Project Phoenix 2015 "Let's destroy Repression": Arson of police vehicle by 'FAI/IRF – Poetry of Fire Cell' (Czech Republic)

Statement of FAI/IRF Poetry of fire cell

On Thursday 26th March 2015 we make an arson attack on a police car in Olomouc city. Attack against repressive machinery means fighting for freedom. Because where repression is needed, there is no place for liberty to bloom. There is no place without repression. Repression is an instrument of the state and capital. Repression and authority are the two sides of the same coin. Repression is global. Repression comes from the state as well as from the private sector. It cooperates all around the world. Everyone has met some kind of repression except those who do not want to live their own lives. Those who bow their heads and accept the orders voluntarily. Those who refuse the existing order knows the consequences. Everyone who even only tries to get his unpaid wage by means of direct action, people in a wild strike, people attacking the billboards or people looting during the riots know it. We are happy about every demonstration of insurrection which crosses bonds of legality, but only in case there is no demand of repression against the others. One day people attack the police to fight against taxes, the day after they demand stricter law against homeless people and “unadaptables”, the third day they become homeless themselves and want more money from taxes on social spending, the fourth day they find some job and try to avoid paying taxes again. Conditions in which we live influence our lives, but we must not use them as an excuse. What is the most important are the choices we make. In every situation we can succumb or we can resist.

We, the anarchists, do not let anyone decide about our lives. We feel only pity for people who try to find their path through the sad reality at the expense of the others. They bend their backs in the face of the Existent and make excuses about the objective conditions. We, the anarchist, we fight for a world without repression, without compulsion. Therefore we fight against every kind of repression continuously, regardless if it hits peaceful demonstrations of students on the other side of the world or the criminals in our town. We feel solidarity and sincere affinity with those who fight for destruction of repressive machinery, for anarchy. Rebels, insurrectionists, anarchists, revolutionaries, fighters…

Currently the Greek political prisoners continue their continuous fight against repression. Network of fighting prisoners (NFP), Maziotis, Gournas, members of CCF and many others. All these decided not to give up their fight and to resist repression even in captivity. Our attack is a gesture of solidarity with their fight. And therefore our attack is part of the struggle for anarchy, in the aim of helping the hunger strikers to win their fight.

Fighting against repression is also fighting against militarization. Our act also notes against passing of US army convoy, which will demonstrate its power in our neighborhood. We are not afraid of soldiers and cops, we are scared of society, which lets the elites to commit the worst atrocities, without resistance, obediently. Society of zombies. Our attack and our statement is contribution to Project Phoenix 2015 Lets destroy Repression. Project Phoenix is a game. We can play the game or we can finish it every time we want. We can do what we want to do. It is creative game played according to our rules. Everyone can join the game. Everyone can leave the game. When nobody plays the game it will cease to exist. This is part of life. It is only our choice. Some new game will appear sooner or later. Most important is to play according to our rules. The game which arouse passion and joy. It is also a destructive game at the same time. Destructive for the authorities.

Project Phoenix is solidarity praxis and it can be our own combative analysis. To get to know each other in combat. To plan how to aim our guns better against the Existent. This way we connect now and continuously. We connect destructively and creatively. Creative, not because we would like to create something in this society, but because everything which will be created in this society will be used as a tool of oppression unless it is destructive for the Existent.

We keep the new world in our hearts. The world where creativity is not turned into the tool of repression. In the recent world exists only one fight for freedom. A fight which is creative and full of joy for those who do not want to be chained. A fight which is destructive for the chains. There are many ways how to fight for a more beautiful world.

We have also received the messages from the anarchists abroad. First mentions of current anarchists of praxis, R.O. – Revolutionary Struggle, CCF, FAI/FRI, etc. appeared about 3 years ago [in Czech Republic]. Official anarchism, and state and capital try hard to suppress every combative tendency. When we read the information about official movement in Greece, it seems to us, that there is the same situation in our country. The proof is that nobody here informed about the hunger strike till now. Everyone has their own timing but it seems that some calls meet only deaf ears. There can be various reasons. One of them surely is the situation here. Therefore it is important for us to mention briefly the context of anarchism in Czech.

FAI/IRF Poetry of Fire Cell

Solidarity with hungerstrikers

Solidarity with the anarchists of praxis

For diffusion of theory and praxis of the Black International

Long live FAI/IRF

Project Phoenix 2015 „Lets destroy Repression“

For Anarchy

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This entry was posted on Monday, March 30th, 2015 at 11:30 am and is filed under Direct Action.