Posts Tagged ‘Fuck the Mainstream Media’

A few notes on media and repression (Netherlands)

Wednesday, August 31st, 2016

Via Actforfree:

In the course of awaiting the processes of several anarchists that are accused of having robbed banks in Aachen in 2013 and 2014, the prosecution office of Aachen, Germany, and their obedient voice, the media, use every chance available to advance their investigation. Whether it is on a juridical or a more subtle mediatic level, all these expressions are different tentacles of the same mechanism of repression.

As usual the mainstream media are eager to get a “good” story by all means necessary, pervertedly scrutinizing people’s lives regardless of any ethics. They therefore do not hesitate in aiding the prosecution in spreading their fantastical tales. We have read these without much surprise – this is what journalists do after all –, have watched the hysterical spectacle that is being created around the implicated. Not being surprised however does not mean that we do not feel the need to clarify a few things that may have become blurred in the midst of this incessant stream of written and televised vomit.

After having ejaculated several articles in which the accused were portrayed according to the image the prosecution is trying to spread, the media has now decided it is time to create their own story. A rumour came to us through the grapevine that a certain Dutch journalist has posted a request on Indymedia asking for information concerning one of the accused. (more…)

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Self-proclaimed ‘National Union of Journalists’ complain to anarchist counter-info site Rabble LDN for publishing an article critical of the corporate media (UK)

Wednesday, May 11th, 2016

Above: Confronting photographers on a demo in Nantes, France

Recently the whinging trade union clerks of NUJ wrote a hilarious note of complaint responding to a text on Rabble LDN, which is posted below. We add to this amusing incident the recount of the fact that during 2011, in relation to a photo of the riotous smashing of the Bristol Evening Post building, and for which an anarchist comrade still evades an arrest warrant, we received more than one letter of complaint from the NUJ, specifically coinciding with the day of publication of this article about anarchists and the media, written by comrades in Italy. Photographers, journalists, unless comrades and from the circle of anti-info, i.e not for profit, are not friends, they’re inevitable cogs of a spectacle of repressive alienation. We don’t shed any tears for them when we bloc up and get rid of their presence, because we’re getting rid of one tentacle of the corporate enemy. For more articles about the topic, check out “Cops, Pigs, Journalists”: To Inform, To Obey? and The Reasons for a Hostility – About the Mass Media.

A while ago we published an article, sent to us anonymously, entitled “In Defence of Smashing Cameras“. The self-proclaimed (??) National Union of Journalists (NUJ) did not like this article, and sent us the following response:

The NUJ PHOTOGRAPHER’S COUNCIL has responded to an online comment piece urging people to smash media cameras:

“The NUJ is appalled at the recent article on a self-proclaimed anarchist website which advocates the smashing of cameras used to film or photograph protests and demonstrations, if such image making does not meet with the approval of protesters, or if the image makers are not ‘partisans and accomplices in social war’.

“The suggestion to smash cameras of those who are there as media is an incitement to violence and is condemned by the NUJ.

“Our job is to record events. The NUJ condemns all violence against the media, for whatever reason and from whatever source.”

Comment from Rabble:

If we defend ourselves from those who both parasite off our resistance and could send us to jail for it, we are labelled violent. “Violence” is both a selling point for the spectacle-loving media, and then the trump card they use to delegitimise resistance.

In this society, journalists think they have the right to take and publish any pictures they want, without asking for consent, and regardless of any consequences. Few journalists give a flying fuck if their photos or videos become incriminating evidence used to screw up people’s lives as they are separated from their loved ones and psychologically tortured in hellholes called prisons.

But no, like the police, photographers certainly aren’t violent, they’re just ‘doing their job’. Violence is what troublemakers do (poor people, black people, people who have no respect for authority, etc.) Prison, of course, is not violence: it is deserved punishment carried out by legitimate authorities, and necessary to the functioning of society. If you’ve done nothing wrong, you’ve got nothing to hide, right?

So, the journalists’ representatives are incensed about damage to cameras. But they don’t deign to notice the damage done by prison, or consider how photographers may contribute to this as police evidence gatherers.

As we understood the article, it was not calling for attacks on people taking photographs responsibly and respectfully, but referring to the need to protect ourselves against arrogant, dangerous fuckwits who don’t care about anything but their own egos and careers.

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Pyhäjoki: both camps evicted, several arrested, one hospitalised due to police brutality (Finland)

Sunday, May 1st, 2016

Repression against those who oppose Fennovoima-Rosatom nuclear power plant project continues: and it’s getting worse and worse. On Friday 29.4. two protest camp sites got evicted at Pyhäjoki, Finland. Police operations were, on Finnish scale, massive.

Not big. Massive. Present were roughly 20 police vans, officers in riot gear, border patrol’s helicopter, sections from both national SWAT teams, dog units and specially equipped riot vans. Police declared the eviction of both camp sites by presenting a legally vague, written police order without even specified locations of the camp sites or other information. Just an order to leave and a declaration that police will arrest everyone “under the police law” it considers to “be connected to the locations” or “able to disrupt public order”.

The majority of the protest campers and Reclaim the Cape-action week participants grouped up and vanished into the forests without negotiating with the police.

As we speak, both sites are being emptied of infrastructure and belongings. Comrades are being searched and picked from the woods. Those been detained are being helped and awaited outside the cells. New campsite is under construction, but not public. (more…)

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Posted in Eco Struggle

Explosive attack against CORTV Oaxaca by ‘Informal Anarchic Individualities’ (Mexico)

Tuesday, April 26th, 2016

Received and translated by Insurrectionnews on 25.04.16:

In the early hours of April 23 we placed a homemade explosive device on the premises of CORTV Oaxaca, a media / manipulation channel working in the service of the state.

Given the wave of repression against anti-authoritarians that is especially focused on the anarchist movement, we undertook this action as a call to spread the attack against those who we consider our enemies.

We recognize the different faces of those who condemn us to a life of misery and oppression, and their collaborators.

This time it was the media of mass communication, who are noted as instruments of power for social alienation and as an indispensable part of the repressive framework of different sustained operations in recent times against the anarchist movement fulfilling the role of criminalizing our compañeros and their struggle.

Our objective is to break the social peace, exacerbate the conflict and sharpen and expand the revolt.

We stand in solidarity with our imprisoned compas and the fallen of this war sending them fraternal greetings, wishing them to feel the fire and the action.

For Fernando Barcenas, Monica Caballero, Francisco Solar and all anarchist and anti-authoritarian prisoners.


Informal Anarchic Individualities


La madrugada del pasado 23 de Abril fue colocado un explosivo casero en las instalaciones del canal CORTV Oaxaca, medio de comunicación/manipulación al servicio del Estado.

Ante la ola de represión especialmente enfocada contra el movimiento antiautoritario y/o anarquista, emprendemos esta acción, que a su vez deseamos sea un llamamiento hacia la propagación del ataque contra quienes consideramos nuestrxs enemigxs.

Rconocemos los distintos rostros de quienes nos condenan a una vida de miseria y opresión, y de sus colaboradores.

Esta vez fueron los medios de comunicación de masas, a quienes señalamos como instrumentos del poder para la enagenación social y como parte indispensable del entramado represivo de las diferentes operaciones sufrida en los últimos tiempos por el movimiento anarquista cumpliendo el papel de criminalizar y señalar a nuestrxs compañerxs luchadorxs.

Nuestro obbetivo es romper la paz social, agudizar el conflicto y provocar y expandir la revuelta.

Nos solidarizamos con lxs compas presxs y caidxs de esta guerra enviandolxs un fraternal saludo, deseando sientan el fuego y la acción.

Por Fernando Bárcenas, Mónica Caballero, Francisco Solar y todxs lxs presxs anarquistas y antiautoritarixs.


Individualidades anárquicas informales.

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Posted in Direct Action

1st May – Fuck Parade, Commercial Street, 6pm, London (UK)

Friday, March 11th, 2016

Fuck you all, it’s the Fuck Parade

Meet Sunday 1st May 2016, 6pm @ One Commercial Street, Aldgate, London E1 7PT. Bring what you expect to find.


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Posted in Direct Action

Mayday: Class War – Street Party (UK)

Saturday, March 28th, 2015

Fuck the Police – Fuck the Tories – Fuck the lot of them – All Fucking Wankers


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Bristol: Slingshot attack on construction company Balfour Beatty and Evening Post newspaper (UK)

Saturday, March 28th, 2015

Over the night of March 15th and 16th, slingshots were fired at Balfour Beatty on Carter Road, Bishopsworth and The Post building close to Old Market, breaking several windows on each.

Balfour Beatty would never let something stupid like the environment stand in the way of ‘progress’, constructing the route for the controversial metrobus that will eventually cart people to and from their daily boredom. Whilst the media makes millions from a world of misery whilst constantly manipulating public opinion.

Note: The Evening Post building was attacked previously in 2011 and one anarchist comrade remains hunted for the attack. The newspaper is the usual scum-outlet of reactionary crap.

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Posted in Direct Action

"Cops, Pigs, Journalists": To Inform, To Obey? (Venomous Butterfly)

Wednesday, December 31st, 2014

The journalist is always the best friend of those in power and of the cops. S/he is the one who smooths the path for them, who conceals their violence, always ready to justify it, who publicizes their misdeeds and applauds them or who criticizes them so that next time they can strike better.

It is thanks to journalists that we have become so weak, frightened and divided as to not be able to react to the daily repression and the suffocating control of our existence. The television news is defining everyone who rebels – against the war, against exploitation, against increasingly precarious and vile living conditions – a terrorist, an individual dangerous for all. It is from the pages of newspapers that the rage of the exploited is thrust into the treacherous arms of the parties and unions, that have managed our exploitation up until yesterday, and today would like to manage our protest.

Journalists are the enemies of anyone who is exploited and no longer wants to be so, of anyone who is a slave and wants to free themselves, of anyone who is without strength and wants to take a breath.

Of the rhetoric about “freedom of information”, of the myth of the free and independent reporter that exposes the powerful with his pen and denounces their misdeeds, nothing is left but empty words. The journalist is simply a functionary, the central gear around which the information machine turns. Their close collaboration with the police headquarters, their inevitable dependence on all the groups in power, in fact, sets them against all those who are not in power. Even if one were to open some space for truth in a newspaper, one would drown in the sea of banality and lies that it contains. Absurdity of absurdities, it would be like trying to express some rebellious thought on call-in radio. (more…)

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Posted in Social Control

The Reasons for a Hostility – About the Mass Media (Venomous Butterfly)

Wednesday, December 31st, 2014

Our hostility toward journalists – their words, their images – needs some more clarification. As we explain in the following notes, the point is not the greater or lesser honesty of the individual journalist or photographer, but rather the role of the media apparatus itself. That mass media has the pretension of being the total representation of reality is made obvious by this simple fact: for it, anyone who refuses to speak with journalists, “doesn’t want to communicate with anyone”. As if it was impossible to communicate in a direct manner, without the filter of the press and television. It is the same attitude that the political authorities have: anyone who refuses any relationship with them, so they tell us, refuses dialogue with everyone. And yet, despite the great steps forward in social domestication, the world is not just populated by authorities, cops and journalists. In fact, it is actually beyond and against their power that real dialogue begins.

The mass media is an integral part of the ruling order. As such, it forces participation, excludes, recuperates and represses at the same time. (more…)

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Posted in Social Control

Taglia e mandato di cattura per un compagno anarchico – Reward and arrest warrant for anarchist comrade (UK)

Saturday, December 6th, 2014


3 dicembre 2014-Dai mass-media britannici si legge del mandato di cattura, con taglia di 10.000 sterline per chiunque offra informazioni su di un compagno anarchico, già libero/latitante da 3 anni in seguito alla repressione seguita all’esplosione di guerriglia urbana del 2011 a Bristol ed ad una serie di attacchi, anonimi e firmati ELF, FAI.

I media fanno riferimento a più di cento attacchi avvenuti nel Regno Unito negli ultimi negli ultimi tre anni che hanno prodotto più di 20 milioni di sterline di danni,a vari obiettivi tra cui tralicci per le telecomunicazioni, banche, auto di lusso ed un centro di addestramento della polizia integralmente distrutto durante un attacco, tra cui l’ultimo in solidarietà a Nikos Romanos avvenuto pochi giorni fa.

Il compagno ricercato, Huw Norfolk, è accusato di alcuni di questi attacchi.

Di seguito un suo scritto dalla latitanza, tratto da Since the Bristol Riots

Noi siamo i “ragazzi perduti”, arrabbiati e disillusi da false promesse, la “gioventù incontrollabile” nsoddisfatta del misero futuro che ci viene offerto, i “componenti inutili” che rifiutano o sono in ogni caso esclusi dalla schiavitù salariata o gli “elementi di rottura” che combattono per distruggerla dall’interno, la “minoranza di guastatori” degli schemi della normalità obbediente-gerarchica-razzista-patriarcale, “gli incappucciati” in rivolta costante contro tutto questo ed oltre. Siamo i vostri figli, e quelli della vostra società.
Ed oggi è venuto il tempo per i componenti di quella società di decidere se saranno la mano che cerca di fermarci,o la mano che accende la propria cospirazione per l’auto-determinazione.

Huw ‘Badger’ Norfolk
Solo un’ altro in fuga.
Ottobre 2011



December 3, 2014 – According to the British mass-media, there is an arrest warrant, with a size of £10,000 to anyone offering information about an anarchist comrade, already free / fugitive for three years following the repression that followed the explosion of urban warfare 2011 in Bristol and a series of attacks, anonymous and signed ELF, FAI.

The media refer to more than one hundred attacks that occurred in the UK in the last three years, that have produced more than £20 million of damage, at various targets including pylons for telecommunications, banks, luxury cars and a center of police training completely destroyed during an attack, including the latest in solidarity with Nikos Romanos, which occurred a few days ago.

The comrade sought, Huw Norfolk, is accused of some of these attacks.

The following pamphlet was written by persons unknown: Since the Bristol Riots

“We are the “lost kids” angry and disappointed by false promises, the “uncontrollable youth” unsatisfied with the paltry futures offered to us, the “useless components” who reject or are excluded anyway from wage-slavery or the “disruptive elements” who fight to destroy it from within, the “minority of trouble-makers” within the constructs of obedient-hierarchical-racist-patriarchal normality, the “hooded rioters” within the constant revolt against all that and more. We are your children, and those of your society. And it is time today for the components of that society to decide if they will be the hand trying to stop us, or the hand lighting their own conspiracy for self-determination.”

Huw ‘Badger’ Norfolk
just another fugitive.
October 2011


More from ABC Bristol:



ABC Hurricane:


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Posted in Social Control

Melbourne: Felicity Ann Ryder Cell (FAI / IRF) – Response To The Agents Of 'Doubt' (Australia)

Saturday, September 7th, 2013

‘Anarchists claim responsibility for fire at luxury West Melbourne car dealership, but police have doubts’ the headline of the Herald-Sun screams the day after our little visit to Gran Turismo Autos.

Apparently ‘investigators’ do not believe that a ‘mysterious anarchist group’ were responsible for the fire & the Herald-Scum, which is the de-facto mouthpiece of the Victorian Police force in Melbourne, chose not to name the website where we initially posted our claim of responsibility – they also chose to only include a partial sentence from our communique.

Well we have some doubts of our own.

We doubt very much that the cops & the Herald-Scum are being truthful, and we think that even the casual reader of Tuesday’s article would be doubting the truthfulness of the cops and their pet media outlet too. (more…)

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Posted in Direct Action

March 15th: The Vengeance… “Fight the Police!” (Canada)

Wednesday, March 21st, 2012

A compilation of three texts published on Sabotagemedia about last week’s riot against Police violence and the events that led to it

Part 1: A Day of Struggle in Montreal: Innu solidarity, citizen-cops, wild protest and the pigs revenge

On Monday, March 12th, a chain of events has spanned for the whole day until late in the night.

It all began early in the day with a protest in solidarity with the Innu people who recently suffered repression from the SQ (provincial police) in their blockade of road 138 against the Hydro-Québec projects on their land. The protest of about 150 people started at Square Phillips at around 12:30 to go in front of the offices of Hydro-Quebec (where cops obviously were blocking the doors) by chanting slogans like « North Plan, Death Plan », « No Quebec, No Canada, Death to all States » while distributing leaflets on the North Plan to pedestrians. After a few speeches the people then moved to the administrative offices of the UQAM and from this point the street in front of the building was occupied with a crowd that kept growing in numbers -as a reaction to the news of a lock-out of UQAM- all up until the night where a “Creation Night” event had been planned. (more…)

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Posted in Autonomy

How George Wright Became a 'Convicted Murderer' Without Having Committed the Crime (USA, Portugal)

Saturday, January 28th, 2012

Written by George Pumphrey, Berlin, Germany.

When news broke that, at the request of the US government, Portugal had arrested George Wright (Jose Luis Jorge dos Santos), a Portuguese citizen, for consideration of his extradition to the United States for having escaped prison, there was an air of the spectacular in the news articles. The accent in many articles was on the arrest of a “convicted murderer,” who had been a fugitive for 40 years.

George Wright had escaped from the Bayside State Prison in Leesburg, N.J., in 1970, where he had served more than seven years of a 15 – 30 year prison sentence for murder. It was also reported – almost in passing – that Wright and four other Afro-Americans had hijacked a Delta Airlines jet from the US to Algeria in 1972 with a ransom of $1 million destined to the foreign section of the Black Panther Party located in Algeria. (more…)

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Posted in Social Control

Eighth Anarchist Bookfair in Zagreb, March 30-April1, 2012 (Croatia)

Tuesday, January 10th, 2012

The Eighth Anarchist Bookfair in Zagreb will take place on March 30st to April 1st, 2012.


Anarchist Bookfair in Zagreb (ASK – Anarhisticki sajam knjiga) is annual anarchist event that aims to become a long-term, developing project. First six bookfairs went well, and we hope to bring in more and more people every year as participants, publishers, groups, projects – whoever is interested in what the bookfair has to offer. (more…)

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Posted in Cognitive Liberty

Squalid press releases… Opportunistically orchestrated (Italy & beyond)

Tuesday, November 15th, 2011

Translated from informa-azione.

From terrorists to repugnant individuals, the words used by the press to describe anarchists may change but the substance of the police operations against them remains the same. In a time when growing social uneasiness is swinging between the possibility to stir conflicts against those responsible for total exploitation and the risk of generating a great number of little wars among the poor, it is important for politicians and bosses to spread the idea that those who oppose the misery of the present are worthless madcap people who are threatening everybody’s ‘security’. (more…)

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