Posts Tagged ‘Tamara Sol’

Letter from imprisoned anarchist comrades Tamara Sol and Natalia Collado (Chile)

Thursday, August 25th, 2016

Comrades Tamara Sol and Natalia Collado have sent this statement on the occasion of the following initiatives: Anti-authoritarian Day for comrades Tamara Sol, Natalia and Nataly at the Libertarian Library Manuel Rojas. Sunday, July 17; 1st Antiauthoritarian Café Literario at the Kanno Suga and Denjiro Kotoku library. Saturday, July 30.

To the comrades, those in affinity, to those present. We were surprised to learn of this initiative, and we consider it very highly knowing that it is an initiative that comes from people whom we do not know or with whom we have no ties, who as individuals and as a group feel the desire to come together in an act of solidarity and affinities, which we greet with the affection and strength that we receive and which gives us the energy to face the prison context as we would like to.

Three weeks have passed since we found ourselves in the maximum-security section of the prison where, unlike the rest of the prison population (the other pavilions), we cannot get out of the section unless handcuffed and with a guard at our side to control us. Likewise we are prevented from participating in learning or recreational activities apart from going out a couple of days to play women’s football at the field. (more…)

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Incendiary attack against a Banamex bank in Oaxaca by Informal Anarchic Individualities (Mexico)

Monday, May 30th, 2016

On the morning of May 23rd in complicity with the full moon we decided to attack, in a city taken by police and military, we joined the night which makes us invisible and provides anonymity and secrecy. We torched a Banamex branch by placing tires in front of it and watering them with gasoline. So we illuminated the darkness and struck a blow, it’s a fleeting moment, but it’s a moment we enjoy and that for a few seconds makes us feel a little freer, releasing the fire that slowly eats away at the awful branch and it’s ATMs. We decided to videotape it so that everyone can see that some actions are easy to carry out, to encourage all comrades to take action wherever they are.

It is undeniable, we are everywhere. We see banks and those responsible for them as direct generators of poverty and social inequality. Banks are the temples where the “God” of money comes and goes, where misery is managed, where that “God” is placed above any form of life. (more…)

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Words from Sol Farías Vergara, nihilist-anarchist prisoner ($hile)

Thursday, May 26th, 2016

Words from Tamara Sol Farías Vergara (Castellano Abajo)
$hile: Summer 2016

When you have been behind bars in isolation from the rest of the prison population, daily existence becomes difficult in such a small space, where society and its roles are intensified and adaption becomes a daily struggle to resist being swept by its morale and its desire to consume. Thieves, drug traffickers and murderers internalize the State and its Power, as with its authority.

I seek to reach out without ceasing to be myself, without the isolation that the police implements. We are not all that different, only that the chains that tie them down become ties that I do not wish to let go of, whereby tensions become routine. Life is unwrapped in what we are more than words can explain, but when will turns into a specific schedule to wake, eat and sleep, the battle against the established order begins in the abstract of ideas and in memory. It begins in the search for the smallest details or gestures of honesty not yet contaminated by competition between poor people, since the walls are great, the bars and locks are as well, and are in the hands of a physical enemy the size of a territory. I see going against it now as nothing but increases its power, therefore, I patiently wait the right moment for liberation, and in this way find the theory and practice in life itself. (more…)

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Diciembre negro acciones en Quito (Ecuador)

Thursday, January 14th, 2016

Diciembre negro
A nuestrxs hermanxs acratas:
Nos adherimos a la campaña del diciembre negro (15-20 dic) con una serie
nocturna de pintas políticas en varios sectores de la podrida ciudad de
kitu, haciendo llegar este pequeño gesto de guerra con altivez a
nuestrxs hermanxs anarquistas en todas las partes de la tierra donde la
lucha anarquista no cesa y se tensa.

Aparte adjuntamos a las pintas varios flyers que circularon en las webs
de contrainformacion para el diciembre negro, asi extendemos el lazo
solidario q nos une, el mismo q a su vez destruye los limites
territoriales, creimos necesario adjuntar dichos flyers explicativos ya
que en ecuador lxs autoproclamadxs anarquistas estan viviendo un proceso
transversal de divagaciones políticas, en el cual aun creen que puede
existir un cambio real por medio de reformas y sus plataformas. (more…)

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“From the land of the forgotten against oblivion…” by Olga Ekonomidou, imprisoned member of CCF (Greece)

Friday, September 11th, 2015

Inter Arma received and translated:

The condition of captivity in which I find myself in for 4,5 years now as a vindictive and exemplary punishment has created a distance between me and outside reality, action. Besides, the purpose of imprisonment for those who fight against the existent is separation, deprivation, political isolation, moral annihilation. But there are always bars to break, either you walk in the monotonous sterile corridors of a “penitentiary” or you cross the decorated streets of consumption of prison-society. Now, within the prison cells of democracy, my need for freedom continues to give breath to each of my days. It’s my moving force, to think, to imagine, to organize, to act. The decision of total conflict with the existent, the power of individual choice enriched by experiences of collective action, are the ingredients that can penetrate the prison bars and high walls. Why in prison you don’t give up… you go on. You reorganize yourself and you fight. For 4,5 years I wake up in a bed in prison always a little after sunrise, although many times I liked sleeping more when I was out, I organize my every move, although outside the spontaneous often moved me, I analyze and judge the data (political and personal) of yesterday’s day alone, although outside I always shared them with comrades. For 4,5 years I wake up every morning feeling sure that I alone defined my participation in the war against any form of authority and that freedom is not given away… you conquer it yourself. (more…)

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Ataque a concesionaria en Buenos Aires (Argentina)

Wednesday, September 9th, 2015

Nos intentan obligar a una existencia sumisa y cobarde en el nombre del progreso tecnológico el control social y una mayor inclusión en lo que a pertenencia al sistema se refiere.

¡Pero nosotros no queremos ningún progreso, atacamos su control y rechazamos de manera consciente su inclusión!

Elegimos vivir la vida por el filo del abismo y no por los senderos de la muchedumbre mansa que se arrastra mendigando al poder las propias cadenas que los amarran. Nuestras motivaciones siempre serán en primera instancia la dignidad, la coherencia entre lo que decimos y hacemos, ese goce de
comprobarnos coherentes con lo que creemos. También nos motiva la sed de venganza, una venganza que sentimos tenemos que cobrar prácticamente desde niñxs cuando nos encierran en sus centros de domesticación y luego a lo largo de toda la vida encerradxs en fabricas, cárceles, manicomios… bibliotecas “anarquistas”…

¡Despreciamos toda esa mierda! ¡Hay otros caminos lejos de esa porquería monótona y anuladora del individuo!

En este andar mayormente solitario pero constante es que el 4 de septiembre pasado colocamos un artefacto incendiario en la concesionaria de motos y cuatriciclos ubicada en la Avenida Entre Ríos esquina Rondeau, el cual lamentablemente no funciono como lo esperábamos. ¡Pero continuaremos, siempre continuaremos!

Nuestra intención es clara: fomentar y propagar el ataque a todos los símbolos (físicos y edilicios) que representan ese entramado difuso que es el enemigo.

Objetivos a atacar… sobran… depende de nuestra voluntad, de nuestra decisión.

A generar todo el caos posible ante la mierda electoral que se avecina y su competencia entre candidatxs por ver quien saca mas policías a las calles y quien gestiona mejor la miseria.

Fuerza a Sol Vergara, valiente compañera encerrada en las prisiones chilenas. Fuerza a lxs demás compañerxs anarquistas, antiautoritarixs, nihilistas y subversivxs encerradxs por el Estado en Chile, México, Grecia, Italia, España…

Con nuestrxs muertxs en la memoria…


Célula Nihilista del Ocaso de Fuego.

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Evi Statiri to commence hunger strike on September 14th, 2015 (Greece)

Wednesday, September 9th, 2015

Evi Statiri, held hostage by the Greek state at Korydallos Prison for no other reason than being the life companion of imprisoned Conspiracy of Cells of Fire (CCF) member Gerasimos Tsakalos, has announced that she will commence a hunger strike on September 14th.

The announcement came not long after Evi’s latest appeal to be released was rejected by the judicial council.

Here are some roughly translated excerpts from a text by Evi announcing her hunger strike that was posted on Athens Indymedia website…

“The latest refusal from the judicial council in consideration of my release has only confirmed what I already knew from the first day that I found myself in the cells of counter-terrorism. My imprisonment is not just a personal matter. My imprisonment is the reflection of an overall repressive strategy aiming to dominate via fear and to satisfy the vengeful fury of law enforcement against political prisoners and all those whose values are not consistent with the culture of power.”

“I still find myself in prison for the unique ‘incriminating’ element that I am the wife of political prisoner and member of the CCF, Gerasimos Tsakalos. I am still in prison because I refused to sign their ‘certificate of social conscience’ and refuse to disown my partner and our relationship.”

“Anybody standing beside political prisoners may find themselves in the adjacent cell… Anybody who refuses to bow their head, silence their voice or lower their gaze towards the idols of power can be dragged in handcuffs and detained by the courts and their investigation offices. But the solidarity actions carried out last week showed that fear can rule, but it cannot reign in the hearts and minds of free men and women. I send a big thank you to all those who by their actions expose the dictatorship of lies and hypocrisy of justice that keeps me locked in it’s cells. Now a new battle begins… The dismissive ultimatum of the judges leaves me only one answer – the last resort of the captive human – a hunger strike for my release.”

“Monday September 14 I begin a HUNGER STRIKE against fear and injustice.”


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ATM Sabotage in Torreón for International Week of Solidarity with Anarchist Prisoners (México)

Wednesday, September 2nd, 2015

From Contra-Info [+ pics] via It’s Going Down:

On August 30th, we sabotaged with paint an ATM bank, “Bancomer,” in response to the “International Week in solidarity with anarchist prisoners”, and also to commemorate the black memory of our comrade Sebastián Oversluij (Pelao angry). This act was performed also to the surprised looks of passers-by; before the futility of “the bodies of order.” This street is the most guarded by dogs of the state, not only by the steady pace of patrols from both police and military, but also from the presence of security guards from ITESM.

Ever so rabidly do we act; an act that demonstrates our hatred for their money, their economy, their social order … to their civilization. This act was not to protest any “improvement” for the “people.” This action was carried out by anarchic individuals in anti-social solidarity and complicity with our comrades in affinity who are kidnapped by the state; to bring the anarchic idea to it’s ultimate conclusion. Forward comrades, destroy all prisons! We will burn your civilization!

A strong embrace of solidarity to the companion Tamara Farias, vengeance arrived!

Comrade Sebastian Oversluij presente …!

Freedom for all anarchist prisoners

The ongoing war …

For anarchy!

Incendiary Cell for Earth Liberation – FAI/FRI

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Comrade Tamara Sol: Public Communique + Update on Transfer to High Security Prison ($hile)

Sunday, May 31st, 2015

Tamara Sol Farís Vergara is Transferred to High Security Prison

This Wednesday, May 27th, 2015, Tamara Sol Farías Vergara was transferred to the ill-named “Centre for Feminine Orientation” (COF) located at Vicuña Mackenna and Capitan Prat streets in San Joaquin, Santiago.

The prison guard, Jenny Muñoz Gajardo, a Commandant who is in charge of the incarceration of over 500 women in the [prison] centre of extermination of “San Miguel,” is a loyal representative of police brutality and is paid millions of pesos to employ the logic of prison punishment and the control over people’s lives. This officer let her rage out with Tamara Sol and did not let her say goodbye to her cellmate, taking her out forcefully, without giving Sol the chance to pack her personal belongings (her prison mates gathered up what they could in a bag that Sol has yet to receive). We are told that Tamara Sol resisted with punches, screams and spits while being forced out by the prison guards, and was then handcuffed and taken to solitary confinement around 6pm. (more…)

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Update on Tamara Sol’s appeal trial ($hile)

Friday, May 8th, 2015

On 5 May, the court of appeal dismissed the application for revocation of the decision which had sentenced comrade Tamara Sol to seven years, six months and a fine for the shooting of a security guard in a branch of Banco Estado. On hearing the decision unrest broke out in the courtroom and on the street outside the building, which resulted in five arrests.


Translated by Inter Arma

Source: Publicacion Refractario

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Public communique from the Vergara Family, in regards to Tamara Sol’s new legal status (Chile)

Thursday, March 19th, 2015

from refractario transl. waronsociety:

Dear friends,

Compañeras and compañeros,

We would like to share with you the status of the legal situation our Tamara Sol is facing, prisoner in San Miguel jail in a “high security” module, since the 21st of January. She has lived this year along with other compañeras locked down for 23 hours a day with one hour to go out to the yard. She receives two visits a week, 5 people on Monday and 5 people on Friday (two hours each time). Tamara is accused of “attempted murder” and robbery. The prosecutor asked for 7 years without benefits*, from the first day she was detained.

We, her family, have been doomed to work primarily with her lawyers, Nelson Miranda and Margarita López, on all of the legal procedures to achieve the reduction of the sentence and ensure the corresponding legal benefits be taken into account, for previous irreproachable conduct and other extenuating circumstances. (more…)

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Berlin: Security company vehicles torched by anarchists (Germany)

Friday, February 27th, 2015

For a hellfire on earth…

And once again autonomous cells struck. This night we carried out a sabotage in Berlin, in complicity with all the fighters of our worldwide conspiracy. With fire we transformed two cars belonging to the company ‘Sicherheit Nord’ completely worthless for the watchdogs of the system. With this attack we promise our attention and support to those persecuted and incarcerated by the pigs.

Strength to Tamara Sol Farías Vergara, Mónica Andrea Caballero and Francisco Javier Solar Domínguez.

Strength to the prisoners of the Revolutionary Struggle (Epanastatikos Agonas), who are locked up in maximum security prisons.

The dogs that are hunting us down will be hunted by us at any time. Furthermore, we enjoyed the attempted prison escape by the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire, as well as the assassination of the chief executioner of Domokos type C prison.

We encourage all those who are able, to make attacks against the prison system on a daily basis.

Also the prison laborers who bake donuts for the Olympics propaganda, and thus further dig their own grave, could instead poison a few sports fans of the Berlin Senate with arsenic.

… for a society without coercion and prisons!
For Anarchy!

Freedom for all prisoners!

Translation notes:
Recently, as part of the city authorities’ push to represent Germany in the bid for the 2024 Olympics, the Berlin Justice Senator Thomas Heilmann tried to give away donuts (Pfannkuchen) decorated with the Olympic rings that were baked by inmates from Tegel prison.

Final message on video reads: “See each other on the 18th of March in Frankfurt – make ECB’s opening into a disaster.”


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Comrade Tamara Sol F. Vergara sentenced to 7 years, appeal pending ($hile)

Wednesday, February 4th, 2015


According to info received, Tamara Sol was found guilty by the court and sentenced to 7 years and 2 months in prison, with a fine of $215.000 (US$ 345 – €300). Recall that Tamara Sol is the comrade who was arrested after a BancoEstado security guard was shot in revenge for the death of Sebastián Oversluij Seguel.

Definitive charges and sentences are the following:

Attempted Murder: 7 years

Theft [of the gun of the security guard who was shot]: 61 Days + fine.

After the trial, there was clashes between Sol family’s and the tribunal guards (gendarmes). The family rebuked the judges and threw leaflets, calling the judges “fascists” and accusing them of developing a biased and political judgment. Also, the judges order to take a DNA sample of Sol, to include it in the National Register of Convicted.

However, there still exists an appeal opportunity against the sentence.

A video of the audience: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_eFns2YZUFY

And pictures of the meeting:

(from left to right: Luisa Toledo -grandmother-; Ana Vergara -mother-; Manuel Vergara -grandfather-)

(the man with the red megaphone is the father of Sol)

Solidarity to Tamara Sol!

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Update on Tamara Sol’s trial + Soli-Banner in Buenos Aires (Chile & Argentina)

Tuesday, February 3rd, 2015

Inter Arma received from Sin Banderas Ni Fronteras:

After one year of detention in San Miguel prison, anarchist comrade Tamara Sol started to face the trial in which power aims to annihilate her. Tamara is accused of shooting a bank guard in January 2014, just days after a bank guard killed comrade Sebastian Oversluij in an attempted bank robbery, in a different bank branch.

In November 2014, a brief preparation for trial against Tamara was performed, which finally started on this January 23. Tamara is facing a democratic inquisition that wants to sentence her to several years in prison, with charges of attempted murder and accomplished simple theft. (more…)

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Preliminary hearing of the trial against anarchist comrade Tamara Sol Farias Vergara ($hile)

Saturday, December 27th, 2014

From RadioAzione
Translated by act for freedom now

The preliminary hearing of the trial against comrade Tamara Sol Farias Vergara took place in Santiago on Monday 24th November. Tamara has been held prisoner in the jail of San Miguel for almost a year on charges of attempted murder and theft.

During the hearing defence lawyers and prosecutors submitted evidence reports, witness statements and other findings.

The court rejected about 28 witnesses for the prosecution, most of them cops of OS-9 and bank employees. Many of them did not even witness the events that led to Tamara’s arrest.

The judge also accepted a defence lawyers’ request and rejected other evidence, findings and materials presented by the prosecution and the representative of Banco Estado (the claimant).

There was a strong presence at this first hearing of comrades who have expressed solidarity with the comrade and her family from the start. But the comrades had to stay outside the court as the judge ordered the hearing be held behind closed doors. In spite of this Tamara managed to hear the slogans shouted by the comrades outside.

The triad of judges will be appointed and the date of the start of the trial fixed in the next few days.

Solidarity and complicity with Tamara Sol!

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