Posts Tagged ‘Isolation’

Anarchist prisoner Juan Flores accused of planning escape and moved to maximum security (Chile)

Thursday, August 25th, 2016

On August 13 the comrade Juan Flores was transferred during an operation by prison guards from Santiago Prison 1 to the High Security Prison (CAS) along with Enrique Guzman. Both comrades are defendants in the so-called ‘Bombs Case 2’.

The reason for the surprise transfer was the supposed dismantling of an ‘escape plane’ following the discovery of a drawing in comrade Juan’s cell depicting a prison being attacked.

The comrade’s legal team took action resulting in Juan being transferred back to Santiago 1. Comrade Enrique will remain in the maximum security section of the CAS.

The prison guards’ fear reveals their clumsy powerlessness when faced with unyielding convictions.

via Publicacion Refractario, translated into English by Insurrection News

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Report from ABC Dublin about Republican Prisoner Solidarity Events (Ireland)

Saturday, August 20th, 2016

7th of August 2016

Dublin Anarchist Black Cross at the Annual Anti-Internment March of Ireland


The Dublin Anarchist Black Cross was in attendance of this year’s anti-internment march. Prior to the march taking place the state put a block on the march from going ahead not giving the march organisers permission to march. This block did not deter people from coming out in support of the march and come out in solidarity with political prisoners in prisons in Ireland….

Over 1,000 people marched from the Busy Bee in Andersonstown in west Belfast, down the Falls Road towards Belfast City Hall. When the march reached the end of the Falls Road the Police had the road blocked with a line/siege of armored Jeeps and armed police preventing the march from reaching its destination.

The march could not go any further, a makeshift platform made from a wooden box was used by speakers to say a few words about the different campaigns they were from. There were speakers from the Justice for The Craigavon Two campaign and the Free Tony Taylor campaign. After the speakers were finished the march ended.

It is the 45th anniversary of internment – administrative detention – imprisonment without trial, which was used to try break a movement that is struggling against British imperialism in Ireland. The decades on since then not a lot has changed in Ireland and through the world, many people still being unjustly locked up and incarcerated… (more…)

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‘Continuous Rebellion’ by anarchist prisoner Michael Kimble (USA)

Tuesday, August 9th, 2016

At the moment I’m writing from segregation (lockup) after being stripped, handcuffed, slapped, and placed here by the CERT (riot squad) on Monday, August 1, 2016 at approximately 11:45 pm. It’s now Wednesday and I haven’t been given my personal property (shoes/slides, soap, deodorant, clothes, toothbrush, etc.) nor have I received a 72 hour investigation notice as to why I’m being held in segregation.

I’m assuming that I’m being held for being involved in a rebellion (riot) that popped off on August 1, 2016 at around 3:06 pm. Initially there was a fight between prisoners, but escalated into a rebellion against the guards when they tried to intervene after being told numerous times that things were under control.

The guards didn’t listen and was chased out of C-dorm, which has become a space of self-governance and resistance against prison officials. Fires were set, control units taken.

I’m one of about ten prisoners who was also placed in segregation.

So, if you don’t hear from me personally, it means that all my property, including letters, addresses, phone numbers, have been destroyed or lost. I’ve had to borrow writing materials to get this out.

from anarchylive

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Letters from Kevan Thakrar from the isolation units of England (UK)

Monday, April 18th, 2016

From a comrade of ABC Brighton:

March 17

A secret world exists within the high security prison estate in England, known as the Close Supervision Centre (CSC) system. It is notorious amongst the few who know of it, a place only the most unfortunate men ever see. Reports of serious mistreatment and torture are routine from the victims detained within the CSC, but almost nothing is ever done about the biggest demonstration of inhumanity to take place in this country.

In order to excuse this torture chamber, the dehumanization of CSC prisoners begins at a very early stage of official justifications for the creation of the CSC system, which focus on the need to contain a new breed of unmanageable and unpredictable risks. It continues with the creation of classificatory categories of ‘dangerousness’ which objectify prisoners and make more of the category and less of the human in them, and it is reinforced by the tightly controlled and highly regulated routines in CSC’s, treating prisoners as highly dangerous creatures, capable of superhuman acts of violence – not quite human and in need of the extreme oppression the CSC provides.

When it comes to the ‘worst of the worst’, isolation is wrongly seen as a necessity but insufficient measure by prison management. In addition to isolation and extremely restricted movements, prisoner in-cell provisions and their belongings are carefully regulated and subjected to relentless scrutiny and inspection. (more…)

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Solidarity Demo for Kevan Thakrar outside HM Prison Service HQ (UK)

Tuesday, February 17th, 2015

Above: A speaker from FRFI (Fight Racism! Fight Imperialism!) at the protest at HM Prison Service HQ against continued solitary confinement of Kevin Thakrar since he was acquitted of attacking prison officers in 2010.

Prolonged isolation of Kevan Thakrar in UK prisons is torture protest

The demo took place 16 February at HM Prison Service HQ in London, and it was attended by over a dozen people, different individuals and groups who were there to support Kevan and show solidarity about his case. Brighton Anarchist Black Cross, Jengba, Fight Racism! Fight Imperialism!, Payday Men’s Network and others. (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Anarchist prisoner Alfredo Cospito held in isolation (Italy)

Sunday, February 15th, 2015

via contra-info

Isolation, disciplinary reports, and protests in the AS2 section of Ferrara prison:

On February 13th, having spoken to one of the imprisoned comrades in the high security section of Ferrara prison over the telephone, we learned that Alfredo Cospito was punished with isolation, following an altercation with a guard. The measure of punitive isolation (article 14-bis of the penitentiary regulation) was put in place two days ago, while another comrade in the AS2 section has received a disciplinary report for the same incident with the screw. The other prisoners protested against what happened, and intend to continue their protest until the isolation of Alfredo is suspended.

On February 14th, Alfredo was hurriedly moved to another section of Ferrara prison, where he has no contact with other prisoners —neither with those in the AS2 wing, nor with inmates in others sections. The other comrades held in the special wing have their sociability suspended and are banned from meeting each other.

Spanish | Greek

Write to the comrade:

Alfredo Cospito
CC di Ferrara
Via Arginone 327
44122 Ferrara

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Message from the Red Help International Commission / Grussbotschaft der Kommission für eine Rote Hilfe International / Message de la commission pour un Secours Rouge International (Switzerland, Belgium)

Friday, October 24th, 2014

At present, while the imperialist bourgeoisie is attacking on all fronts to enforce their deadly law of capitalism at any time in the life of each person, all resistance must be assessed positively, also armed resistance that leads to an irreducible denial of the system.

As an international force of resistance against repression and for the support of the resistant and revolutionary prisoners, our solidarity is for all those the system lets pay for their resistance – regardless of the form of repression (job loss, police brutality, torture or prison). But in that countless abundance of those who suffer from the violence of those in power because of their political commitment, we especially want to name those who manage to create a liberation project and give it a collective dimension and continuity. (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

"Filaki" – Prison World: Film about the 2007 prison uprising – English subtitles + PDF (Greece)

Tuesday, October 7th, 2014

ABC Hurricane uploaded the Filaki – Prison World DVD about 2007 prison riots uprising in Greece.

PDF: Prison World – Filaki zine

Documentary from Greece about the prison society, its role in social control and the ongoing rebellion against it…

The film focuses on the prison uprisings against the political repression and social war against the comrades in Greece as well as the hunger strikes against the Type-F prisons in Turkey which soon spread to engulf many of the prisons in Greece. These prisons are similar to the Type-C prisons in Greece, the FIES in Spain, the CSC in the UK and other punitive isolation torture regimes around the world.

During the afternoon R.Z. escapes again, for the last time. A detainee shouts to him, ‘How did you do it?’. R.Z answers: ‘From there at the top… you can’t find a way to escape from those walls, because there are other walls beyond… another prison. You must escape from the roof, and head towards the sun. They will never be able to build a wall between the sun and the earth’.

Our passion for freedom is stronger than all prisons!!!

Vimeo link- https://vimeo.com/108159482

This is a DVD rip. Contact abc-hurricane [at] riseup [dot] net if you would like an original DVD copy.

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Gabriel Pombo Da Silva, Incommunicado in Spain

Wednesday, February 6th, 2013

Anarchist prisoner Gabriel Pombo da Silva, arrested as one of the Aachen 4, has recently been transferred to Spain, where he is currently being held incommunicado – without visits or telephone access.

Please send faxes protesting his treatment to Soto del Real prison:
00 34 91 844 78 03
00 34 91 844 77 12

Send cards and letters of solidarity to Gabriel at:

Gabriel Pombo da Silva
Centro Penitenciario Madrid V
Soto del Real
C.P. 28770

Leeds Anarchist Black Cross

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Close Supervision Centres – Torture Units in the UK – New Pamphlet from ABC Bristol

Thursday, April 26th, 2012

325 receives and transmits:

Here to download – a collaboratively produced pamphlet from inside and outside the prison walls, for printing and distribution about Close Supervision Centres in the UK prison network.

With an introduction by Mark Barnsley of ABC Leeds; many articles and texts from John Bowden, our comrade currently residing in HMP Shotts, Scotland; first hand accounts from inside these maximum security segregation units from prisoners such as Kevan Thakrar and Kyle Major; and many articles, testimonies and denunciations from families, supporters, and other people fighting against these degrading and despicable institutions; this text is a call-out for renewed pressure on the prison system and the web of screws, bureaucrats, health care professionals, managers etc. that enact overt and covert abuses on inmates of the CSC system every day.

The text will be available in paper format soon from Kebele Infoshop, 56a Infoshop, and further afield we hope. Please right click and click save as below to download in electronic format:

CSCs Torture Units in the UK
SCREEN (for reading on computer)

CSCs Torture Units in the UK IMPOSED (large file – for printing as booklet)

CSCs Torture Units in the UK A4 (single A4 pages)

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Posted in Library

Damiano Bolano and Giorgos Polydoros put in isolation (Greece)

Wednesday, October 5th, 2011

D. Bolano and G. Polydoros put in isolation

Since Saturday 01/10 the members of the RO-CCF Damiano Bolano and Giorgos Polydoros are in isolation because they complained about the conditions of detention in prisons of Nafplio (where they were transferred yesterday) and refused to enter their cells. In the beginning, they took them to isolation division as this part, due to a lack of space, it had been transformed a “regular” prison wing; however, few new prisoners were accepted afterwards. When the comrades refused to accept these conditions of detention, the answer was: one week in isolation.

No hostage in hands of the state

Anyone who forgets the POWs forgets the war itself

Hands off our comrades

In solidarity Allilegguoi/Allileggues

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