Posts Tagged ‘G4S’

Thousands protest around the world against immigration detention centres

Wednesday, May 11th, 2016




A coalition of groups from the UK and around the world joined today (Saturday 7 May) a mass simultaneous protest in 15 detention centres, calling to end immigration detention centres. An international coalition joined forces with groups from all around the UK as well as groups from the US, Spain, Greece, The Netherlands, Germany, Sweden, Iceland, N. Ireland, Belgium, France and Italy. In the UK, thousands took part in the protest in solidarity with the 30,000 adults and children in detention. Protesters held demonstrations at St Pancras train station, held noise demonstration in various detention centres, flew kites so detainees can see them beyond the high walls, danced, sang songs and called for the immediate release of those held against their will without judicial oversight, a time limit, or adequate access to legal support, translation, and healthcare. (more…)

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Posted in No Borders

7 May : Transnational Day of Solidarity with People in Detention + Protest against Detention Centres

Tuesday, April 26th, 2016

The last few years have seen an immense rise in protests inside and outside of detention centres. On Saturday May 7th, simultaneous demonstrations will be held around the UK and beyond, to protest against the existence of immigration detention centres and show solidarity with the 30,000 adults and children who are being detained against their will under the Immigration Act every year in the UK – without judicial oversight, a time limit, or adequate access to legal support, translation, and healthcare. We will come together with people inside detention to demand the closure of all detention centres and an end to border and migration controls!

May 7th is part of a wider transnational campaign to shut down detention centres and end the inherently abusive and violent system of immigration detention that criminalises, detains, and imprisons people simply because they have chosen or been forced to migrate. Actions also take place in solidarity with wider struggles against borders and migration controls and with people who are living in detention without walls, from Calais to Idomeni. So far actions have been planned across the UK and in The Netherlands, Germany, Belgium and Iceland. (more…)

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Posted in No Borders

Rebellion in UK migration prisons – Hunger strikes spread to 8 detention centres

Wednesday, March 18th, 2015

From RabbleLDN:

As of yesterday (Sunday 15 March) we had heard of hunger strikes and other protests taking place in 8 detention centres across the UK, as prisoners started refusing food in Dungavel (Scotland, near Glasgow) and Dover. There is now rebellion in the majority of the UK’s migration prisons.

The other six known to be protesting are Yarl’s Wood (Bedfordshire), Harmondsworth and Colnbrook (Heathrow airport), Tinsley House and Brook House (near Gatwick Airport). (See previous report here.) (more…)

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Posted in No Borders

HMP Oakwood: Prisoners repressed for uprising at G4S private prison (UK)

Saturday, February 21st, 2015

HMP Oakwood is a very well-known large shit-hole of a prison run by G4S private security company, known for very poor conditions and overcrowding.

From inthebellyofthebeast, via mainstream media slime:

Six criminals have been jailed over a riot which caused £170,000-worth of damage at Britain’s biggest jail.

The crooks smashed up their wing at the privately-run HMP Oakwood, near Wolverhampton, in January last year.

Staff were forced to flee as they trashed TVs, furnishings, pool tables and washing machines. (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Portishead: Responsibility claim for major arson of police firearms training building and attack on security service vehicles (UK)

Wednesday, August 28th, 2013

August 27, 2013 – Responsibility claim for large-scale arson of £16million police firearms training facilities and vandalism of vehicles of the corporate security services:

The (under construction) Police Firearms Training Centre in Black Rock Quarry, Portishead, situated directly beneath the Avon and Somerset Police regional headquarters was our target on the night of 26th August, and we left it with flames licking high. The facility is intended to serve forces across the South West.

After climbing into the quarry we used accelerant to burn the major electrical cables at five junction points throughout the complex, and doused and lighted a pallet of electrical fittings and wires. More than twelve hours later the fire is still burning. It put smiles on our faces to realise how easy it was to enter their gun club and leave a fuck you signature right in the belly of the beast, with a curious fox as our only witness.

On the same night others of us attacked two vehicles near St George, Bristol with paint stripper and by slashing the tyres – one G4S and one Amey. In the UK and globally G4S provide prison and security services and profit from many aspects of prison society. Amey, in a joint venture with GEO transport prisoners in England and Wales and run courthouses in Bristol and North Somerset.

In the City around us the lock down increases; there is a general atmosphere of rising fear and powerlessness; there is more and more surveillance, and security guards with handcuffs appear on more and more doors. Tensions across the world are simmering as people lose faith in the system. As a response to this insecurity the state is militarising it’s police with firearms, remote control drones and ‘non-lethal’ weapons that regularly kill. At the same time they develop the preventative ‘soft cop’ buffer of community support officers, liaison teams and so on, that are more fitting with the democratic image. They even get some help from leftists such as John Drury from Aufheben with his contributions on crowd control, who is as terrified of the unmanageable as the ruling classes are. The British state is a world leader in counter-insurgency techniques. Their expertise is the result of generations long brutal colonisation, like in India, Kenya and to this day in Ireland. (more…)

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Posted in Direct Action

Another sad story – G4S and Jimmy Mubenga (UK)

Saturday, July 13th, 2013

Another sad story, one that passes from time to time on the liberal media; a migrant is killed during deportation. Did this one starve themselves, sew their lips together, swallow razor blades in some private detention centre hell? No, Jimmy Mubenga was killed by three G4S security guards on a plane full of people during an episode of ‘legal restraint techniques’ that they inflicted upon him until he died. The Criminal Prosecution Service (CPS) decided not to prosecute the murder.

“Please, please, they are killing me.” cried Mubenga repeatedly to the passengers on the plane. Jimmy had a wife and a family that the UK Border Agency had snatched him from earlier. They would never see him again. And on the plane, the people saw him murdered by those “just doing their job”, and didn’t do anything about it. Now it’s more grief, as if death weren’t enough: the “inquest” of “British justice” rubber-stamps the approved killing and serves more white justice to black faces. (more…)

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Posted in No Borders

Nottingham: G4S vans damaged (UK)

Friday, January 11th, 2013

325 receives and transmits:

In the very early hours of Wednesday morning [9/1/13], we carried out a couple of swift acts of love and self-defence. Two G4S vehicles had their tires slashed, paint stripped and windows smashed. We did this as signal of solidarity to our friends in Nottingham HMP and as special message to our friend in Rome Elisa Di Bernardo whose courage and devotion is inspiration to us.

G4S are a global corporation which profits from the torture and caging of the working class throughout the world. They imprison and torture in order to maintain the capitalist order of things, and in our view should be attacked at every opportunity. The men and women murdered by G4S and the industrial prison complex it is inseparable from increases every day. The numbers whose lives are ripped apart by G4S every hour. Our hatred for G4S and our love for our brothers and sisters increases every second. Our gesture on Tuesday night was small, but it was repeatable, and we will repeat it and others like it.

Fuck the prisons.

For freedom, for friendship.

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Posted in Direct Action

Attack on G4S Security Company (UK)

Friday, June 24th, 2011

New attack in Nottingham against the murderous Group 4 Security / G4S. No Borders – No Prisons – No State. Originally posted anonymously on IMC UK, whose admins took it down:

24 June 2011

Last night shortly after 11pm a G4 security guard was followed home from his local pub and before he reached his door was quickly beaten. Later that night two G4S vehicles had their windows smashed and exhaust pipes destroyed using expanding foam.

We carried out this attack knowing full well that there would be those who would criticize it for being the work of thugs out for cheap thrills. And we knew there would be others that would state that the attack of individual workers is ineffective and a poor choice of a target. To this we say, everyday G4S guards play their role in the institutional violence carried out against prisoners around the world, occasionally a story creeps out that this guard or that guard got carried away and a prisoner has ended up in hospital or has been murdered. But these stories are not exceptional, the beatings and the violence are the way of life of G4S guard, it is their role in this sick society. We acknowledge the systematic effects that mean working class men and women wish to find work which is stable, secure and financially rewarding, we merely wish to encourage the idea that working for G4S is the work of a mercenary. That in choosing to work for G4S you are choosing to be on the side of the racist, patriarchal system which in the end benefits only those from the elite governing classes. The guard who was attacked last night knows where we stand, as he was given a copy of this message, hopefully he’ll pass it along to his colleagues.

The two vehicles were attacked, because we are filled with hatred for G4S and everything they do, we know it’s not the G4S staff who are solely to blame, but the giant corporation which profits from the imprisonment, torture and murder of our brothers and sisters.

We remember Jimmy Mubenga, an Angolan man murdered by G4S.

This action is in solidarity with all who resist the way the things are, including the anti-fascists currently being oppressed in Nizhniy Novgorod, Russia.

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G4S van set on fire in Nottingham (UK)

Thursday, April 21st, 2011

19 April 2011

“In the early hours of this morning a G4S vehicle was set on fire in North Nottingham. A container of petrol was poured on the bonnet and a match was tossed. As we fled the scene we remembered our friends who have been detained, deported, tortured and murdered by Group 4.

This was not an act of bravery, nor was it enough to avenge all those who have who have been tormented by the prison machine. It was however a sign of our intent. A sign that we will not accept this society as the way things have to be.

The struggle against social control is something we must participate in, and to do that we must attack those that participate in the maintenance of society. Whether these attacks are large or small they are what we must do to stay true to ourselves and our desire for a society without domination.

G4S have profited, and will continue to profit from the prison society which is an attack on the marginalised, the working class, the “non-white”, in fact on all of us who are not part of the elite. So Fuck G4S, fuck all those who seek to, or profit from the imprisonment of our friends, the oppression of our families and the attempt to control us. We will not be controlled, we will attack again and again, because we are filled with love, compassion and pure unadulterated rage.

This action was in solidarity with the 14 Chilean Anarchists who were arrested on the 14th of August last year, because solidarity is our weapon.”

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Attacks on Infrastructure in Nottingham (UK)

Tuesday, April 12th, 2011

12 April 2011

“In the early hours of this morning individuals who choose to be nameless attacked two points of this society’s infrastructure, we used different methods each time, but maintained the same quality of love and hate throughout. In both Bulwell and West Bridgford T3 mobile masts where set on fire. We used car tires we had left nearby days earlier, bundles of rags coated in petrol and disposable lighter. A little later we took our knives, our paint stripper and our expanding foam to work on two e-on vehicles and a G4 van. We choose these methods due the close proximity of the vehicles drivers and surveillance. The knives took on the tires, the paint stripper the bodies of the vehicles and the expanding foam destroyed the exhaust pipes.

These action was carried out because we know that in order to be free the infrastructure of dominant society must be destroyed, we recognise that this infrastructure is cultural and social as well as physical, and that in order for us to survive all aspects must be challenged. However, these actions were also carried out because we can not always wait, because we are hungry and impatient in our search for freedom, and each time we act against the totality of this society with our force we find a little bit more freedom from the social prison we find ourselves in. Basically they were a FUCK YOU to every aspect of oppression. Fuck you we are getting read. Fuck you we are becoming less afraid by the day. Fuck you our lives will be our own.

For us these actions live side by side with all actions where individuals decide that they wish to take their lives into their own hands. We believe that those actions can take the form of occupying banks, they can take the form of informal education collectives, they can take the form of banner drops and peoples kitchens. They can take the form of all kinds of things, and they need to be if we are to destroy all forms of domination.

But we choose these actions because they represent us, they are a manifestation of our fury and our disgust, they are a physical representation of our refusal to obey the joyless status quo.

We dedicate these actions to the friends we know who still feel caged. These actions are in solidarity with our friends in Bologna Martino Trevisan, Robert Ferro, Nicusor Roman, Stefania Carolei, and Pistolesi Anna Maria, who have been imprisoned due their dedication to a liberated anarchist world. This action is for all comrades fighting for a way out of societies jaws.”

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Group 4 Murder Angolan Migrant Jimmy Mubenga during Deportation (UK)

Saturday, October 16th, 2010

An Angolan man was suffocated to death by three G4S guards who were forcibly deporting him back to Angola, they used handcuffs and ‘restraint’ techniques which involved putting pressure on his back and pushing his head into his lap.

According to witnesses he struggled and shouted for ten minutes, “i can’t breathe, they are going to kill me” whilst being held down by the G4S guards. Many passengers were pushed away from him into first class to avoid them seeing the reality of migration politics in the UK.

He lost conciousness and was taken to hospital where he was pronounced dead. G4S released a statement to the effect of: “a detainee was ill and on the flight and died in hospital”.

This is the reality of the murderous borders, people who don’t fit into the correct ‘citizen’ model, who don’t have the right papers, who don’t ‘belong’ in the UK are brutally treated and deported with fatal results. Whether or not the deaths occur in the detention centre, on the flight, after deportation, during a dangerous illegal border crossing is irrelevant, the fact is Borders Kill!

Fuck their deportations, solidarity to all migrants and especially the Mubenga family at this time.

No Borders

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