Posts Tagged ‘Dimitris Politis’

Solidarity letter from imprisoned comrades in Greece to Osman Evcan (Turkey)

Thursday, March 17th, 2016

Osman Evcan, who is imprisoned in the prisons of the Turkish state from 1992 and identifies himself as a vegan anarchist since 2003, is fighting a tough struggle for the rudimentary conditions of living, like the achievement of mail, telephone communication, information etc, with the main point being the vegan alimentation right. Since the 22th of February, he is carrying his 4th hunger strike for the same reasons, in a very short period of time from the last one, as they transferred him recently in L type prisons, losing everything he had achieved till now with his former exhausting hunger strikes.

We barely know him personally, but we cannot help but feel moved by the fact that in a country-war zone, an imprisoned comrade is choosing and insisting to raise the matter of total liberation of life from the shackles of civilization and authority. An imprisoned comrade who refuses to feed himself with corpses of animals, which have been tortured by the meat industry and all the derivatives of pain, who refuses to become a cogwheel in this bloodthirsty capitalist machine which is destroying and plunders the earth.
We ourselves have experienced the disdain and irony in our non anthropocentric struggle attitude; even inside the antiauthoritarian milieu in Greece, usually in the name of “something more important”, as if there can be an impartial prioritization of the struggle. That’s why this has an additional importance for us to point out the hunger strike of this comrade in Greece as well, aside from the obvious support and solidarity that Osman needs at this tough moment.



Dimitris Politis

George Karagiannidis

Yannis Michailidis

Radiofragmata Translation Project

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Words from 8 hunger strikers of the Network of Imprisoned Fighters (Greece)

Tuesday, April 14th, 2015

Below is an excerpt from an open letter released in the small hours of April 11th 2015 by hunger strikers of the Network of Imprisoned Fighters.

[…] When we started the hunger strike, we knew it would be an uphill struggle that would stretch us to our limits. And it’s true that some of us, after 40 days of tough struggle, run the risk of developing serious health problems. Nevertheless, we’re not going to concede any ground to anyone who’s taking advantage of the government’s strategy in their attempt to wear us down and annul the effectiveness of our struggle. Therefore, we reiterate that we continue the hunger strike until the fulfillment of our demands, despite the visible risks to our health. We owe it to all the comrades who’ve felt we are giving a joint struggle against the state of exception, but above all we owe it to our own selves and to the means of fight that we have chosen. We invite all comrades to reflect on the cruciality of the situation (four comrades have been on strike for more than 40 days) and turn Every Day of Hunger Strike into A Day of Action.

Every fight exhausts its potential only when we give up, and this fight has neither exhausted its potential nor completed its cycle.*

PS.1: Yesterday [April 10th], our comrade Tasos Theofilou stopped the strike as well. We walked together this far, and remain united in our common struggle. Tasos, we wish you a good recovery.

PS.2: We send our solidarity to the revolutionaries from Turkey [incarcerated in Greek prisons], who stand beside us in this battle. We wish Giorgos Inglessis [who suspended hunger strike] a good recovery.**

PS.3: Solidarity with the migrants who went on hunger strike at the concentration camp in Paranesti, near Drama.***

Until the End – Until Victory
Not One Step Back

Network of Imprisoned Fighters

Translation notes:

* A reference to the opinion expressed by imprisoned comrade Nikos Maziotis.

** According to our information so far, the prisoners who remain on hunger strike are eight anarchists of the Network of Imprisoned Fighters (DAK), Andreas-Dimitris Bourzoukos, Antonis Stamboulos, Argyris Ntalios, Dimitris Politis, Fivos Harisis, Giorgos Karagiannidis, Grigoris Sarafoudis and Yannis Michailidis, as well as communists from Turkey & Kurdistan incarcerated in Greek prisons.

*** On April 10th, the No Lager Assembly in Thessaloniki, having established ties of solidarity and constant communication with the imprisoned migrants, reported that only one migrant is still on hunger strike in Paranesti camp, also noting that comrades from various collectives in Thessaloniki, Drama, Patras, Athens and other places supported and publicised the strike.

see related updates via contra-info

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Communique of Network of Fighting Prisoners about the continuation of the hunger strike (Greece)

Friday, March 20th, 2015

Translated by Actforfree:

After the deposition of the legislation of the Ministry of Justice, there appears to be a first victory of the political prisoners’ hunger strike.

The abolition of the legal framework that defines the operation of the C’type prisons and the beneficial provisions for patients and disabled prisoners, that lead to the release of multi-injured guerilla of the revolutionary organization 17 November, Savvas Xiros, would feel (or at least not so soon) without the struggle that is being carried out. But there is much more to happen.

We do not care for any governmental statement or any promise coming from state employees. Every authoritarian mechanism that deals with a hunger strike by its stated enemies will go into a deterioration war that will include promises, negated deadlines, vague statements and anything that could wear us down physically and/or psychologically. Especially Syriza, who all during its political life as a major or minor opposition demeaned and de-politicized the hunger strikes carried out by anarchist hostages, has great experience in the systemic managing of such situations. (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Athens: School bus and vehicle owned by construction company torched by 'Eternal students at the University of Anarchist Insurrection/FAI – IRF'(Greece)

Thursday, December 11th, 2014

Edited version via InterArma:



“I stand here as your declared and unrepentant enemy, I do not beg for
your lenience, I do not seek to engage in dialogue with you and your
peers. My values are at war with yours, so that every phrase I come out
with against you is a razor scoring the masks of your hypocrisy and
making clear the position and the role of each of us. You redact
hundreds of pages of files and you constantly form new cases, in order
to bury us in the prisons of your democracy, for decades. You are
preparing to impose “special detention conditions” on us, which is the
only coup missing from the pantheon of “special treatment” (prison
transfers, trials, laws), which you create to fight us. The simple laws
of physics dictate, that reaction is the consequence of action. Outside
this courtroom on free lands, there are rebelious people, comrades for
me, terrorists for you, who don’t intend to tolerate our extermination,
without making you and your political supervisors bleed first. You can
take this as a threat if you like. I believe, that this is the cynical
reality. Each option has its own cost. I guess, that, as judges and
servants of the law, you would agree with me on this.”

(Nikos Romanos)

Fragment of the statement at the trial for the robbery in Velvento, Kozani

In the frenetic and ever changing social reality that surrounds us, even
the scientific consultants of the bellwethers of the capitalist system
fall out in their predictions. In addition to the individual
geostrategic choices of their peer competitors (Palestine, Syria,
Ukraine, Iran, etc.) and some flaws and contradictions of the system
that appear to be sharpened during the (because of this) exacerbated
condition of the ongoing structural crisis, that which crumples the
fragile humanitarian masks of statists and refutes, constantly, every
certainty about the future, every myth concerning the omnipotence of the
state and any idea about the futility of the liberation struggle, is the
imponderable factor of the insurgents of this world.

The ‘europeanisation’ of the Greek prison system, the aggravating penal
repression of social struggles, the escalation of counter-terrorism
policy dictated by interstate police conferences about Justice and
National Security, the bounty on the heads of revolutionaries and the
recent legal establishment and announcement of the construction of a
high security prison (type C) in Domokos, that aims primarily at
prisoners involved in cases of armed revolutionary action, are all
“signs of the times” and expressions of class domination of the vast
majority of formal and informal social institutions controlled by the
State and Capital. The global and multi-level, capitalist and cultural
restructuring attempted, with the economic crisis as pretext and means,
requires social “peace”, mass vassalage, individualization and above all
annihilation of “internal enemies”.

There are, however, times when the analyzes are redundant, rage and
hatred for the established order become a stream that threatens to drown
not only the usurpers of our lives but also every indolent, hypocritical
challenger and inactive, indignant humanist. There are no excuses! We
are constantly looking for ways to escape the grid of imposition of
domination and strive to reclaim moments of an – in advance – alienated
life, deregulating and seeking to dismantle the clocks of the social
machine, while maintaining an open bet of anarchist revolution and total
rupture with the regime.


The imprisoned anarchist urban guerrilla Nikos Romanos, friend of
Alexandros Grigoropoulos, who was present at his murder by the uniformed
worm Korkoneas, is one of the dozens of anarchist prisoners of war of
the Hellenic Republic, who in recent years have faced the inquisitors of
the judicial mafia and the special treatment reserved for political
enemies of the system, and who boldly defended the project and the
values of Anarchy, taking responsibility and having the costs of certain
choices stemmed from them, regardless of the jumble of prosecutions
against them and the harsh conditions of incarceration, that have
implications on their physical existence and freedom.

Since 1st February ’13 when he was arrested after a car chase following
the double expropriation of state money along with his comrades
G.Mihailidis, A-D.Bourzoukos and D.Politis in the city of Veria
and the
province of Kozani, comrade Romanos, a member of the Informal Anarchist
Federation, is now among those anarchist prisoners who found themselves,
and among other people “accused” for participating in armed
revolutionary groups, temporarily in Greek prisons for bank robberies,
which were chosen as a means of disengagement from the established,
time-consuming living solution of wage slavery and of the strengthening
of the urban guerrilla warfare.

From the juvenile prison of Avlona, he participated in the national
exams and he is now considered – by law – as a student at TEI of Athens
and he is entitled to prison leaves in order to attend the courses,
which the State refuses to grant him. (A similar example is the case of
political prisoner Hercules Kostaris, convicted for involvement in the
Revolutionary Organization 17 November, who has taken over 200 regular
and educational prison leaves in recent years, which were stopped on
the pretext of the runaway of Christodoulos Ksiros). Not having any
illusions about the institution of education as a tool of subjugation
and domestication of people in the hands of Domination and the role of
the university as a factory that produces docile slaves in the service
of the capitalist profitability and normality, our comrade, who is now
in Korydallos prison refusing to unravel the maypole of the
responsibilities of the prison council and the special interrogator
Nikopoulos, is on a hunger strike since November 10th demanding the
granting of his “right”, for a breath of freedom!

Factual solidarity and support in this difficult struggle have already
been expressed by the others “arrested for Velvedo case” also with a
hunger strike inside the walls. At the same time, a broad, diverse
solidarity movement has developed throughout the Greek territory, while
public propaganda moves and nocturnal “interventions” are made abroad.


Remembering the axiom of uncertainty in the natural world and rejecting
the classical, deterministic conception of the proletarian onslaught at
the sky, the centralized organization models of the Struggle and
optimistic estimates of a shallow, reformist, idealism of “maturation of
the objective conditions”, we are there where ideologies impact on the
brutal reality; where the existential rebellion is combined with
horizontal and autonomous class struggle with internationalist and
anti-state character, as it is manifested in each specific
circumstances, becomes an integral part of the social war and seeks to
place anarchist characteristics for the war against Authority and the
liberation of Man and Nature; there where our conventions and
contradictions in everyday life do not prevent us from seeing the
tactical utility and to recognize the partiality of “intermediate
struggles” and the necessity of organizing the anarchist struggle as a
whole, individually and collectively; where only those who were
imprisoned, tortured or killed for devoting themselves to the project of
social liberation, without bowing their heads, can perceive the nobility
of soul and motivation in all its glory; where the consolidation of fear
as a permanent emotional state does not find fertile ground and its
every germ is forcibly uprooted as a parasite that sucks the evergreen
tree of the Revolution; where, at present, the theory meets practice and
any trace of doubt regarding answer to the dilemma of the Selection of a
submissive life or a life in Battle is nullified in front of the rise of
anarchist conscience; we are at the point of no return …

We are inspired by the shooting stars and the fortitude of the people
who fought with the Beast. By night embracing us we swoop in hostile
grounds, creating oases of fire within the social desert. So, in the
morning of 1/12, we torched a school bus owned by St. Lawrence College
in Ag. Dimitrios. Also, we claim responsibility for the attack with gas
canisters, shortly after midnight on 6/12, against a car owned by the
construction company Aktor Facility Management (subsidiary of ELLAKTOR
group, known for its involvement in mining gold in Skouries, Halkidiki
and several cases of pillaging of the natural environment). The attacks
will continue.






For the widespread (anti) – social insurgence,

*Eternal students at the University of Anarchist Insurrection/FAI – IRF*

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Posted in Direct Action

Athens: Arson attacks on ATMs in solidarity with the comrades on hunger strike (Greece)

Saturday, December 6th, 2014

Act for freedom now! receives:

Sunday night, November 30th 2014 we burned 5 ATMs, as a minimal gesture of solidarity with anarchist Nikos Romanos, on hunger strike since November 10:

– One of the Banco Nacional in Aghias Sofis street, in Vyronas district.

– One of Alphabank between Karaoli and Dimitriou streets, in Vyronas district.

– One of the Banco Nacional in Varnva Square, in Pagrati district.

– One of the Banco Nacional in via Formionos, in Pagrati district.

– One of Alphabank in Kaisariani district.

This was just a warning. In the case of our comrade’s demand not being fulfilled, all of you will become targets.
The struggle continues.

Strength to the hunger strikers Nikos Romanos, Yannis Michailids, Andreas-Bourzoukos Dimitris and Dimitris Politis.


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Posted in Direct Action

Athens: Request of anarchist prisoner Nikos Romanos denied a second time; the comrade continues his hunger strike (Greece)

Friday, December 5th, 2014

On the night of December 2nd, 2014, it was confirmed that the request of anarchist prisoner Nikos Romanos – who has now entered the 24th day of hunger strike – was denied a second time. In particular, he had filed an appeal against the denial of special judge Eftichis Nikopoulos to grant him educational furloughs, whose decision was eagerly approved by the Koridallos prison board. The comrade’s appeal was dismissed in Piraeus courts by the competent judicial council.

On December 3rd, Nikos released an open letter from the hospital stating he will fight till the end. The comrade dismissed a proposal to attend distance learning classes, or worse yet video conference courses inside prison walls, and persisted in his demand for a few breaths of freedom. (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

İstanbul: ‘ELF/Insurrectionary Solidarity Faction’ sabotaged a road roller for Nikos Romanos (Turkey)

Friday, December 5th, 2014

In the night of 1st of December, we broke down windows of a road roller and cut its cables in the Kocasinan district of Istanbul, with the intention to show our solidarity to anarchist prisoner Nikos Romanos, who is on hunger strike since 24 days and then to Yannis Michailidis, Andreas-Dimitris Bourzoukos, and Dimitris Politis who have started a hunger strike in support of Nikos Romanos in the Greek prisons.

Then we spray-painted some slogans on a wall close to the target: “Nikos Romanos” and “Fire to the prison cells“.

With this small action, we also salute the warriors who have fallen while not giving way to ISIS butchers, we salute rebels who refuse to stay as protestors, then fight
against cops and attack to the targets of repression and exploitation in Mexico, France, Ferguson and Santiago, we salute ALF-ELF cells who increase actions and attacks in Istanbul and around, we salute the insurrectionaries who got bored of being armchair revolutionaries, who got bored of insurrectional vaporings and Fetishism of Organisation and who got bored of losing their anarchic imagination in
the swamp of liberal opposition.

Until freedom of Nikos Romanos and all anarchist prisoners of war around the world…
Solidarity… Attack… İnsurrection…

Until Total Liberation…
Social War!

Earth Liberation Front (ELF) / Insurrectionary Solidarity Faction


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London: 'FAI – Fires on the Horizon – Nikos Romanos' take responsibility for the burning of a security vehicle (UK)

Wednesday, December 3rd, 2014

Act for freedom now! receives anonymous:

Anarchists in action. Today 3/12/14 we set on fire a security car in London in solidarity with our brothers Nikos Romanos. Yiannis Mixailidis, Andreas-Dimitris Bourzoukos, Dimitris Politis, they are on hunger strike in Athens.

That night we kept our eyes fixed on the horizon and saw many falling stars drawing their own chaotic paths. And we counted them over and over, we made wishes, calculated the odds. We knew that our desire for a free life had to step over all that oppresses us, murders us, destroys us, so we dived into the void just like the shooting stars we were observing. Since then innumerable stars have fallen, perhaps it’s time for our star to fall, who knows? If we had the answers ready, we wouldn’t have become what we are, but selfish bastards who would teach people how to become rodents that eat each other as they do today. At least we still remain implacable and stubborn like the people of our kind. And those of us who closed their eyes in pain and travelled far continue to keep their eyes stuck on that night sky we also observed. And they watch us fall, beautiful and shining stars. Now it’s our turn. Now, without hesitation, we fall.

We salute! our comrades of F.A.I. Torches in the Night – Earth Liberation Front.


FAI – Fires on the Horizon – Nikos Romanos

Updates about the hungerstrike

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Anarchists sentenced for the double bank robbery in Velvento (Greece)

Friday, October 3rd, 2014

On Wednesday, October 1st, 2014, the Korydallos prison court in Athens found anarchist prisoners Yannis Michailidis, Nikos Romanos, Andreas-Dimitris Bourzoukos and Dimitris Politis (who have claimed political responsibility for the double armed robbery in Velventos, Kozani) as well as Fivos Harisis and Argyris Ntalios (who have denied all charges) guilty of:

– committing robbery while masked or disguised (except Dimitris Politis, who was convicted as an accessory),
– aggravated possession of firearms (for the guns used in the double expropriation),
– aggravated vehicle theft (for the car of the dentist-hostage used as getaway vehicle).

Many individuals gathered in the special court room of Korydallos prison to show their solidarity with the comrades who were being sentenced.

After the counting and merging of the sentences, the terror court decided:

Yannis Michailidiss: 16 years, 4 months and 10 days.
Nikos Romanos: 15 years and 10 months.
Andreas-Dimitris Bourzoukos, Fivos Harisis, Argyris Ntalios: 15 years and 11 months.
Dimitris Politis: 11 years and 5 months.

All comrades were acquitted of the charge of participation in the CCF. However, there are other trial court cases underway that include the exact same accusation against the anarchist comrades.

Anarchist comrade Nikos Romanos was recently transferred to the Korydallos prison:

Nikos Romanos
Dikastiki Filaki Koridallou- E Pteryga
T.K. 1811O

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Posted in Prison Struggle

A communique about the disciplinary wings of Korydallos prison by Dimitris Politis (Greece)

Tuesday, September 16th, 2014

via interarma:

In the middle of July, I was transferred to the state hospital of Nikea for some medical examinations. There, given the nature of that examination and due to the police presence during the procedure, which was demanded by the doctor himself, I refused to be examined and I returned to prison. On the 6th of August, I was called to a disciplinary council on the charge of disobedience because I refused to execute the command of my police escort. By entering the office of the commanding prison officer with the intention of telling the prosecutor that I have nothing to state and then leave, I sat opposite to her and she addressed me saying “stand up”. I didn’t pay attention to what she said and while I was telling her to get serious, she told me again with an arrogant smile to stand up. Then, I crumpled the piece of paper where the charges were written and I threw it in her face. I was obviously standing before another arrogant and misled person, who was under the illusion that she owns the world. I was facing another expendable and petty pawn that was under the illusion that all prisoners are inferior to it. So, in order for her to restore her wounded ego, she “punished” me with a five-day restriction penalty in a “special detention wing”. (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Phoenix Project #12 : ICR – FAI/IRF take responsibility for arson barrage in solidarity with Adriano Antonacci, Gianluca Iacovacci, other worldwide anarchist prisoners and the combative memory of Sebastian O. Seguel (Indonesia)

Friday, May 16th, 2014

Phoenix Project #12 [previous acts here.]

“Our words, carve today like a blade and our actions burn the bridges with yesterday… With tenacity and will, until we murder authority.”

Conspiracy of Cells of Fire: Prisoners Cell, Andreas Tsavdaridis and Sypros Mandylas, (Letter to Alfredo Cospito and Nicola Gai)

The declarations of war against authority won’t stop with one single action nor one single letter of publication. It is a totality of our lives, each one of us, who stands here as egoists under the name of International Conspiracy for Revenge (ICR) as part of the Informal Anarchist Federation/International Revolutionary Front. We won’t step back, even if we are isolated or deserted by the other “revolutionary anarchists” who devoted themselves to the dreams of society, those who let their own values as anarchists be imposed wholly by reformism, negotiation and conformity. We are out of their league and we won’t play their game. We have our own, one of violence and direct action. With nihilist comradeship through fire and fists to our comrades locked behind bars everywhere, in Europe, in South America and Mexico. Our comradeship also goes to those anonymous comrades who went underground to carry on a constant confrontation with Power.

Recent Situation Concerning the General Election in Indonesia

Since the first New Year fireworks started, all forms of oppression revelled in the curiosity and impatience before the general election (both the parliamentary election and the presidential election). We saw how the oppressors and the oppressed were walking hand-in-hand to celebrate what they call: The time of new hope for a better change. They printed the faces of those who are running for parliament and others are debating what should they do to contribute to make democracy better than they have it nowadays. Mass and social media all filled with empty words and the camouflage of how the general election will bring the oppressed to gain their freedom. And that is definitely right, because Indonesians will have the chance to choose who will be their oppressors for the next five years.

We are not even surprised when we found out that those who claimed themselves as anti-authoritarians were also merely trapped into the logic of giving your voice during an election or abstaining.

They producing memes, producing posters, shouting it out, organizing people, just not to vote. To say no to voting boxes, to say no to the parliaments candidates; they say no to the parties, they say no to every infrastructure of the voting system, but forget one important thing. To say no to the boundaries that kept them away from real freedom. They wish a different result by trying the similar way as used by Power. And how it can lead you to freedom? A question that doesn’t need an answer, since it is useless to question the choices of these people.

Anarchism is dead. And these people are the ones who proudly carry the coffin of their so-called ideology: Anarchism. An ideology of the weak and cowardly who called us “obsessed with violence” to cover up their fear. They are afraid to arm themselves and walk alone into battle, a long battle without end or goal.

And how different are we from these mobs?
We performed our disagreement with both those mobs by burning down two offices of the general election committee located in Donggala, Central Sulawesi on 16th April. We won’t stay away and let our enemy play around with their party of democracy. We directly sent our anger and transformed it into fire. We are not abstaining in this war. We attack.

We are not those anarchists who went to voting spots and painted slogans and chants on the ballot boxes. We won’t smear our values by letting our finger be painted with purple ink, a sign used by the authorities to identify who voted and those who did not. We won’t let one single inch in our body be polluted by our enemy. On the contrary, we attacked them without compromise.

On another chance, we sabotaged two cars (28th April) which were planned to transfer the ballots from South East Minahasa district to the capital city of province, Manado. We hit them not only to cause delay, but for our further action, which we cancelled because of an intervention by some “good citizens”. Next time, we will hit those who prevent us from our actions. With violence, of course.

Abstaining by not giving our voices is not enough for us. We want to bring this confrontation to be more wild than mere words or posters. We want to speak through fire, as we mentioned in one of our communiques before. But we don’t invite anyone to join us. We are not interested to have new members. We are not a party nor an anarchist collective. We are an armed group of the tendency of violence. To attack, and not to open a dialogue with our enemies.

Solidarity and Fire

During our campaign, we targeted some important spots which were never targeted before. We are expanding our targets by adding some more variety to them. On 19th April, for example, we burnt down the branch of the national electric office in Madiun, East Java. This action is part of our campaign to hit the vital spots of the enemy. By causing as much damage as we can. Causing terror as wide as we can. We set the fire early morning 3.00am, and let the flames do the rest. Awakening people in the morning with fire is our way to show our sarcasm to the workers who need to get up in the early morning for eight hours of slavery.

We chose this target as our way to send a message to Adriano Antonacci and Gianluca Iacovacci. Both are Italian comrades arrested and accused for several actions claimed by Anti-Civilization Subversive Individualities FAI/IRF. And our fire is specifically dedicated to two of them, to share our thoughts and dreams, our values and solidarity and to let both of them know that they are in our hearts. We will never forget comrades who are captured by the enemy.
And revenge is the only way to reply to this repression.

We continued our campaign by putting a similar incendiary device in the national electric company located in Semarang, Central Java, in early morning 23rd April, which failed to ignite. In fact, we swarmed over the security guard that came by when we were sneaking into the office. He is lucky we decided to let him down and not put an end to his life.

It’s not a mercy from us, but merely a warning that we are not playground kids who are playing around with fire. If one steps before our path, we won’t regret to help you to meet your end. All snoopers or wannabe good-citizens are part of the enemy for us. And please take it serious and do not say that we never warned you beforehand.

In the early part of this month, we continued our campaign by attacking another three power plants in three different places. One in Ternate (5th May), North Maluku and another two in Ambon (8th May), Maluku. We would like the enemy to know that all the regions are not safe and we will attack more and more next time.

All these actions are dedicated to our beloved comrades, Conspiracy of Cells of Fire; Prisoners Cell, Andreas Tsavdaridis – Spyros Mandylas, Gabriel Pombo da Silva, Marco Camenisch, Monica Caballero, Fransisco Solar, Tamara Sol Vergara, Fredy Fuentevilla – Marcelo Villarroel – Juan Aliste Vega, Hans Niemeyer, Alvonso Alvial – Hermez Gonzales, Alfredo Cospito – Nicola Gai, Giannis Mihailidis, Grigoris Sarafoudis, Andreas-Dimitris Bourzoukos, Alexandros Mitrousias, Dimitris Politis, Fivos Harisis, Tasos Theofilou, Argiris Dalios, Giorgos Karagiannidis, Babis Tsilianidis, Giannis Naxakis, Nikos Romanos.

And to remember our brother, Sebastian O. Seguel, who fell in the battle against the enemy in Chile. These acts of revenge are for you, brother.

Through these actions, we want to re-call our comrades of FAI-IRF to once again strike and re-launch the Phoenix Project. This time, harder than before. We want to call all active cells of FAI/IRF to once again go to reinforce the war, this time until the end.

Violence of war against the existent
Down with Society
Fire to the enemies

International Conspiracy for Revenge (ICR)
Informal Anarchist Federation (FAI)
International Revolutionary Front (IRF)

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Posted in Direct Action

Athens: Text concerning the hunger-thirst strike of anarchist hostages of the 4th wing of Koridallos prisons (Greece)

Saturday, February 22nd, 2014

via actforfree:

The following text is a presentation of what followed the incident with and also some general thoughts surrounding the institution of incarceration and how we stand across it as anarchists. Our desire was for it to come out earlier, but our transfer to another wing, the beating of Giannis by the CCF and various other prison matters delayed it.

On 13/12/13, when the yard closed we returned to human-guard Giannis Milonas a small percentage of the violence he applies everyday while holding a key. This specific guy insisted on his quarrelsome behavior when some comrades called him out on the ironic comments he made the day before.

This incident was, for the service, the reason to break up our community which had become a constant thorn for them. In the recent times there have been numerous clashes since we were trying with various ways and for matters we considered nodal, (hunger strike of communists from Turkey, the placing of barbedwire above the yards) to sabotage, to the measure that is possible, the function of the prison. (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Dark Nights #38 : ‘Letters of Nicola Gai & Alfredo Cospito’ – Nov 2013 (ACN)

Thursday, November 14th, 2013

Another issue of the international anti-prisons anarchist newsletter. Download and distribute as you like…

Dark Nights #38


1. Genoa, Italy – Court declaration of anarchist comrades Alfredo Cospito and Nicola Gai at the trial for the wounding of Ansaldo Nucleare managing director Roberto Adinolfi.
2. ‘I want Comrades, not the mob…’ by the imprisoned members of CCF, plus Andreas Tsavdaridis and Spyros Mandylas.
3. CCF trial updates.
4. Italy: Communiqué of counter-information group Culmine, target of ‘Operation Ardire’.
5. Italy: Comrade Gianluca Iacovacci transferred to the AS2 unit of the prison of Alessandria.
6. Italy: Comrade Francesco Carrieri imprisoned in Savona.
7. Switzerland: Update on anarchist comrade Marco Camenisch.
8. Mexico: Eco-anarchist and vegan straight-edge prisoner Braulio Duran is free.
9. UK: New zine ‘On the Out’ by Bristol ABC.
10. Greece: Letter from anarchist prisoner Nikos Romanos.
11. Greece: Text by the detained anarchist comrades of the Nea Filadelphia case in Athens.
12. Greece: Letter from anarchist comrades arrested in Velvedo, Kozani about their trail on 29 November.
13. Greece: Letter of captive anarchist Spyros Mandylas.
14. Greece: About the case of imprisoned anarchist Tasos Theofilou.
15. Direct Action News.


Anti-Copyright Network 2013

International Network of Counter-information and Translation

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Greece: 1st session of the fourth trial for the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire case – Athens

Tuesday, April 30th, 2013

Translated by bourbourAs/actforfree

5th April 2013: 4th trial for the Conspiracy Cells of Fire case.
One more trial for the actions of the CCF began at Koridallos prisons.

Besides the members of the Conspiracy accused in the same case are also Dimitris Politis, Giannis Mihailidis, Giorgos Karagiannidis, Alexandros Mitrousias, Kostas Sakkas and Stella Antoniou (who are also accused in the third trial which is taking place as well) and Kostandina Karakatsani and Panagiotis Masouras.
Theofilos Mavropoulos read a common statement of the now ten members of the CCF, after which all members of the organization left the room.

“As I have stated in a previous court and in older public texts, I have been next to the comrades of the CCF as a solidarian anarchist, without however being a member of the Conspiracy. From the first moment of my arrest after the shoot out with the cops in Pefki, the comrades of the Conspiracy stood next to me like brothers. Inside prison we shared common worries, tensions and forged our steel passion for liberation through our common escape attempt in December 2011. Today for me the CCF is an inseparable piece of my thought, my desires and my personal mutiny for anarchy.
This is why as of today, here in your court, I state that I join the CCF and share together with the imprisoned and non arrested members the endless course to the anarchist insurrection. Participating now in the Conspiracy, I will read a collective statement for this trial. All of us, the members of the CCF, want to clarify some things.
In this trial, besides us who have taken the responsibility for our participation and support of the Conspiracy, all other accused do not have, neither have any relation with the charges attributed to them.
They never were, neither could ever be members of the Conspiracy.
An ocean of disagreements, perceptions and choices divides us…
The CCF and FAI is an international network of anarchists of praxis
who stand against the enemy with the certainty of those who play it all or nothing and refuse the proof of innocence and legal mitigations.

The Conspiracy and the Informal Anarchist Federation through their hundreds of attacks express the black anarchy which sets fire to the silence of the many and cowardice of the reformists.
All the charges in your indictments are a piece of the anarchist history and the armed course of the Conspiracy through the social desert of mass subjugation.
It is our compass in the unmapped unknown of the anarchist insurrection.
It is the unique moment where theory meets practice.
It is there where the law dies and anarchy is born.
It is there where the sounds of the explosions and the gun shots break the calmness of the crowd.
These moments are our moments. These history is our history.
A history which cannot be put on trial, neither finishes inside the court room.
We are the gasoline, the gun powder, the detonator, the bullet, the gun.
The only thing you will get from us is war.
The Conspiracy is, was, itself.
This is our Anarchy”.

G.Mihailidis read a common statement of his and D.Politis and then left the procedure.
“Give us a copy”, asked the chairman, “this statement is not for you”, answered D.Politis, while the cops were cuffing them.

The statement:
“We state that: We refuse to participate in the procedure of the court, not only because it is a mean of the state to demean and bend the anarchist struggle, not only because its function aims at the respite of anarchist action,but mainly because we do not recognize any institutional representative of the bourgeois democracy to judge people.
As anarchist revolutionaries we stand hostile against the bourgeios justice which sends people to the rot of imprisonment in order to defend the criminal lawful order of capitalism. Also, we support the anarchist revolutionary war in every of its forms.
We are part of the violent and guerilla action and will defend it as an inseparable part of the struggle.”

The trial continued on April 15th.

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Berlin: Incendiary attack against the Deutsche Bahn in solidarity with Kozani 4 (Germany)

Saturday, March 23rd, 2013

The DB burns as a solidarity token for imprisoned anarchists in Greece!

In the early hours of February 27th, in search of a suitable target for a solidarity action with Nikos Romanos, Dimitris Politis, Andreas-Dimitris Bourzoukos and Yannis Michailidis, we spotted a vehicle belonging to the Deutsche Bahn in the neighbourhood of Prenzlauer Berg, in Berlin, which we wrapped up in the flames of international solidarity.

At the Deutsche Bahn AG (German railway corporation), ten managers of its subsidiary DB International have bribed public officials for engineering services contracts in several African States and in Greece, as the Frankfurt judiciary confirmed (according to a report of the ‘Süddeutsche Zeitung’ in April 2010).

Since 2008, in a number of legal battles, it has been documented that the German companies Siemens, MAN Ferrostaal and Deutsche Bahn have bought off politicians in Greece on a large scale, and thus ‘financed’ political decisions in their favour. So, the Siemens Group alone ‘invested’ since the mid-1990s and for about a decade 15 million euros per year in Greece, in order to propitiate in this way politicians of both major parties, Nea Dimokratia and PASOK.

While another Deutsche Bahn subsidiary, the Schenker logistics company, transports war supplies for the Bundeswehr (German armed forces), the Deutsche Bahn and the Defense Ministry are running a symbiotic cooperation: “The BwFuhrparkService GmbH has developed and implemented an economical and customer-oriented mobility concept for the German military. […] The company is a joint venture of the Ministry of Defense as well as the Deutsche Bahn AG. The BwFuhrparkService guarantees customized logistic concepts, reduction of costs and an increase of the utilization and provision of secure vehicles. As a mobility services provider of the German military, the company offers comprehensive experience in the management of more complex fleet vehicles and the production of individual fleet solutions” (excerpts from dbfuhrpark.de/index.php?id=131).

In January 2013, Dr. Rüdiger Grube spoke on the topic ‘The Deutsche Bahn AG – Current Challenges and Perspectives’ at the military academy of the German armed forces, while 61-year-old Moorburger—chairman of the board of the Deutsche Bahn in Berlin since May 2009—explained to over 200 guests the DB AG corporate strategy and processes.

On the 16th of April, the DB Mobility Logistics and the Berlin’s BFD (‘Vocational Advancement Service’ for the education and training of military personnel) will hold a Soldiers Day under the motto ‘No job like any other.’ The event is aimed at men and women soldiers who are interested in being trained and employed by the Deutsche Bahn.

Therefore, we classify the Deutsche Bahn as a de facto belligerent power and component of the German military/NATO, that will not allow any social changes in Greece but will rather go to any lengths in order to assist the suppression of a revolt. The Deutsche Bahn is one of the German enterprises that profit from the crisis in Greece, as was its predecessor, the Reichsbahn during German fascism.

Last night’s fire was meant to show to the prisoners Nikos Romanos, Dimitris Politis, Andreas-Dimitris Bourzoukos and Yannis Michailidis that we are aware of their arrest and torture on the 1st of February after the double robbery in Kozani, and here, in the heart of the beast, we will try everything possible for the downfall of capitalism and its helpers.
Long live Anarchy! Death to all States!

Chaotics of the Night

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