Posts Tagged ‘Melbourne’

Video of prison strike solidarity demo – Melbourne (Australia)

Monday, September 12th, 2016


video of prison strike solidarity noise demo, fireworks, flares. smoke bombs at juvenile ‘detention centre’ in Narrm (so-called ‘Melbourne’) Wurundjeri land

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Painted slogans in Melbourne for the international week of solidarity with anarchist prisoners (Australia)

Wednesday, August 31st, 2016

Via InsurrectionNews:

Slogans painted around inner-city Narrm / Melbourne, so-called ‘Australia’ as a minimum contribution to the International Week of Solidarity with Anarchist Prisoners (August 23-30).

Victory to the anarchist fighters!
Solidarity with all combative anarchist prisoners!
Destroy the prison society!

Pictures here

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Wilson Security Vandalised in Narrm/Melbourne (Australia)

Thursday, August 18th, 2016

Pictures: 1, 2 & 3

Wilson Storage and Wilson Parking benefit from the suffering caused by Wilson Security on Manus, Nauru and elsewhere. In the past week we attacked both subsidiaries with glue, concrete, paint and hammers. We will continue to attack Wilson Group until they pull out of detention wholly and permanently. Any company associated with the border industrial complex is a target. We urge our comrades to join us in solidarity with protesters on Nauru and all others incarcerated.

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Posted in No Borders

Wilson Security spray-painted and locks glued in refugee solidarity action (Australia)

Sunday, July 17th, 2016

On the night of Sunday 26th June we glued the locks and spray painted the entrance to Wilson Security on Sydney Road, Coburg in Melbourne.

Wilson provides security at Nauru and Manus Island detention centres and are responsible for numerous, well documented abuses of detainees.

Solidarity with the protestors at Nauru detention centre!

Close the camps!

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Posted in No Borders

Sabotage of political offices in solidarity to detained migrants (Australia)

Friday, July 8th, 2016

On the 2nd July, the day of the federal election in so-called Australia, we glued locks, graffitted and broke the windows of Liberal and Labour MP offices across Narrm/so-called Melbourne.
We did this in solidarity with those on Manus Island, Nauru and in detention centres everywhere. End the border & prison industrial complex. End white supremacy.

[three photos here]

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Posted in No Borders

Solidarity actions against French consulate and VINCI owned companies (Australia)

Friday, January 22nd, 2016

Disruption of VINCI and French Consulate

To the defenders of the ZAD,
Solidarity from anarchists in so-called ‘Melbourne, Australia’- the never-ceded indigenous land of the Wurundjeri people of the Kulin Nation, stolen and occupied by the genocidal settler-colonial state.

In response to recent threats of violent eviction by the French State, actions were taken at several locations in Melbourne, the city built on the stolen lands of the Wurundjeri people of the Kulin Nation, in colonised Australia. The actions targetted the French consulate and offices of companies of the VINCI corporate-family linked to the proposed destruction of land at the Zone-A-Defendre.

The French consulate was attacked with paint and its locks were stuffed and glued.
The Offices of Menard-Bachy and Fressynet (both companies owned by VINCI), had their windows broken and slogans in support of the ZAD painted on the facade.

The Melbourne office of Electrix (a company owned by VINCI) was redecorated with a number of slogans celebrating resistance to VINCI’s plans.

For information see http://zad.nadir.org

(photos and text)



(or clearnet links ):



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Posted in Direct Action

Melbourne: Attack against BAE Systems for Black December (Australia)

Saturday, January 2nd, 2016

In the final hours of December 2015 we attacked the offices of the
defense contractor BAE Systems on River Boulevard in Richmond with paint
and sledge hammers.

BAE Systems make billions from war and their technology is responsible
for countless civilian deaths worldwide.

This action was carried out as part of Black December, a month of
anarchist direct action that was initiated by the anarchist prisoners
Nikos Romanos and Panagiotis Argirou in Greece.

We also carried out this action in solidarity with anarchist prisoners
held hostage by states worldwide and in solidarity with Indigenous
prisoners held hostage by the colonist ‘authorities’ here in so-called
‘Australia’ – all of whom are political prisoners.

Black December is everywhere!

Anarchist Office Refurbishment Cell

Check the pics.

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Posted in Direct Action

Melbourne: Banner in Solidarity with Anarchist Prisoners (Australia)

Monday, August 31st, 2015

Melbourne, Australia: In the early hours of Sunday, August 30th we attached a banner to a fence outside the Richmond railway station in inner-city Melbourne as a minimum expression of our participation in this year’s International Week of Solidarity with Anarchist Prisoners.


some anarchists

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Melbourne: Banner for Marco Camenisch (Australia)

Tuesday, June 23rd, 2015

Melbourne, Australia, 23.06.15: A banner was placed on fencing near Richmond railway station as a slightly belated small contribution to the June 20-22 International Days of Action for Marco Camenisch.

Marco Libero!

Solidarity with Marco Camenisch and all revolutionary prisoners held hostage by the state worldwide!

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Melbourne : Historic Colonial Buildings Torched (Australia)

Sunday, May 18th, 2014

This is to claim responsibility for the complete destruction by fire of three colonial structures at the so-called Royal Botanical Gardens in South Yarra, Melbourne in the small hours of May 16.

We put these filthy monuments of colonial oppression to the torch in the name of indigenous & anti-colonial resistance both here in Australia & in all other parts of the world & to spit in the faces of all those who seek to tame what is wild into sterile botanical prisons.

We also send greetings of fire & smoke to imprisoned resistance fighters everywhere!

Fire Wolves Cell / International Revolutionary Front

Scum Press :

Pics :


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Posted in Direct Action

Signs Of Life In Australia : A Chronology of Recent Anarchist & Anti-Colonial Activity Down Under

Wednesday, May 7th, 2014

325 receives and transmits:

*Note : this is an edited version of a post that appeared on an Australian underground electronic music blog, we thought it was of interest to the wider anarchist-insurrectionist community worldwide.

Things are heating up in this country with one of the most unpopular governments in Australian history now in charge – although they came to power with a landslide victory so go figure! ‘Austerity’ is the name of the game for Australia’s current batch of ultra-conservative crypto-corporate overlords which means increases in the cost of living & cuts to every social service you can think of along with the customary scapegoating of immigrants, the indigenous & other vulnerable members of society – unless you are rich and connected then you and your hard earned finances are in the firing line, and let’s not forget the absolute rape of Australia’s resources & natural environment that has gone into overdrive since these bastards took power and the arse-kissing of corporate & foreign powers as they continue to loot the continent. (more…)

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Posted in Direct Action

Melbourne: Felicity Ann Ryder Cell (FAI / IRF) – Response To The Agents Of 'Doubt' (Australia)

Saturday, September 7th, 2013

‘Anarchists claim responsibility for fire at luxury West Melbourne car dealership, but police have doubts’ the headline of the Herald-Sun screams the day after our little visit to Gran Turismo Autos.

Apparently ‘investigators’ do not believe that a ‘mysterious anarchist group’ were responsible for the fire & the Herald-Scum, which is the de-facto mouthpiece of the Victorian Police force in Melbourne, chose not to name the website where we initially posted our claim of responsibility – they also chose to only include a partial sentence from our communique.

Well we have some doubts of our own.

We doubt very much that the cops & the Herald-Scum are being truthful, and we think that even the casual reader of Tuesday’s article would be doubting the truthfulness of the cops and their pet media outlet too. (more…)

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Posted in Direct Action

Melbourne: 'Felicity Ann Ryder Cell / FAI- IRF' Attack Luxury Car Dealership (Australia)

Monday, September 2nd, 2013

Last night (Sept 2nd 2013) for the first time in living memory but definitely not the last, the flames of anarchist insurrection roared high above the toxic skies of Melbourne putting a swift end to years of local ‘activist’ and ‘social anarchist’ inactivity in this city.

At approximately 7:30PM we gained entrance to Gran Turismo Autos, a luxury car dealership on Spencer St in inner-city West Melbourne via a poorly secured rear window and placed an improvised incendiary device with timer already set under a desk in an office area adjacent to the showroom then promptly fled the building via the same window through which we gained entry. (more…)

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Melbourne February 6th : Solidarity Action For Egyptian Anarchists (Australia)

Friday, February 1st, 2013

On the 6th of February we are asking for all anarchists, freethinkers & trouble makers to gather outside the building housing the Egyptian Consulate on 50 Market St, Melbourne CBD at 3:30PM in a show of solidarity for our Egyptian anarchist brothers and sisters who are currently facing serious repression from the religious fascist Morsi and his brutal Muslim Brotherhood backed regime.

The regime’s ‘justice’ apparatus have declared the Black Bloc and anarchists who first made their presence known at protests commemorating the 2nd anniversary of the Egyptian revolution as a ‘terrorist group’ and have ordered that all suspected members be arrested and detained. There have also been calls from religious extremist elements within Egypt for Black Bloc members to be beaten and executed. (more…)

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Melbourne: Churches & Church Vehicles Sprayed, Public Walls Reclaimed (Australia)

Monday, October 1st, 2012

325 receives and transmits:

On Sunday the 31st of September under the cover of darkness we set off with hatred in our hearts & cans of spray-paint in our back-packs.

Once again we found ourselves in the outer northern suburbs of Melbourne – in particular the predominantly low-income neighborhood of Glenroy.

And once more we decided to direct our anger at the church; there always seem to be plenty of churches in the poorer suburbs & Glenroy is no exception.

Our first stop was the Corpus Christi Catholic Church where we sprayed ‘FUCK RELIGION’ and an anarchy symbol on a side of the church facing a main road, we then made our way to the front door of the church and sprayed ‘JESUS RAPES’ and another anarchy symbol.

We then walked across the road to St Matthews Anglican Church where we sprayed several anarchy symbols and the words ‘RELIGION BREEDS ENSLAVEMENT’. In the car park we were lucky enough to find two church vehicles. Unfortunately we were not in the position to be able to torch the vehicles so we did the next best thing – redecorated them with some anarchy symbols and some random scribble which will no doubt be very costly for them to remove.

We continued onwards into the night, stopping several times to paint slogans on some very public walls. The slogans were : ‘FUCK AUTHORITY!’, ‘FUCK THE POLICE!’, ‘COPS MURDER’, ‘SOCIAL WAR’. ‘CLASS WAR’ and of course plenty of circle a’s to compliment them.

We then made our way to the Glenroy Uniting Church and sprayed the slogans ‘PEDO CHRIST’ & ‘GOD IS DEAD’ on the front of the church, and of course we sprayed some anarchy symbols as well just in case they were wondering just who these angry vandals were.

Running low on paint & high on adrenalin we decided to call it a night, happy that we had ventured much further than last time & already thinking of future actions!
Next time we will definitely have to bring some fire making utensils as it is high time that the night time landscape of Melbourne’s outer suburban wastelands were lit up with the flames of nihilistic social warfare!

We would like to dedicate this night’s actions to our chaotic church hating comrades in Bristol UK, the Free Thought Association / Fraction of Gender Renegades. We also send greetings to all FAI insurgents currently active on planet Earth, to all the comrades in cyberspace still operating under the AntiSec banner & of course to all the imprisoned anarchist fighters struggling for dignity in the prisons around the world!

Invisible Combatant Cells / Anonymous Anarchists

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