Matthew Dellavedova claimed his first ATP points at the Cairns Tennis International. Picture: Stewart McLean
media_cameraMatthew Dellavedova claimed his first ATP points at the Cairns Tennis International. Picture: Stewart McLean

Matthew Dellavedova’s tennis playing cousin is named Matthew Dellavedova

MEET Matthew Dellavedova, young Australian tennis prodigy.

What? Tennis?

That’s right.

The 16-year-old Melbourne boy, who shares the same name as a more famous Australian Boomer and NBA veteran — Matthew Dellavedova — this month earned his first ATP points at the Cairns Tennis International, winning his way through to the second round of the tournament.

LIVE BLOG: Bogut, Delly make NBA debuts with new clubs

And, guess what. He’s the Milwaukee Bucks guard’s “cousin”.

Well, sort of.

Dad Peter Dellavedova is the first cousin of Mark Dellavedova, who is the NBA Delly’s father.

That makes them second cousins.

Get all that?

He says the two grew up in Maryborough and share the same name for no other reason than both families “loved the name Matthew”.

“We never ever thought it was going to be an issue,” Peter told the Herald Sun.

“All of a sudden, we’ve got a situation where two sportspersons, Matthew Dellavedova, the basketballer, has done very well for himself and Matthew, my son, is trying to forge a career in tennis.”

Peter Dellavedova said his son was now considered the No.1 Australian 16-year-old and would take to the ATP World Tour next year.

“Matthew, the younger Matthew has got the same tenacity (as the NBA player),” he said.

“For some reason, they’ve got this insatiable appetite to compete.”

The younger Matt told our friend’s at the Cairns Post: “It’s pretty cool having him as a cousin actually, even though I don’t see him much because he’s always in the States.”

“He’s a good role model and I like it when he gets success because, in a way, it drives me to make my name a bit more.

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“It would be nice to type my name into Google Images and see my face pop up.”

Peter says his son is 6-3 at 16 and has a booming serve and big ground shots.

Ranked 1640, and with career winnings of $54, according to the ATP, the younger Delly has a long way to go to emulate his cousin on the sporting field — and in the earnings.

The basketballer, in the off-season, signed a $US38 million deal with the Bucks.

But, given the toughness associated with the Dellavedova name, you wouldn’t put it past the younger Delly to eventually be a tennis star and match his better known namesake.

media_cameraNew Milwaukee Buck Matthew Dellavedova has a cousin, also named Matthew Dellavedova, who is impressing on the tennis court. Picture: David Caird