Posts Tagged ‘Hamburg’

Anarchist call against the G20 summit in Hamburg (Germany)

Wednesday, November 2nd, 2016

On the 7th and 8th of July 2017, when the most successful war criminals of the present, the most unscrupulous sweaters of human and nature, the self-titled leaders of this planet, meet in Hamburg, they will not be confronted and thus be revaluated with some demands for better governance or social enslavement.

They will feel the rage of the street, when they are rushing with their convoys through deserted districts and talk about the nightly attacks of the last few weeks.

This call, like so many others at similar meetings, does not want to lose itself in an analysis of the importance of the G-20 summit or the policy of their participants. The injustice of the world has been declared a thousand times, anyone who now feels no urge to act, does not need another text.

We want to speak of those who are already involved in the struggle against capitalism and its exerting states with their conforming societies – so, of US.

Since Seattle in 1999, summit protests were a catalysator of radical resistance; individuals and groups came together, swapped ideas, were standing together behind the barricades and carried the flame of resistance back to their regions. Even the shots of Gothenburg and Genoa, or the numerous infiltrated snitches could not stop the development of a Europe-wide chaotic network of autonomous / anarchist / antiauthoritarian tendencies.

Then the criticism of event hopping came up, as if someone had pleaded for it to operate as a riot tourist in any city. The protests against the G – 20 in Cannes and Nice 2011 were prepared in this champagne flush of some movement managers. Everything should become different, better, more political. At that time no conclusion or analysis was spread afterwards – the resistance had simply failed, only the usual alibi NGOs played their program.

So now it’s Hamburg and the responsible persons in the murderous headquarters of the secret services, police authorities and military commandos are tearing their hair. They fear that We are coming. But we do not have a leadership that can be eliminated, our resistance does not depend on the cadre behavior of some individuals. Perhaps nothing will happen if you, who is reading this text right now, will not get active. Do not expect others to prepare something for you, so that you just have to jump up.

For sure there will be a big demonstration of the left idiots, who want to play their democratic ritual, as a certain Mr. Marx or Lenin applied to them 150 years ago. And maybe we will be there, too, or at the edge or behind the lines of the cops. There is still plenty of time to think about and prepare this.

However, we are calling for a campaign in the run-up – against any form of power. We want to destroy, by July 2017 (and if only symbolically …) the rule of patriarchy over women, the rule of the states over their borders and urban centres, the rule of labor over our time, the rule of money over our social behavior, the domination of the goods about our lives, the rule of the cops over the fear of repression in our minds.

In Hamburg and in every village, an infinite number of targets are suitable for destruction, so we should start now with it. So that in July 2017 the alienation between the world of the G – 20 and the rest has become so great, that we no longer need summits to come together. The militant campaign against the G8 in Heiligendamm 2007 could serve as a model, because it also gave, apart from pointless preliminary proceedings, a new generation of activists through self-determined clandestine actions and the fleeing cops from the hail of stones in Rostock, a feeling of their own strength and the possibilities of horizontal organization.

In addition we also call for a theoretical deepening of our practice, in which the presence or absence of anarchy should be tested for revolts, as recently in France, spectacles such as in Frankfurt in March 2015, rituals such as on May 1, or in the everyday neighborhood policy and in the fight against nazis.

Because everywhere where we are not present we cannot complain about the dominance of reformists. And where there are only empty phrases with an A available, it makes the superficial chattering of a “consensus of actions” heard with following distancing. Such a discourse would have to go beyond the hitherto (welcome) brief G – 20 references in the responsibility claims.

Our resistance against the G-20 summit does not want to be „victorious“ in the sense of preventing this event. It just could be the beginning of something that could also start on any other day: The self-empowerment of the individual over the existing and the (self) organization in collective structures. But just a call to that one would hardly pay attention. Therefore,

Attack G-20 summit!

Throw Hamburg into chaos!

Destroy the European fortress!

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Posted in Direct Action

Hamburg: Churches desecrated in solidarity with Mónica Caballero and Francisco Solar (Germany)

Thursday, March 24th, 2016

In the early hours of March 20th 2016, unknown persons desecrated three churches in Hamburg with a fire extinguisher filled with paint, slingshot and stone. In addition to this vandalism, slogans such as “No God – No State – No patriarchy”, “Solidarity with Mónica and Francisco” and circle-A’s were spray-painted. Flyers were thrown on the streets, reading: “Religion means oppression! Against every domination! Solidarity with Mónica Caballero and Francisco Solar, anarchists imprisoned in Spain”.

via contrainfo… see the photos.

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Posted in Direct Action

8-11 Oct: No Prison – No State! Anti-Authoritarian days against the prison society in Hamburg (Germany)

Sunday, September 27th, 2015

No Prison – No State!
Anti-Authoritarian days against the prison society in Hamburg
8th-11th October, 2015

Whilst we are working, consuming, functioning… they hold the cage we`re
living in!

Life under democratic regimes are dominated by a continuous process of
adaption to the problems and developments of the system.

The state permanently reflects and improves itself, trying to keep up a
civic discourse through offering so-called alternatives and reforms.

This is supposed to destroy the basis for unrest and resistance and to
many it legitimates strong repressive answers to such rebellious

This phenomenon can be found in almost every aspect of modern life. The
illusion of participation is one of their strongest weapons, and
together with the ongoing expansion of so called rights, democracy is
developing towards a system, in which the ruled are actively
participating in their own oppression.

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Let’s break the law! – Solidarity with the accused of the “Breite Strasse” case in Hamburg (Germany)

Sunday, August 2nd, 2015

On the 27.08.2014 a house was squatted in Breite Straße in Hamburg. When the cops came to evict they were heavily attacked by the squatters with fireworks, colour, and a lot of other projectiles.
Later people got arrested outside the house accused of participation in the
action. Some of them where in custody for some months but are now out. End of august 2015 the courtcase will start against 6 persons. The accusations are heavy, some of them are accused with attempted homicide because of the
attacks on cops.

Lets show solidarity with the action because it was an attack against this
oppressive normality!
Solidarity with the accused because there should be no rebel in the hands of the state!

03.-09. August 2015 Week of mobilisation and agitation in solidarity with the accused of the “Breite Straße” case!
Show your solidarity with the accused rebels no matter where and how!

A video from the action: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4_KPGsFBKtI

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Posted in Autonomy

Columbus, Ohio: Antifa arson communique for Rote Flora solidarity – 2013 (USA)

Saturday, June 27th, 2015

325 receives and transmits:

“this is just to say that back on the [winter] solstice of 2013, i lit a newspaper stand on fire in solidarity with the rota flora squat being attacked by the fascist pig-state. i approached by bicycle and used a lighter to start the fire right at the front corner of the front lawn of the ohio state house (broad and high) in columbusx ohio united disney states of north american continent landia. i made sure to leave the lighter in the flaming shit-newspapers so it would make a minor explosion of the rage i felt as i rode furiously away on my bicycle. i did get caught and fought with everything to show those fucks a terrible time. it ended with 2 days in jail after a forced tranquilization shot in the ass surrounded by neo-nazi pigs (about 6 white officers) in the back of a paddywagon. i woke up in jail with a huge black eye but after kick-ass legal defense, i served a year non-reporting-probation for ‘criminal mischief’. i am pleased to see this link http://rt.com/news/hamburg-rote-flora-clashes-635/ at what happened the day i was released! solidaridad in full-hearted rage and love for free safe spaces – when they bring shields we show them fire; when they bring riot-cops, we bring the r][I][ot!”

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Posted in Direct Action

Hamburg: Juvenile justice agency attacked (Germany)

Friday, November 28th, 2014

In the night of November 21st, 2014, the Office of probation services and juvenile court assistance located in the Museumstrasse in Altona, Hamburg, was attacked with stones, and many windows were broken.

Against the State, its Justice and minions!

Solidarity with the accused and the imprisoned in the case of squatting in the Breite Strasse in Hamburg!

Solidarity with the squatters, who really showed the cops!

Rage and struggle for Rémi Fraisse, who was killed in France some weeks ago after he was hit by a grenade during clashes with the cops!

Freedom is not negotiated or begged for!

Against every authority!

English translation:

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Posted in Direct Action

Nazis threaten to destroy Rote Flora, Hamburg. Antifascists call for mobilization – 15th November (Germany)

Friday, October 31st, 2014

From squat.net:

After the Nazis’ show of force last Sunday in Cologne, largely tolerated by the police’s repression of antifascists’ counter-demonstration, the Nazis and their football hooligans are planning “a revolution” on November 9 in Berlin, and attacks against Rote Flora autonomous social center in Hamburg during another demonstration on November 15. They plan similar demo in Wuppertal this weekend.

On November 9 in Berlin, Nazis plan to gather in front of the Reichstag to start “a revolution” for white Europe. They choose this date because it’s the commemoration of the Kristallnacht, the pogroms against Jews in Austria and Germany on the night of 9/10 in November 1938. The terror inflicted on the Jewish population by the SA paramilitary assisted by the local population marked the beginning of the state’s policy of exterminating the Jewish population of Europe. (more…)

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Posted in Anti-Fascist

Solidarity from Hamburg with Mónica Caballero and Francisco Solar (Germany)

Saturday, September 6th, 2014

A group of anarchists in Hamburg dropped a banner in solidarity with Mónica and Francisco, imprisoned in Spain. The banner read “Freedom for Mónica and Francisco. Pull down the prisons.” This is our small contribution to the week of solidarity with anarchist prisoners.

Freedom for Mónica and Francisco, freedom for all anarchist prisoners. Until all are free!

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Posted in Direct Action

Hamburg: Wilde Demos und Krawall gegen die Grenzen und ihre Wächter (Deutschland)

Saturday, June 7th, 2014

Nachdem es am Donnerstag den 05.06. zu brutalen Übergriffen von Bullen auf einen Protest der Lampedusa Flüchtlinge und Unterstützer_innen auf dem Hamburger Rathausmarkt gekommen war, gingen Freitag Abend hunderte Menschen in St. Pauli auf die Straße.

Eine große unautorisierte Demonstration mit bis zu 1000 Menschen begann gegen 20 Uhr auf dem Neuen Pferdemarkt und ging über das Schulterblatt.
Parolen gegen Staat und Grenzen wurden gegen Häuserwände, Banken und Geschäfte gesprüht, Feuerwerk gezündet und es war laut. (more…)

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Posted in No Borders

Hamburg: Solidarity with the 5 arrested comrades from Barcelona (Germany, Catalunya)

Wednesday, December 11th, 2013

Here is a small report on a solidarity manifestation in Hamburg for the comrades arrested in Barcelona, also the flyer in German language and a few fotos of the action.

The evening of the 5th December a few people gathered in the Schanzenviertel (a neighborhood in Hamburg) to show solidarity with the 5 comrades arressted the 13th November in Barcelona. There was banners and flyers in solidarity. A flyer with information and a statement in solidarity was distributed to the people on the streets. Also it was read out with a megaphone. Fireworks were fired up to draw attention. (more…)

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Posted in Direct Action

Hamburg: Attack on courthouse (Germany)

Monday, August 26th, 2013

The night of the 26th August an attack with stones and colour happened against the courthouse in Hamburg. Windows were smashed and the entrance coloured. In a text that appeared it was claimed that the attack happened in solidarity with the ones facing everyday state repression. Also with the comrades raided in Berlin because of attacks against jobcenters and a solidarity action for the revolt in Turkey. Also it was in solidarity with the comrade Sonja Suder who is still imprisoned for her uncompromising stand against the state and Justice!

Here is the original writing:

Hamburg: Angriff auf Strafjustizgebäude
Was Bullen und andere Staatsdiener_innen auf den Straßen mit Kontrolle und all der Repression durchsetzen, wird vom Gericht legitimiert und vollendet. Tagtäglich entscheiden sie in ihrem Theater der “Gerechtigkeit” über die Zukunft von Menschen, strafen sie, sperren sie ein und zerstören Leben. Ein paar Steine und etwas Farbe scheinen nicht viel gegen so ein Gebäude der Macht aber die Idee von einem freien Leben ist ihr größter Alptraum, denn es würde ihr Ende, das Ende der Unterdrückung, bedeuten!

Möge dieser Angriff denen, die auf der Anklagebank sitzen Kraft geben und all den anderen, die als Angestellte oder Spitzel das Gericht betreten, mehr als den Tag versauen!

Kraft für die, die in Berlin am 14. August von Hausdurchsuchungen bestroffen waren, weil die Bullen Schuldige für Angriffe auf unterdrückerische Jobcenter und Arbeitsargenturen sowie für eine Solidaritätsaktion mit der Revolte in der Türkei suchen. Wir finden diese Aktionen wichtig und richtig, egal wer sie gemacht hat!

Viel Kraft für Sonja Suder, die immer noch aufgrund ihrer kompromisslosen Haltung gegenüber Staat und Justiz im Knast sitzt!

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Posted in Direct Action

Hamburg: Solidarity banner for Kostas Sakkas (Germany)

Sunday, July 7th, 2013

On the afternoon of the 4th of July a banner was hung in Hamburg in solidarity with comrade Kostas Sakkas who at that point was already 1 whole month on hungerstrike. Also a leaflet and Poster in solidarity was distributed.

Solidarity knows no borders!
Freedom for all prisoners!

Kostas Sakkas PDF (Deutsch)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Solidarity with the struggling people in Greece from Hamburg (Germany)

Sunday, November 4th, 2012

For the last half a year the solidarity with the people and comrades in Greece who struggle against the System and the results of the capitalist crisis was increasing. Especially in the situation of having the winners of the crisis all around you, its sometimes not easy to find out where to start. In general a big part of society in Germany is not getting what the consequences of the crisis – the cuts – mean for the lives of people in Greece. As ‘Winners’ and playing a leading role in the crisis you don’t feel it financially as well as economically here. Besides benefits for imprisoned comrades and solidarity-activities like letter-writing to prisoners and manifestations there were more discussions about the crisis as well as the situation in Greece and our stand towards it. As one result comrades decided to show their revolutionary solidarity in attacking the reality around here, too. In different cities attacks for the prisoners as well as attacks against the banks and profiteers of crisis have been taking place.

Some attacks in solidarity with the struggles in Greece happened in Hamburg:


27 & 28 February – 6 banks attacked in solidarity with the struggling and striking people in Greece

3 May – “Telecom” parking-lots visited and company cars torched. Telekom is a crisis winner and joint-owner of Greek telefone company OTE. Also Telekom is with their businesses an example for the increasing civil-military cooperation.

23 August – “Telekom” building smashed and painted.

25 August – An illegal street/neigbourhood-fest in solidarity with the struggles in Greece. Banners, discussions and information given out among the thousands of visitors. In the evening some fire and banks lost their windows.

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Posted in Direct Action

New Year's Eve Overview from ABC Berlin (Germany)

Tuesday, January 10th, 2012

The night of the new year’s eve has seen again a lot of different type of protests taking place in Germany against prisons and all forms of detention, as well as against some of those, who daily enforce their existence.

The traditional demonstrations at local prisons saw an increase in their numbers and more cities decided that this was a good way to salute the upcoming year.

In Berlin, the month of December hosted several events under the motto “Behind different windows… but the chains remain the same ones! New year’s eve to the prisons – question, demount and destroy the machine of prison!”, events ranged from discussion about ongoing trials against comrades, the building of a new detention center at the new Berlin’s airport, to a demonstration against the local detention center for immigrants. (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Action against prison in Hamburg (Germany)

Saturday, December 31st, 2011

The 30th December a crowd of people gathered short but well-seen and heard in front of the custody and deportation prison Holstenglacis in Hamburg. A banner with the words “Freedom for all-against all walls” (in German language) was held and a few words against all prisons and greetings to the prisoners were spoken. Together with a lot of fireworks the Gate, the entrance and a watchtower were couloured with paintbombs. When the pigs arrived the people ended the action and left. In the evening a lot of police controls of random people in the area happened.

Greetings to the NYE anti-prison demos in Berlin, Bremen, Köln, Stuttgart and all over the World!

For a world without oppression and exploition!

A flyer (German language) givenout at the action. It’s about a recent death of a prisoner in the Holstenglacis prison. He took his life but was murdered by the prison, the state, this reality!…

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Posted in Prison Struggle