Jakarta: Anger Unit / ICR-FAI-IRF burn down the third floor of former Sheraton Hotel, 'The Media Hotel and Tower' (Indonesia)

“Brothers in chains, comrades in suffering, the battle is at hand. Soon we will launch our attack, intoxicated with vengeance; the enemy will flee, because the Federation of Sorrow is terrible.” Bruno Filippi

Our action (if it can) can be named PHOENIX PROJECT-PART 3. This is our collective decision to respond to the call from our Greek comrades – (1), (2).

Tonight (June 26) we moved out and brought the fire and burned down the third floor of former Sheraton Hotel, ‘The Media Hotel and Tower’, in Sahari Mountain Street, Jakarta. Our fire is to respond to the call from our brothers in Greece in the Phoenix project and as a gesture of solidarity to K. Sakkas, anarchist in hunger strike action to reach his freedom. We put the incendiary with timer in one of the trash cans in the karaoke room (which is located on the third floor) and let the fire speak for us.

Bring far our revolutionary greetings to the members of Conspiracy of Cells of Fire; Imprisoned Members Cell, to the 4 anarchists who were arrested in Kozani –we never forget you, for Cospito and Gai, to Carla, Ivan, Juan, Marcelo and Freddy, and to Henry and always to the anarchists prisoners in Greece and Italy, and to other cells of FAIIRF around the world.

We will never say that we are just a few, but we will let the fire speak on our behalf.

Let’s make the Phoenix project as an international project for revenge!


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This entry was posted on Wednesday, June 26th, 2013 at 11:37 pm and is filed under Direct Action.