Posts Tagged ‘“Beyond right and wrong”’

Dark Nights #43 : 'Beyond right and wrong' & 'Evi Statiri on hunger strike 14/9' – Sept 2015 (ACN)

Sunday, September 13th, 2015

September 2015 version of the international anarchist anti-prisons newsletter, released with intent to spread info about the hunger strike of Evi Statiri, life companion of Gerasimos Tsakalos of CCF.

PDF: Dark Nights #43 – Sept 2015

1. “Beyond right and wrong” by Conspiracy of Cells of Fire – FAI/IRF.
2. 14th Sept: Evi Statiri starting hunger strike in Korydallos prison.
3. “From the land of the forgotten against oblivion…” by Olga Ekonomidou of CCF.
4. Direct Action Chronology.
5. Chile: Words from anarchist prisoner Sergio Álvarez in memory of Sebastián
‘Angry’ Oversluij.
6. Malaysia: Police raid anarchist centre Rumah Api.


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Posted in Library

“Beyond right and wrong” by the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire – FAI/IRF (Greece)

Tuesday, September 8th, 2015

Inter Arma received and translated:

“I don’t believe in rights. Life, which is all a manifestation of incoherent forces, unknown and unknowable, rejects the human artificiality of the right. Rights were born when life was taken away from us. Indeed, originally, humanity had no rights. It lived and that was everything. Today, instead, there are thousands of rights; one could accurately say that everything which we have lost we call a right. I know that I live and that I desire to live. It is most difficult to put this desire into action. I am surrounded by a humanity that wants what everyone else wants. My isolated affirmation is a most serious crime. Laws and morals, in competition, intimidate and persuade me. The “blonde rabbi” [I.e., Christ or Christian values.-translator] has triumphed. One prays, one implores, one curses, but one does not dare. Cowardice, caressed by Christianity, creates morality, and this justifies baseness and begets renunciation. […] “Society, on the other hand, modest and clean in appearance, but horribly infected with gangrene throughout its body, makes me vomit, fills me with horror and loathing, kills me.” How I envy the great Bonnot! “Il me faut vivre ma vie!” * / “It is necessary that I live my life”” Bruno Filippi

(An Italian anarcho-nihilist who was charged with several armed attacks and was killed by a bomb he carried, on September 7th, 1919, when trying to place it at the “Nobles Club”, headquarters of the wealthiest Italian businessmen)

Beyond the right and the wrong…

For Anarchy
The most important and nicest things are spoken in the simplest way. Today, though, the reality of our lives is far from simple.
So, we often note that the more complicated the words (and boring, at the same time) that “specialists” of political delivery and the “revolutionary” rhetoric alchemists use, the more uninvited their oversimplifications are.
The theorist “rebels” construe the world through the tyranny of their “obvious truths”. Their whole rhetorical calcification and their wooden words, that lulls to sleep through their undeviating dogmatism, comes to transfer “social revolution” to an oversimplified version of the eternal fight between the “good” people and the “bad” state, between the “right” and the “wrong” fairytale.

But if things were that simple, why hasn’t this fairytale, for centuries, come to an end, with the triumph of the “good” and for all of us to “live happily ever after”? (more…)

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Posted in Autonomy