Posts Tagged ‘Molotovs’

2 comrades arrested, accused of throwing molotov bottles at the police (Chile)

Tuesday, July 5th, 2016

Two comrades, Jean Gutiérrez Zambrano and Andrés Aravena Sotelo, are being held on remand for 90 days for investigations. They were arrested following films and police controls relating to a students’ demo organized by Confech (Confederación de Estudiantes de Chile) on 9th June in Santiago of Chile. Prosecutor Sebastián Gana accuses the comrades of having thrown molotov bottles at cop cars at various times during the demo.

More info: Publicacion Refractario
via: croceneranarchica.
Translated by act for freedom now!

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Saronno: Rotodyne headquarters attacked (Italy)

Tuesday, February 9th, 2016

In the night between 28 and 29 January the headquarters of Rotodyne offices in Saronno was hit by a Molotov cocktail. Rotodyne develops equipment for the maintenance and construction of helicopters and warplanes (EH 101, NH-90, EuroFighter Typhoon), including the Lockheed F35 Lightning, designed and used by the Marines, the aeronautic and the US navy, as well as by many other NATO countries, including Italy.

The distributors of its products, and the companies with which it collaborates, are Alenia-Airmacchi, Augusta Westland (Finmeccanica group), Aereotech, Patria Helicopters.

Its products have been adopted by the Danish, Irish, Greek, Oman and Italian armed forces; by the Dutch, Swedish and Italian police; by the army, coast guards and the Italian navy.

It’s impossible to remain passive in the face of those for whom war is a business.

It is right to attack them before their products can contribute to causing death and devastation.

To stand by without acting would have made us accomplices.

via actforfree, informa-azione.

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Posted in Direct Action

Santiago: Bomba molotov contra sede de la UDI + Comunicado (Chile)

Tuesday, February 2nd, 2016

[Noticias de la Guerra Social]

Cerca de las 4:00 AM de la madrugada del 29 de enero del 2016 un grupo
de encapuchados lanza un coctel molotov a la sede del partido de extrema
derecha, Unión Demócrata Independiente (UDI), ubicado en la calle Suecia
N°286, comuna de providencia.

La bomba incendiaria revienta en un muro al interior de la sede
produciendo un amago de incendio. Rápidamente personal de bomberos llega
controlando las llamas, para luego miembros de la PDI realice las
indagatorias en el sector. (more…)

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Actualizaciones…. (Chile)

Thursday, August 13th, 2015

Saludos compañerxs…

Con bastante retrazo, pero buscando ponernos al dia hemos subido algunas
noticias de la guerra social de Mayo y Junio, esperamos ahora poder
seguir con el funcionamiento y dinámica que nos hemos propuesto.

A continuacion les dejamos los links por si les interesa subir las
noticias, o mantener y usar a modo de archivo.





¡Saludos en revuelta!
[Noticias de la Guerra Social]

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Posted in Direct Action

Molotov case: An 8 month update from The Eric King Defense Committee (USA)

Wednesday, May 27th, 2015


Report from comrades in USA solidarity group – Respect and love for Eric!

Eric is facing four felony counts at the Federal level

Count 1: Used a dangerous instrument to cause death or danger [18 U.S.C. § 111(a)(1) and (b)]—maximum 20 years in prison

Count 2: Attempted to damage or destroy a building by fire or explosives [18 U.S.C. § 844(i)]—minimum 5 years, maximum 20 years in prison

Count 3: Explosive used in commission of a felony [18 U.S.C. 844(h)]—maximum 10 years in prison (to be served after any other sentences are complete)

Count 4: Possession of an unregistered firearm (i.e., Molotov cocktail) [26 U.S.C. 5861(d)]—maximum 10 years in prison

The state alleges that Eric was responsible for an attempted firebombing on a Kansas government building. If convicted he faces anywhere from 5 to 30 years in Federal prison. His trial is set for Monday, July 13th at 9am.

The state exists to dominate and oppress the people. Rebellion exists to challenge and ultimately destroy the state. When the state singles out people to punish for acts of rebellion, we must support them as part of our struggle against this oppressive apparatus. (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Front line view of the first anti-state riot in Athens under the new government (Greece)

Monday, March 2nd, 2015

On Thursday 26 February 2015 riots erupted following an anarchist anti-state protest in the Exarchia area of Athens, Greece, the first under the new self-proclaimed left government of SYRIZA and far-right ANEL, following the parliamentary elections results of January 25, 2015.

Fire to the State

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War against ISIS/Daesh: Armed Manifestation In Support Of Kobane (Turkey)

Tuesday, October 21st, 2014

Armed militants appeared on the streets of Diyarbakır, Southeastern Turkey tonight (20/10/2014) in a demonstration of combative solidarity with Kobane and in complete defiance of the fascist Turkish government.

The comrades expressed their anger by setting up burning barricades, throwing many molotovs and firing shots in the air. Messages of support for Kobane and denouncing the fascist Turkish state were broadcast via megaphone so all the people could hear. The comrades escaped into the night avoiding capture by Turkish security forces, all in all, a successful display of militant solidarity from deep within the Turkish state that gave hope to many Turkish people living under AKP tyranny and reminds Kobane & whole world that not all Turkish people support the barbaric actions of the criminal Erdogan regime!

Kobane Solidarity Front UK

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Posted in Direct Action

Attempted Molotov attacks against vehicles of techno-industrial company Bayer AG (Germany)

Sunday, October 5th, 2014

Translated from linksunten.indymedia.org by anarchist comrade Marco Camenisch. Translated from Italian by act for freedom now.

In the night between 26th and 27th July 2014 we tossed molotov bottles at several ‘Bayer AG’ vehicles – and with this action we started off our Tendency of Eco Struggle.

Poisoning and exploiting

During the first world war ‘Friedr. Bayer & Co’ (which later became ‘Bayer AG’) produced explosives and chemicals for war purposes. Their troubles in getting supplies were not due to humanitarian scruples but to security risks and lack of labour force. As soon as the war turned into trench warfare gas begun to be strategically used as a weapon, and Bayer begun to supply the army with tens of thousands of tons of various types of gas.

Not content with their turnover, ‘Friedr. Bayer & Co’ also formed alliances with other chemical companies in a ‘community of interest’ following the example of the American Trusts of the time.

The economic crisis that followed the war didn’t last long, and in 1925 nine chemical companies led by ‘BASF’ formed ‘JG Farben’.

At the beginning (1926), ‘JG Farben’ didn’t embrace the aspirations of the national-socialist party, but then they realized that their production of synthetic petrol couldn’t function without funding. Back in 1932, a year before the electoral victory of NSDAP (German National-Socialist Workers’ Party), the company made contact with Hitler and obtained his support. In order to guarantee stability in their profits, ‘JG Farben’ thought it useful to contribute to the electoral expenses of the NSDAP with about 400,000 Reichsmark (German marks). Since then their cooperation with the Nazi regime flourished almost without frictions.

Almost the entire board of directors of the company became members of the NSDAP, while monopolization made ‘JG Farben’ the fourth most important company in the world.

During the Spanish Civil war, the company provided financial support to Franco’s troops, while in Guernica the Luftwaffe had the chance to test an incendiary bomb produced by ‘JG Farben’ on civilians. During the second world war ‘JG Farben’ was committed to the production of war weaponry and was one of the responsible for the murder and exploitation of prisoners in concentration camps.

As soon as ‘JG Farben’ discovered a suitable site for production near Auschwitz, they started to seek for a hard labour force. In February 1941 Carl Krauch, an important member of ‘BASF’/‘JG Farben’, wrote a letter to Hermann Goring asking him to convince Himmler to use prisoners in concentration camps as slave-workers in the plant of Buna. From the collaboration with ‘JG Farben’ Himmler expected the supply of materials necessary to expand the concentration camp in Auschwitz. In this regard he ordered Karl Wolff to forge a strict alliance with ‘JG Farben’. (more…)

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Kansas City: Letter from imprisoned anarchist comrade Eric G. King (USA)

Sunday, October 5th, 2014

From supportericking.wordpress.com:

Eric G. King, a 28-year-old local anarchist, was arrested and charged with an attempted firebombing of a government official’s office in Kansas City, MO. Eric allegedly threw a hammer through a window of the building and then through two lit bottles inside, though both failed to ignite.

Eric was identified as a suspect by local police because he had previously come under suspicion for anti-government and anti-police graffit. Eric is allegedly involved with the the Kansas City Fight Back insurrectionist collective.

Eric is currently being held in the Corrections Corporation of America’s Leavenworth Detention Center.

From Behind Enemy Lines: Statement by Eric G. King


My name is Eric. I’ve been an anarchist since about the age of 17; of course developing and maturing my views as I have grown. I am very active in the LGBQT, Earth, Animal, Antifa and other communities. I have organized Food Not Bombs, rallies against the Klan, and many others in support of human rights, anti-capitalism, animal rights, etc! I am an insurrectionist now. I believe that revolution starts in our own minds and once you are personally ready, then everyone has something they can do.

I value and support the solidarity and comradery received from the community now when I need it most. There is a warm feeling you get from knowing that you committed your life to something larger than yourself and getting warm wishes, kindness, and positive words which can really help someone out of a dark day. I am getting indicted this week and hopefully will be outside sooner or later. Books, stamp money, envelope money and letters would be greatly appreciated if you’re able and if not keep up the struggle. With love and support, EK (A) (///)

Eric King
CCA Leavenworth
100 Highway Terrace
Leavenworth, KS 66048

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Kansas City: Anarchist comrade Eric G. King arrested for alleged incendiary attack on Representative office (USA)

Saturday, September 20th, 2014

The following is a report from the capitalist media. Comrades are in the process of contacting Eric and setting up support. More information will come as it becomes available.

His address at the moment is:

Eric King
CCA Leavenworth
100 Highway Terrace
Leavenworth, KS 66048

Charges have been filed in the firebombing incident at Congressman Emanuel Cleaver’s office in Kansas City, September 11, 2014.

Eric G. King, a 28 year old local anarchist, was caught on surveillance tapes throwing two lit alcohol bottles into the office and running away.

Kansas City police initially identified King as a suspect because he previously had come under scrutiny during an investigation of anti-government graffiti on a local Bank of America building and the spray painting of Kansas City police vehicles, according to federal court records. (more…)

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Posted in Social Control

Burning barricades and molotovs: 'In response to the international call for anarchist prisoners of the world' (Chile)

Sunday, August 31st, 2014

International week of solidarity with imprisoned comrades. We go out decisively and fearlessly to amuse ourselves breaking with their dogma of tranquility and legality. With the rebellion of José Huenante, boy assassinated in democracy, in mind.* Cops, screws, guards and every authority will burn with our warmful joy. Propagate the revolt.

In the defined night
the routine’s twilight
infinite particles conspire in the dissocial shadow.
In the spectra of nothing
desires are moaned
rage is howled
the forgotten are shouted
the lost echoes are roaring.

In the disrepair of one power citadel
frantic machines, swarm of slaves,
makeup powders and devices of control.
The rebellious schizos, barbarian!
We deny the everyday existence: Prisons,
schools, families, madhouses, asylums, psychiatrists
and every individual nullification.

We open the wings to come out of crevices and caves,
to bifurcate the fire in every alley,
security perimeter and place of domination.

May it be known that we overflow in all directions,
towards all the points.
We are infinite particles looking for the explosion.

A small contribution from the territory called Chile, Talca of Maule region.

Affinity group of dogs, cats and frogs

The action took place on Wednesday, August 27th; a roadblock in one of the city’s arteries, at eight in the evening.

* 16-year-old Mapuche, who ‘disappeared’ while being held in police custody in Puerto Montt in southern Chile.

– via Contra Info.

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¿Por qué atacamos la Secretaría de Comunicaciones y Transportes? La SCT, lxs anarquistas y la lucha por la tierra 5E: Sobre nuestros compañerxs anarquistas presxs (Mexico)

Monday, August 4th, 2014

5E: Sobre nuestros compañerxs anarquistas presxs

El 5 de enero del 2014 lxs compañerxs anarquistas Carlos López Martin “El Chivo” (Mexicano), Fallon Poisson y Amellie Pelletier (Canadienses) fueron detenidxs en la ciudad de México bajo la suposición de haber sido los responsables del ataque a una de las oficinas de la Secretaría de Comunicaciones y Transportes (SCT), Carlos se encuentran en el Reclusorio Oriente y Amellie y Fallon en el Reclusorio de Santa Martha en estos momentos después de haber concluido con un arraigo de 40 días así como del fallido intento para inculparles legalmente de “Terrorismo” y entre otras pantomimas judiciales en estos momentos lxs compañerxs se enfrentaran con dos procesos penales; uno del fuero local por los delitos de Ataques a la paz pública y Daños agravados, (ataque a una concesionaria Nissan) y por el que no alcanzan fianza y otro más federal por el delito de Daños en Propiedad Ajena (ataque a la Secretaría de Comunicaciones y Transporte)(1). (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Athens: Responsibility claim for Molotov attack on police station, in remembrance of Revolutionary Struggle member Lambros Foundas (Greece)

Tuesday, March 18th, 2014

Via contrainfo

“With torches blown out long time ago, my old comrades walk with sidesteps in the pupils of my eyes… I close my mouth tightly and scream… That’s when they savagely invaded my arteries dragging the broken flagpole, and there, in the eighth artery, in the small cavity of the heart where my dead comrades are asleep, I give my battle in whispers…”

You need to push your acts to their most extreme limits; to put yourself to the test in struggle, with your entire being on combatant alert; to find yourself in assemblies, demonstrations, wildcat strikes, and barricades, just like Lambros did; to be on time for conspiratorial dates, present in the mapping of the enemy and the city, aware of the necessity for resupply, prepared to lube firearms, to throw yourself wholeheartedly into the fight, like thunder…

You should initiate all those processes, and whatever their start may be make sure to get a good ending, because history remains scanty if we don’t touch upon it… (more…)

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Carlos, Amelie et Fallon: Mises à jour sur les 3 camarades anarchistes arrêté-e-s pour des attaques avec usage de cocktails molotov (Mexique)

Saturday, January 18th, 2014

Mise à jour urgente: trois camarades anarchistes arrêté-e-s au Mexique, détenu-e-s sans possibilité de liberté sous caution, accusé-e-s de dommages à la propriété d’autrui, et possiblement de crime organisé, de sabotage et de terrorisme.

Appel à la solidarité internationale le vendredi 17 Janvier.

Dans la nuit du 5 Janvier, Carlos – un camarade du Mexique, ainsi qu’Amélie et Fallon – deux camarades du Canada, ont été arrêté-e-s dans le cadre d’attaques avec usage de cocktails molotov contre le Ministère des Communications et des Transports et un concessionnaire Nissan à Mexico. Les trois ont depuis été placé-e-s en détention et n’ont presque aucun contact avec quiconque, y compris avec leur avocat. Cependant, Amélie et Fallon ont été visité-e-s par le consulat canadien. Bien qu’ils aient d’abord été accusé-e-s seulement de dommages à la propriété d’autrui, les trois pourraient maintenant faire face à des accusations supplémentaires pour sabotage, crime organisé et terrorisme. (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Carlos, Amelia & Fallon: Updates about the 3 anarchist comrades arrested for molotov attacks (Mexico)

Saturday, January 11th, 2014

Urgent update: three anarchist comrades arrested in Mexico, detained without bail, now facing charges of property destruction, and possibly organized crime, sabotage, and terrorism.

Call for International Solidarity on Friday, January 17th.

On the night of January 5th, Carlos – a comrade from Mexico, and Amelie and Fallon – two comrades from Canada, were arrested in relation to a molotov attack on the Ministry of Communication and Transportation and a Nissan dealership in Mexico City. The three have since been held in detention and have limited contact with anyone, including their lawyer, and Amelie and Fallon have also been visited by the Canadian consulate. Though they were initially accused of property destruction, the three may now face additional charges of sabotage, organized crime, and terrorism.

More info here plus letters from the imprisoned comrades.

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