Posts Tagged ‘Dover’

Come and fight nazis in Dover and Brighton (UK)

Friday, May 27th, 2016

From Rabble: Fascist scum are attempting get-togethers in the coming weeks in the seaside towns of Dover and Brighton. On Saturday 28 May, neonazis are planning not just another daytime stumble around Dover town, but also a Blood and Honour gig in the evening. The weekend after, on 4 June, there is a planned march by the “South Coast Resistance” in Brighton. See anti-fascist call-outs below for further details. May they drown in the seas of their own tears.

No Nazis in Dover – oppose the Nazi South East Alliance and Blood and Honour gig – Saturday 28 May, Dover

From Kent Anti-Racism Network

The Nazi South East Alliance are coming to Dover on 28 May to spread their message of hate towards refugees, people of colour, LGBTQ people, Muslims, Jews and other minorities. Their world view envisages an all-white Britain. They plan to hold a demonstration in Dover during the day and hold a Rock Against Immigration (Blood and Honour) – Nazi gig in the evening. Blood and Honour is a Combat 18 organisation – whose rallying cry is ‘Aryan Unity’.They have been involved in murder, gun-running and terrorism. Despite the South East Alliance claiming they’re coming to Dover for ‘ordinary people’ they are instead aiming to promote an extremely violent Nazi programme – similar to the murderous policies of Hitler.

During World War Two, the Nazis exterminated millions of Jews. Many more millions lost their lives fighting to keep the world free from fascism. This is the tradition that the South East Alliance and Combat 18 stand in. (more…)

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Posted in Anti-Fascist

Dover: Report from demo against neo-nazis (UK)

Friday, April 8th, 2016


From AFN:

Today, anti-fascists from across the country stood in solidarity with locals from around Dover to oppose neo-nazis and assorted far-right rejects who descended on the town, once more openly flying fascist flags and seig heiling.

The AFN had organised coaches from across the country, with groups traveling from Brighton, Berkshire, Oxford, Bristol, Portsmouth and London amongst others. London2Calais also organised transport, as did the UAF. We were met in Dover by a large contingent of locals organised by the Kent Anti-Racism Network.

All in all, around 350 antifascists gathered around a KARN aid convoy to Calais, which, after being filled with donations from locals, was to be sent to the port. (more…)

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Posted in Anti-Fascist

Dover: Demo against Neo-Nazi groups – April 2 (UK)

Tuesday, March 29th, 2016

Anti-fascist demo called by Kent Anti-Racist Network to counter violent neo-nazi and far-right nationalist groups who are making a demo themselves in the town.

Stop the Nazis marching – Dover 2 April, 11am

The neo-Nazi South East Alliance (SEA) and others have announced a ‘Unity’ march through Dover on Saturday 2 April.

These groups left a trail of violence and vandalism in the town when they last marched on January 30. They are seig-heiling Hitler-loving neo-Nazis that try whip up hatred and intolerance. They have no support in the town, but bring their hatred to our community, pretending to care about locals and lorry drivers. They are the British equivalent of the groups in Europe that are attacking and murdering migrants. (more…)

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Posted in Anti-Fascist