Basel: Wild Demonstration and the Arrests (Switzerland)

On Friday, 24 June 2016 there was a small, but wild demonstration against racism, repression, and gentrification in Basel, Switzerland that attacked various buildings and the police. Basel’s criminal court, a private security company, the party office of the right-wing SVP, and an insurance company were among the buildings attacked. 14 people were subsequently arrested, accused of taking part. 2 people were injured during the arrests.

They were originally accused of disturbing the peace, property damage, violence and threats against authorities and officers, and assault.

That weekend, there were various house searches in multiple cities across
Switzerland in the context of this case.

7 people were released on Sunday, 26 June, and the following seven were sentenced to between 2 and 6 weeks of pre-trial detention. Some of the imprisoned would have already been released by now, but have been sentenced to more time in pre-trial detention. The others may face a longer detention, as well.

A communique from the demonstration said “let us come together and organize in order to ravage the cage and break through the bars that contain various forms of coercion and repression, in order to open new ways in the future.”

Also from the communique, “Whether they took part in the demonstration or not, whether they attacked the police or not, we are in solidarity with all of the prisoners and we wish them a lot of strength and the ability to persevere. Even when they try to isolate you- you are not alone!”

The state and its cops, courts, and prison wardens think that repression will hold us down and destroy our desires, but it only gives us more reason to resist. Our solidarity goes to all those, inside or outside, that are fighting against the existing order.

We send our greetings to those resisting for Rigaer94 in Berlin. Your actions and solidarity also warm our hearts! Also, the attack on a police station in Zurich on 27 July brought smiles to our faces.

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This entry was posted on Friday, August 5th, 2016 at 12:03 am and is filed under Direct Action.