Posts Tagged ‘Nataly Casanova’

Investigation period extended against anarchist comrades Juan, Nataly and Enrique (Chile)

Friday, September 2nd, 2016

During the last days of August, the courts accepted the request from the defense for the comrades Juan Flores, Nataly Casanova and Enrique Guzmán who were seeking to re-open the investigation into the charges under the anti-terrorism law against the comrades. The intention of the defense is to gain access to a video that police claimed was key to their investigation, a video that neither the prosecution nor the police want to hand over.

The investigation period has been extended for another 30 days.

The prosecutors, faithful to their dishonesty declared: “The office of the prosecution has worked very seriously and very meticulously. The evidence in the investigation folder has been in the possession of all the participants from the beginning.”

Solidarity with Juan, Nataly and Enrique!

via Publicacion Refractario, translated by Insurrection News

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Letter from imprisoned anarchist comrades Tamara Sol and Natalia Collado (Chile)

Thursday, August 25th, 2016

Comrades Tamara Sol and Natalia Collado have sent this statement on the occasion of the following initiatives: Anti-authoritarian Day for comrades Tamara Sol, Natalia and Nataly at the Libertarian Library Manuel Rojas. Sunday, July 17; 1st Antiauthoritarian Café Literario at the Kanno Suga and Denjiro Kotoku library. Saturday, July 30.

To the comrades, those in affinity, to those present. We were surprised to learn of this initiative, and we consider it very highly knowing that it is an initiative that comes from people whom we do not know or with whom we have no ties, who as individuals and as a group feel the desire to come together in an act of solidarity and affinities, which we greet with the affection and strength that we receive and which gives us the energy to face the prison context as we would like to.

Three weeks have passed since we found ourselves in the maximum-security section of the prison where, unlike the rest of the prison population (the other pavilions), we cannot get out of the section unless handcuffed and with a guard at our side to control us. Likewise we are prevented from participating in learning or recreational activities apart from going out a couple of days to play women’s football at the field. (more…)

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Texto de compañeras en prisión a 5 años del asesinato de 81 presos en la cárcel de San Miguel (Chile)

Friday, December 11th, 2015

A 5 años del asesinato de 81 cabrxs en una prisión del Estado Chileno
(San Miguel).

Hoy nos parece necesario transmitir nuestros pensamientos y sentires
para combatir la prisión y el olvido hoy desde nuestra realidad.

Día a día las prisiones ejecutan el asesinato de millones de seres en el
mundo. Vivir dentro de las jaulas de la humanidad significa tortura
constante. La institución carcelaria como una estructura social, mental,
y física concreta el propósito del Estado de mantener su actual sistema
de dominación, legitimando a través de ella la lógica del poder, en la
cual el Estado se alza como protector de una ciudadanía pasiva que
contribuye en su mantención y existencia sin jamás cuestionarla.

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Comrades Juan Flores, Guillermo Duran and Nataly Casanova in more than 50 days of hunger strike ($hile)

Wednesday, June 3rd, 2015

(By Sin Banderas Ni Fronteras)

1. More than 50 days on hunger strike: solidarity inside and outside prisons.

Anarchist comrades Juan Flores, Guillermo Duran and Nataly Casanova
continues their hunger strike, started on April 14, demanding an end of the
harassment on their closest environment; end of aggression towards Juan
and Nataly; end the isolation of comrade Nataly Casanova; end of the
indiscriminate use of DNA testing; immediate release of comrade Enrique

The three comrades remain with integrity in position of confrontation
against power, and solidarious comrades have made polymorphic demonstrations
on the streets and outside prisons. Also, barricades and arson attacks have
been claimed in solidarity with the hunger strike.

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Poster: Freedom for Nataly, Juan & Guillermo on Hunger Strike ($hile)

Wednesday, May 6th, 2015

As part of the contribution to the days of solidarity with Chilean Prisoners on hunger strike we offer this poster for printing and redistribution.

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Llamado a la solidaridad con la huelga de hambre de Nataly, Juan, Guillermo y Enrique ($hile)

Saturday, May 2nd, 2015

A lxs compañerxs que en Chile y el mundo se enfrentan a toda forma de

A las mentes y conciencias insumisas que rechazan la dominación y
anhelan la libertad total.

A quien se sienta interpeladx y llamadx a la acción:

Quienes nos dirigimos a ustedes somos individuxs y grupos organizadxs y
activxs en la solidaridad antiautoritaria con prisionerxs anárquicxs y

Hoy escribimos para motivar que los gestos de compañerismo se expresen
de manera urgente y combativa en acciones solidarias en apoyo a la
huelga de hambre que realizan lxs compañerxs Juan Flores, Nataly
Casanova, Guillermo Durán y Enrique Guzmán. (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Huelga de hambre de Juan Flores, Nataly Casanova y Guillermo Durán desde el 14 de Abril ($hile)

Friday, April 17th, 2015

Also read: Anarchists Juan Flores, Nataly Casanova and Guillermo Duran declare hunger strike via contrainfo.

“Hoy en $hile, como en Grecia y España, se castiga la solidaridad, el amor y sus bellezas”
Nataly Casanova

Saludamos a lxs compañerxs Nataly Casanova, Juan Flores y Guillermo Durán, quienes desde el 14 de abril iniciaron una huelga de hambre exigiendo la liberación de Enrique Guzmán (detenido durante la tarde del
6 de abril y puesto bajo prisión preventiva), el cese de los hostigamientos contra sus cercanxs por parte de la miserable institución de Gendarmería y los brazos represivos del Estado, exigiendo también el cese del régimen de aislamiento al que ha sido sometida la compañera Nataly Casanova.

En estos meses de prisión preventiva lxs compañerxs han enfrentado con dignidad las maniobras represivas de los carceleros, sin retroceder un milímetro en sus convicciones de Guerra e ideas de libertad. Desde la calle solidarizamos incondicionalmente con ellxs, reconociéndolxs como compañerxs y como parte de nuestro mismo combate contra el Poder y toda Autoridad.


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