our revolutionary greetings for Eat and Billy and other rebels (proud and revolutionary members of CCF and Revolutionary Struggle, Luciano Tortuga Pitronello, Mario Tripa Lopez, Marco Camenisch, Gabriel Pombo da Silva, Theofilos Mavropoulos, Alfredo Cospito and Nicola Gai, Marcelo, Juan and Fredy, Ivan Silva and Carla Verdugo, anarchist prisoners of operations in Italia and many more revolutionary names) that must be remembered and mentioned in our hearts through action.

See you in the street, covered by the night through the fires against power and society.

For anarchy
For Black International
For our sisters and brothers

International Conspiracy for Revenge
Informal Anarchist Federation – International Revolutionary Front
FAI Indonesian Section

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'Long-Live Luciano Tortuga Cell – International Conspiracy for Revenge – FAI / FRI' attack electrical substation with incendiary device in Manado (Indonesia)

Sunday, September 2nd, 2012

From Membakar Senj[a]:

It’s always a reason to say that the lack of numbers is the main reason. But for us the only obstacle is fear. Theories, reasons and situations are the walls of the labyrinth which always became a reason for obstruction and restriction. As well as the accusations that the kidnapping of two members, of our comrades Billy and Eat, is a barrier to the ongoing actions for destruction.

On August 23, at a power plant in Kotamobagu, North Sulawesi, we put an incendiary device that failed to ignite. We were disappointed with ourselves and the ability of each individual who was involved in the attack. But on the other hand, we learned that no one should regret. Tonight August 31, we re-commit to do the same “crimes”. Leaving the device in order to burn an electrical substation in Tuminting, Manado.

The goal is clear. We are angry. Really angry!

This action is also as a response and as an answer to the unlimited solidarity from many rebellion comrades and companer@s.

To the uncontrolled and brave comrades in the darkness of Bolivia, Chile, Mexico, Greece, Argentina, and England as well as to other places that were never mentioned.

To Olga and all the comrades from Conspiracy of Cells of Fire and Tasos Theofilou who was recently arrested because he was an anarchist. Also we do not forget to mention Theofilos Mavropoulos, Gabriel Pombo da Silva, Rami Syrianos, and Marco Camenisch who are undergoing a hunger strike. All of you are rebels who inspired us despite the fact that you are seized behind bars.

To Luciano Tortuga and Mario Lopez, also never forget to mention Ivan Silva and Carla Verdugo in Chile. Henry Zegarrundo, Juan Aliste Vega, Freddy Fuentevilla Saa, Marcelo Villarroel Sepúlveda also are an inspiration. Do not forget to dissidents like Felicity Ryder, Nikos Maziotis and Pola Roupa also lastly to K. The fugitive member of the Long Live Luciano Tortuga Cell, Informal Anarchist Federation / International Revolutionary Front (FAI / FRI).

But with fully of shame in our face we mention our two brothers in struggle, members of Long Live Luciano Tortuga Cell, Informal Anarchist Federation / International Revolutionary Front; Billy Augustan and Reyhard Rumbayan (Eat). Also do not forget the brave one of Kulonprogo; Tukijo. For those we send our greetings with the lights of fire from the street. To them we are sending our love.

These actions are also as a manifestation of anger and disappointment.
Impatience for those rebels who after attacks returned to run and hide and spent long time to keep waiting, including us.

Comrades, it is time to strike back.
Do not wait. Time to light it up!

Long Live Anarchy!

Long Live Luciano Tortuga Cell
International Conspiracy for Revenge
Informal Anarchist Federation / International Revolutionary Front

Adalah sebuah alasan untuk mengatakan bahwa jumlah adalah alasan. Karena bagi kami ternyata satu-satunya halangan adalah ketakutan. Berbagai teori, alasan juga situasi dan kondisi adalah berbagai tembok labirin yang selalu jadi alasan tentang halangan dan pembatasan. Juga seperti tuduhan bahwa tertangkapnya dua orang kamerad anggota kami Billy dan Eat adalah penghalang akan aksi pengrusakan yang berkelanjutan. (more…)

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Posted in Direct Action

Two Sequoias ALF – FAI/IRF take responsibility for bombing dog crematory (Ukraine)

Wednesday, June 20th, 2012

325 receives and transmits:

“The time will come when men such as I will look upon the murder of animals as they now look upon the murder of men.”Leonardo Da Vinci

“The way we treat animals is measure of us as human beings. Without animals there will be no humanity. In a world devoid of animal and plant life, human life will cost less than nothing.”Somebody we wholeheartedly support

Thus on the 9th of May (Victory Day in ex-USSR) we approached local solid waste landfill. Our target was company tasked with capture and disposal of stray animals, cages with captured stray dogs, crematory and company office. It is worth mentioning that company office sported a sign that read “Veterinary”. Animal care service in the middle of garbage heap – civilizational paradox. It would seem that animal care services should work for the benefit of animals, not municipal authorities. (more…)

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Posted in Direct Action

Paint Bomb Attack against Indonesian Embassy (Philippines)

Friday, May 25th, 2012

325 receives and transmits:

24 May 2012

Solidarity Action For Eat and Billy

A paint bomb attack against the Indonesian Embassy happened May 24,
2012 in the vicinity of Makati, Philippines. Around 1am a group of people started to throw a black paint to the wall and inside the perimeter of the said embassy. After that they left leaflets on the scene stating “FREEDOM TO EAT AND BILLY, FREEDOM TO ALL THE VICTIMS OF STATE REPRESSION, STOP THE ENVIRONMENTAL DESTRUCTION, INDONESIAN STATE IS THE REAL TERRORIST.”

This was an act of solidarity for Eat and Billy….

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Unrepentant combatants Eat & Billy sing "My Way" by Frank Sinatra/Sid Vicious to celebrate their short sentence (Indonesia)

Thursday, May 24th, 2012

Click picture for video

To give energy, strength and share their laughter in the face of prison, with all the comrades-fighters around the world, the proud imprisoned members of Long Live Luciano Tortuga Cell – FAI Indonesia sing “My Way” by Frank Sinatra/Sid Vicious. The second phase of their trial is over and now, all they have to do, according to the fighters is “survive the prisons until they get out”, and Billy looks more healthy and strong.

Rough translation from Negasi:

The Gift of Song from Combatants Eat and Billy From Behind Prison Bars

“My Way” – Frank Sinatra/Sid Vicious

This is a video recording of the combatants Billy Augustan and Reyhard Rumbayan (Eat) who are currently in prison. They sang a brief song as a metaphor of the attitude and courageous choice that they have taken in their lives.

We can only share this for a while shouting loudly in the streets,

Long live the rebels!
Do not go out, do not be sad!
No combatant will be alone in this war!
For the total destruction of the community today!

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Guayaquil: Bruno Fillipi Cell of Iconoclastic Individuals of FAI/IRF attacks Coca Cola bottling industry (Ecuador)

Thursday, May 24th, 2012

From culmine, transl waronsociety:

22 May 2012

I’d like to lay down in a soft bed, fragranced with roses…
“Watch out for thorns,” they tell me.
And what do I care? Given that thorns are not lacking in life,
I prefer those of roses that give so much joy along with the pain.

Today, Tuesday May 22nd 2012, at 3:00 AM we placed an explosive device which contained 3 sticks of dynamite in the electric energy source of one of the primary vertebrae of the capitalist system: the bottling industry of “Coca-Cola” located on Av. Juan Tanca Marengo Km 4.5 in the city of Guayaquil.

We have heard it and read it, that phrase resonating every time greater in our heads, and in this opportunity as in the future ones, we neither image nor want nor could remain paralyzed: This time upright, proud and dignified we furiously add our cry to the unison of the indomitable spirits: “NO WARRIOR IS ALONE.”

That no warrior is alone, that solidarity between anarchists is more than a written word, that memory is never lost!, we go due to the same sense that those words draw out in us, because it is the voice of our brothers and sisters who call to us, it is the blood that demands to be liberated, that ferociously shouts and wildly revenges, and again we cannot nor want to be deaf to that voice.

Since 2009, May 22 will never be a normal day, it cannot be a normal day for those who declare themselves in permanent war on the system, it will never be a normal day for those who feel close to one who gave expression to his life with the same attack, to the indomitable contradiction: to MAURICIO MORALES DUARTE, Punki Mauri; who — like each one of those who delve into the attacks against power — knew the fate that is latent in this, here there are only two certain ways: “DEATH OR PRISON.” And he took it on as such, as the inevitable, without lowering the gaze, without doubt, without casting lots. In the same way that we carry the whole soul tattooed in our principles.

Beautiful and voracious is the way of this war, beautiful and voracious in all its branches and in all its tactics, inaccessible to the bland in spirit and idea. For them only remains the “elite critique,” the university reasoning, the non-life of citizenry, the work with the enemy.

There are certain individuals or cells who loudly proclaim: “we do not need dates,” “we are the negation of sense” or etc. Well who cares, regardless of whether one believes each cell or individual, we do not remain calm on this and other days when our brothers and sisters have fallen, when the powder, the dynamite, the anfo, the books and bullets do not suffice us, because they are part of us and because at the time we are all part of a legacy of indomitable and implacable spirits who decisively confront authority.

On this occasion we also want to greet the compas of the CCF; Eat and Billy; Rami Syrianos; compa Tortuga and the compas in Chile; the cells that don’t give up in Chile, Greece, Bolivia, Peru and Italy; the prisoners everywhere and those who have gone into clandestinity, strength for all of you!

Punki Mauri, your desire for freedom is a bomb that is contagious!

We walk in the night

with a sun in our minds

and with two great stars of gold

at our burning eyes

Bruno Fillipi Cell of Iconoclastic Individuals

Very proud members of the FAI-FRI

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FAI / May 22nd Group claim responsibility for sabotage on Bristol trainlines (UK)

Thursday, May 24th, 2012

325 receives and transmits:

22 May 2012

The purpose of guerrilla attack is to spread the struggle into different territories and facets of life. Finance, judicial, communications, military and transport infrastructure will continue to be targets of the new generation of urban low-intensity warfare – the Informal Anarchist Federation (FAI) / International Revolutionary Front.

The means for this struggle are always close at hand. On the morning of May 22nd we struck two points on the railway routes into Bristol, on the outer sides of Patchway (northern) and Parson Street (southern) stations. By lifting the concrete slabs running alongside the tracks and burning out the signalling cables found in the trench underneath, before carriages came on the line. We specifically chose these places so that employees of the Ministry of Defence, as well as military industry companies Raytheon/Thales/HP/QuinetiQ etc., in the business park near Filton Abbey Wood station, and the corporate hub of Bristol, near the Temple Meads station, were amongst the affected. Normal services weren’t restored until the evening.

The potential spread of such blockages in general poses a significant problem for the flow of commodities and for making sure that labour exploitation arrives on time, key concerns for transnational capitalism.

Such actions are a time-honoured method of disturbing the ‘social peace’ myth: from similar sabotages in France; cash courier vehicles getting destroyed in Crete; the night-time smashing of train station ticket machines in Australia; resistance to highway developments eating even further into wild landscapes (such as Khimki forest in Russia) whilst displacing animals and people who are still refusing to assimilate into industrial civilisation (such as Bolivia’s TIPNIS project in one of the most biodiverse regions in the world); to the iconic seizure and arson of the city bus in London last August. Not to mention our comrades of FAI/Fires on the Horizon, in Athens, and FAI/Individuals Conspiring for the Destruction of the Existent, in Curicó, defiant with their barricades…

Everywhere the bosses want us scurrying around their metropolis, like consignments of human flesh in alienating containers on pre-determined routes, in a frenetic hustle for survival, there is and will continue to be every reason to forcefully intervene in the smooth flow of the daily grind.

In the United Kingdom of clockwork control and domestication, we’re some of the ‘unpatriotic ones’ who find the 2012 Olympics, with the ensuing spectacle of wealth (when so many here struggle to feed themselves and their families), harmful developments and escalating police state, frankly offensive. But no union or movement calls our shots, and we have no inhibition to use guerrilla activity to hurt the national image and paralyze the economy however we can. Because simply, we don’t want rich tourists – we want civil war.

Anarchy is unavoidable.
Riot 2012.

Informal Anarchist Federation (FAI) – May 22nd Group (*)

(* – “Because when your heart beats, it beats freedom, love, and anarchy: Anarchy doesn’t die in the mouth, it prevails in active hands.”Mauricio ‘Mauri’ Morales.

On the 22nd of May 2009, Chilean anarchist Mauricio Morales died on an operation to attack the school for prison guards in Santiago.

In the struggle for meaningful existence, ‘freedom’ and ‘life’ are things worth the risk of losing in order to truly win them. Mauri ‘lost’ the last one… but that wild instinct never dies, the bet is still on, and today Mauri we will see to it that anarchy lives!

To Billy Augustan and Reyhard ‘Eat’ Rumbayan, fighters of the Indonesian FAI in prison for burning a bank (and to the wanted of that case, never forgetting our comrades in clandestinity) – you may not know us, but we are your co-conspirators, and the same for any being who attacks for individual, collective and Earth liberation. Stay strong and proud.

Lastly, we dedicate these words to the five anarchists arrested in the USA in early May, who, planning to blow up a bridge in the Cuyahoga Valley national park in Cleveland, were infiltrated by a government agent who sold them fake explosives.)

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International Conspiracy for Revenge – Informal Anarchist Federation claim incendiary attack on Santander Bank in Buenos Aires (Argentina)

Tuesday, May 22nd, 2012

From vivalaanarquia, transl waronsociety:

21 May 2012

Today, Monday May 21st at around 1 AM, we attacked the Santander Bank located on Parana street between Tucuman and Viamonte. For this we made use of 2 liters of flammable liquid plus 4 butane gas canisters and an ignition mechanism. The fire completely destroyed the front part of the bank, leaving the 4 ATMs that were there unusable, as well as busting out several windows. We mark this action as an action remembrance of the warrior Mauricio Morales, fallen 3 years ago from the explosion of his own bomb destined to the prison guard school in Chile. And with care for Luciano “Tortuga” Pitronello, wounded after the attack on a Santander Bank last year, now imprisoned. This is how we understand solidarity, stopping here where a comrade “fell,” in order to radicalize and deepen our practices.

The society in which we live intends to condemn us to misery, to alienation, to stupid consumption and docility. We as combatant individuals deny all of this, we reject and attack its symbols and its capitalist, policial, patriarchal, religious and ideological values. We go on the offensive with conviction as our primary weapon. We do not illusion ourselves with “hope” of some change in the people, the people that does not react even when a loved one of theirs is locked up in the prisons or asylums of the Argentine State, the people that do not react even when they are evicted from their homes and have to sleep in the street with their children, the people who have lost all dignity before the dream of a bourgeois life that the mass media of communication offer them. We do not waste our time on raising the consciousness of the masses nor discourses like that, we choose for ourselves the rebel, illegal, delinquent life. And we have imprisoned comrades in this war who we want to name. Eat and Billy, brothers of the FAI, recently sentenced to 1 year 8 months for the attack on a bank; all the comrades of the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire, who maintain with pride their anarchist values in spite of the constant attempts to diminish their morale such as the recent transfer and punishment of the comrade Olga; Freddy, Marcelo and Juan, dignified prisoners in the Chilean prisons, after being expelled by the wretched Argentine government; the recently arrested Carla and Ivan; and so many others who we carry within ourselves, day after day, night after night, who give us strength and another reason to keep fighting.

An autonomous subversion, in the form of anarchist guerrilla, is expanding through the most remote places of the earth, from Bolivia to England, from Italy to Chile, from Indonesia to Mexico… with weapons, with explosives, with fire, but above all with values and dignified conscience. And that is what they will never be able to stop.

International Conspiracy for Revenge
Informal Anarchist Federation

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Posted in Direct Action

Dark Nights #19 – Against the Corporations of Death – May 2012 (ACN)

Thursday, May 17th, 2012

Dark Nights is an anarchist & anti-prison PDF freesheet to download and print out on the fly.

12 pages A4 – PDF Download free.

Updated version 5.19.12


1. CEO Roberto Adolfini shot in Genoa by FAI / Nucleo Olga
2. Statement from the imprisoned members of the CCF: Bullets of words for the bullets of FAI/FRI
3. “Breaking down the myths of prison” – Solidarity to Olga Economidou by CCF & Theofilos Mavropoulos
4. Eat & Billy, members of the Long Live Luciano Tortuga Cell – FAI/IRF jailed for less than 2 years
5. Declaration of Nikos Maziotis, member of Revolutionary Struggle
6. New Red Brigades suspects call for “revolution” during court hearing
7. Barcelona: May 1-4 actions by Anarchist Nihilists (Catalonia)
8. June 11: International Day of Solidarity with Long-Term Anarchist Prisoners
9. About anarchist comrade Rami Syrianos being in isolation (Greece)
10. Action Chronology
11. Solidarity actions requested for anarchist hostage David Lamarte (Uruguay)


Anti-Copyright Network 2012

International Network of Counter-Information & Translation

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