Posts Tagged ‘Sabotage’

Attack against the Union of European & Turkish Democrats office in Grevenbroich by Apoist Youth Initiative (Germany)

Wednesday, November 2nd, 2016


We, the Apoist Youth Initiative NRW – Revenge Team Sehîd Alîsêr Firat, claim the attack against the UETD (Union of European & Turkish Democrats) office in Grevenbroich on 28.10.16. This attack was revenge for the execution of two YJA-Star guerrilla fighters. They were executed by the Turkish military after being captured.

The execution of the two guerrilla warriors is symbolic of all ongoing attacks by the Turkish state against the will of the free women in Kurdistan. Through the publication of the video of their execution, the identity of the free women is to be shamed and humiliated. In the video it is clearly visible that the soldiers are using German G3 rifles. Everyone can clearly see in this video that the German state is on the side of the Turkish state in the war against democracy in the Middle East, in the war against the free women.

We repeat again: We will continue to attack all the institutions of the Turkish state until the dictator Erdogan is overthrown, Kurdistan is liberated and women gain their freedom. We are warning all German supporters of the Turkish state one last time: If you do not stop supporting fascism in Turkey, we will also attack you.

Jin Jiyan Azadî!
Bijî Serok Apo!
Long live international solidarity!

Apoist Youth Initiative – NRW
Revenge Team Sehîd Alîsêr Firat

November 1st, 2016

via Linksunten Indymedia, translated by Insurrection News

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Posted in Direct Action

Bristol: Vandalism of various prison workers property by Eco-anarchist vandals – FAI/IRF (UK)

Tuesday, September 13th, 2016

This is dedicated to all the very young ones, youths with no direction yet, the kids that punch out at everything. Those that hate being told what to do and hate authority, who’ve fell foul of the law, who don’t even consider anarchy. Rebels without a cause. A prison gate is a border, it is a part of the class system, crime, scarcity and resource war. They need people to control and use in private prison labour. The prisons are exploding.

HMP Bristol, Horfield – 2 cars of screws are scratched up and tyres punctured, one a black sportscar – P6 SHT.

Horfield, Bristol – 12 Oak Road, house of screw has ‘bars’ sprayed on the windows and “screw” scrawled on the house in spraypaint.

Done in the International Week of Solidarity to Anarchist Prisoners, 23-30 August.
Solidarity to the anarchists in Italy arrested in Operation Scripta Manent and to all those in the prison uprising in America, 9 September.

Eco-anarchist vandals – FAI/IRF

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Posted in Direct Action

Karditsa: Action for the international week of solidarity with anarchist prisoners (Greece)

Sunday, September 4th, 2016

Photo above -“Freedom for anarchists all over the planet”.
More pics on Contra-info.

Some days ago, we spray-painted slogans in the centre of Karditsa and blocked ATMs in response to the international call for a week of actions in solidarity with imprisoned anarchists.

We don’t forget our imprisoned sisters and brothers throughout the world!
No imprisoned anarchist left alone!
The passion for freedom is stronger than all prisons!
Strength to fugitive comrades!


(September 2nd 2016)

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Posted in Direct Action

Attack against Television Service Jürgen Krüger and the SPD office of Björn Eggert – Call for resistance against G20 Hamburg 2017 (Germany)

Thursday, September 1st, 2016

Received 1 September:

Our shards against their repression

This is the beginning of our week. And every day should start like this for those profiteers responsible for the prison system…

This morning, August 15th, we visited Television Service Jürgen Krüger and the SPD office of Björn Eggert in Oranienstraße in Kreuzberg and smashed their windows.

Television Service Krüger since thirty years holds the monopoly on examination of electronic sets from prisoners in Berlin. No radio passes him without being checked. This shall prevent forbidden goods or manipulated sets passing behind the walls. For prisoners this service costs a lot of money.

The company directly profits from the surveillance of prisoners. Besides this, it happened more than one time, that Krüger damaged radios or TV from prisoners.

Further Jürgen Krüger does the technical utilization from seized mobile phones and gives the hacked data to authorities. This company was hit several times, which could not prevent them continuing to take advantage of repression against prisoners… (more…)

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Posted in Direct Action

Wilson Security Vandalised in Narrm/Melbourne (Australia)

Thursday, August 18th, 2016

Pictures: 1, 2 & 3

Wilson Storage and Wilson Parking benefit from the suffering caused by Wilson Security on Manus, Nauru and elsewhere. In the past week we attacked both subsidiaries with glue, concrete, paint and hammers. We will continue to attack Wilson Group until they pull out of detention wholly and permanently. Any company associated with the border industrial complex is a target. We urge our comrades to join us in solidarity with protesters on Nauru and all others incarcerated.

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Posted in No Borders

Bristol: Vandalism of four car-transporters (UK)

Friday, August 12th, 2016

In the early hours of 6th August at Easton-in-Gordano Services, whilst the truck drivers were inactive in their cabs, 10-15 cars on four car-transporters were spray-painted causing their greedy earth-destroying companies loss of time and money infinitely larger than that we expended doing this opportunist crime.

Solidarity to all the imprisoned comrades and those on the run. Towards the international week of solidarity to anarchist prisoners – 23rd-30th August.

Eco-anarchist vandals – FAI/IRF

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Sobre algunos saqueos y destrucción en “centros educativos” de Santiago (Chile)

Sunday, August 7th, 2016

Somos parte de lo que la prensa llama vandalismo, somos parte de lo que la ciudadanía llama delincuencia, somos lxs individuxs que mediante pequeñas acciones tienden a romper con la asesina rutina, que dan el paso de la autocompasión y misericordia divina a la realidad tangible que enrostra su peor cara en el cotidiano, ese cotidiano que a gritos pide ser destruido para dar paso al ímpetu avasallador de la autonomía y la libertad total.

El saqueo y la destrucción se vuelven innato en un contexto de lucha para revoltosxs, rebeldes y antisistémicxs, sin lugar a dudas aquella práctica espontánea, como también organizada no decaerá nunca. Desde que lxs estudiantes secundarios, técnicos y universitarios le ruegan al Estado mejoras en la educación, las minorías deseosas de sedición continúan molestando a la autoridad incentivando al desborde generalizado. (1) (more…)

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Butcher Shops Sabotaged in Santiago by Animal Liberation Front (Chile)

Sunday, August 7th, 2016

“…with simple materials we sabotaged the locks so that the owners of this so-called ‘job’ can have it clear in their heads that there are subjects that do not want and do not respect the commercialization of humiliation, suffering and death of animals.”Javier Recabarren affiliate cell of ALF

The ALF assumes the low-scale sabotage committed during the night of July 28 in the periphery of Santiago against 2 butcher shops, 1 private dwelling (butcher owner’s house), 1 access fence into the butcher and other shops, and lastly, 1 shop selling chicken.

The flow of commercialization in the shops selling dead animals was interrupted as we filled tens of their locks with liquid steel, which the bastard owners discovered later that morning with surprise. In the following days, we left a message on paper, making it very clear why this action was committed.

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Posted in Direct Action

Wilson Security spray-painted and locks glued in refugee solidarity action (Australia)

Sunday, July 17th, 2016

On the night of Sunday 26th June we glued the locks and spray painted the entrance to Wilson Security on Sydney Road, Coburg in Melbourne.

Wilson provides security at Nauru and Manus Island detention centres and are responsible for numerous, well documented abuses of detainees.

Solidarity with the protestors at Nauru detention centre!

Close the camps!

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Posted in No Borders

ATM machines demolished in solidarity with comrades accused of expropriation (Netherlands)

Saturday, July 9th, 2016

Last night we demolished 8 ATM machines in The Hague, the Netherlands in solidarity with the anarchist comrades accused of expropriation in Aachen, Germany.

Last week, on 6 July, a comrade got arrested in Amsterdam and is now in jail awaiting extradition to Germany. The week before a comrade from Spain got already extradited to Germany. We call out to anybody to make action in solidarity with the imprisoned comrades! We are fucking angry!

We are not interested in knowing whether the comrades are actually responsible for the bank robberies or not. Expropriation is an ethically just and politically
legitimate practice, a method of struggle that is part of the history of all revolutionary movements.

Indeed, despite the constant attempts by Power to reduce this method to within the scope of a ‘common crime’, motivated by individual greed, the fact is that the
expropriation of places of accumulation of capital is a constant in our history: from the anarchist-syndicalist groups in the early twentieth century who robbed banks to support strikes or help the families of imprisoned comrades, to the various autonomous groups of the the 70s and 80s.

Immediate freedom for our comrades! Burn all prisons! Destroy all banks!


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Sabotage of political offices in solidarity to detained migrants (Australia)

Friday, July 8th, 2016

On the 2nd July, the day of the federal election in so-called Australia, we glued locks, graffitted and broke the windows of Liberal and Labour MP offices across Narrm/so-called Melbourne.
We did this in solidarity with those on Manus Island, Nauru and in detention centres everywhere. End the border & prison industrial complex. End white supremacy.

[three photos here]

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Posted in No Borders

Call for a Black July, plus a chronology of actions in solidarity with Rigaer 94 (Germany)

Friday, July 8th, 2016

We appreciate the call for a Black July from Rigaer 94. Many comrades in a lot of countries followed the call for a Black December of Nikos Romanos (Greek Prisoner) . It’s not just about the Rigaer 94 that people now connect and think about strategies, attack different enemies of our freedom and struggle against the cops and the system.

Especially in Germany the fight against the system was weak the last years. People were not able to combine their fights and actions without dissociating from others. The question of violence was not discussed anymore and the alliances got wider and more in accordance to the system. Now there is a house that struggles without compromises, maybe their attitude impressed some of us, some still think that they should have brought their house themselves and could be “free” now. But the sign they send, saying that they keep their status and fight, now shows it’s effect on a lot of us. It’s a window that opens up for a short time that we should use to stand together. A moment when we are fucking angry and use our strength to go on the streets and take them back!

Thanks to all of you who used the concept of Tag X to show your solidarity with the Rigaer 94 and their ideas!

For a Black July

Let us feel the heat coming from our hearts to the streets every night

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Posted in Autonomy

Phoenix Project: Incendiary attack against police vehicle depot by Rain Cell – FAI/IRF (UK)

Friday, July 1st, 2016

Phoenix Project 2016 #2 [#1]

We take responsibility for an incendiary attack on 28.6.16 against police vehicles stored at their depot located at Poplar Way East, Avonmouth, Bristol. The depot also stores crowd control barricade units, CCTV vans, staff support and military vehicles occasionally.

We dedicate the action to the imprisoned members of the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire and Aggeliki Spyropoulou, as well as to those in the attempted escape case.
This action is for the imprisoned comrades in UK, Greece, Chile, Russia, Poland, France, Czech Republic, France, Spain, Italy and around the world.

War to the ‘Smart Cities’ and the prison-society.

Long live anarchy and the wild.

Rain Cell – FAI/IRF

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Sabotage of consumer goods by Danaus Plexippus Nucleus / FAI-FRI (Italy)

Tuesday, June 28th, 2016



… For the time being, we used the enemy’s tools against it. We fed civilization with the poison it produces. …
Nicola and Alfredo Cell

[‘Green Nemesis’ project]


Safety is a recurrent theme in today’s industrialized society, which safe it cannot feel in that it spreads and reverses hatred, violence and poison over itself daily. By periodically establishing the tolerability levels of the cancers that it itself develops, it is attempting to accustom people to accepting them. So ‘fine dust’ is allowed to pile up to within a certain threshold, torture in prison should be limited to denying prisoners any kind of reading inside the most punitive prison units, water is potable only if it contains a given amount of heavy metals… So what is ‘sure’ is just the constant poisoning we are subjected to, it is power alone that establishes the recommended daily dose.

We decided to highlight how unmanageable these limits are today. We overcame those that could tie down anarchist action long time ago, turning it into a mere cumbersome repetition of violent slogans and innocuous practices, as we savoured the beauty of discovering and reinventing new means of attack each time. The limits we are facing today are instead those that establish the safety of an alimentary product. (more…)

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Athens: Incendiary gesture in complicity with rebels in France and in solidarity to international anarchist prisoners by FAI/FRI (Greece)

Thursday, June 23rd, 2016

During and after the “social movement”, we’ll never stop following our destructive passions, pursuing our dreams of freedom, sowing the chaos of revolt in the order of authority. “Tout peut basculer”; anarchist newspaper published in Paris

In the early hours of June 9th 2016, we paid a brief visit to the offices of the French insurance company AXA in the centre of Athens and torched one of their vans. We ruled out the possibility of attacking the building with the means that are currently at our disposal, for the simple reason that we wouldn’t have caused considerable damage beyond broken windows and perhaps a small fire. Nevertheless, their vehicle that was parked every night next to their offices gave us a good opportunity to attack them quickly and discreetly.

We attacked a target that’s located in an area where, in addition to patrols, cops are constantly present; we were also aware that the surrounding cafeterias and sex shops are frequented by cops with or without uniform. But it only takes a good preparation to strike every potential target.

We chose to attack AXA as a minimum display of complicity with rebels in France, who are fighting in the streets for more than three months. We make it clear, however, that this is not an act of solidarity with “social movements” or the leftists who ask for law reforms, more democracy and a “fairer” Power; nor with the unions that try to manipulate the revolt to satisfy their own interest; nor with “the poor people” or “the working class” who complain now that the legislation affects their pockets and want the State to guarantee them a return to normalcy and a welfare regime. A normalcy and welfare built on the obedience and servitude of the consumerist mass. (more…)

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