Posts Tagged ‘Barcelona’

Barcelona: Another comrade detained and extradited for the case of bank expropriations in Aachen (Catalunya)

Saturday, August 20th, 2016

Tuesday, June 21 at dawn, the Mossos d’Esquadra Corps [Catalan Police] kicked down the door of the house of an anarchist comrade of Barcelona, where he lived with his companion and other housemates. All were awakened by guns pointed on them and were handcuffed for hours while police raided and devastated the home, located in the neighbourhood del Eixample.

Eventually, the comrade was arrested and transferred to Madrid, where the National Court ordered his detention on the basis of a European arrest warrant issued by the prosecutor of Aachen, accusing him of having participated in the expropriation of a branch of Pax Bank that took place in November 2014.

It is for this same action that the comrade arrested on April 13 in Carmel is also in prison. In this case, however, the police decided not to use the staging and media spectacle it had used during the April operation, not issuing any press release and not notifying the media of the operation.

According to what we have been able to find out, the arrest warrant is based on the supposed coincidence between a trace of genetic material found in the Pax Bank in Aachen and a DNA sample that Mossos had taken from the comrade, simulating a BAC control for alcohol. During this false control, the police got him to blow into a breathalyzer and kept the plastic tip to extract the genetic profile of the comrade from the remaining saliva. (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Words in solidarity with the comrade arrested in Barcelona (Catalunya)

Monday, June 27th, 2016

Every heart is a time bomb

On 13th April 2016 the Mossos d’Esquadra in collaboration with the German police raided three places, two of which were private homes and one was the squat Blokes Fantasma.

The repressive operation concluded with the arrest of our comrade, for whom there was a European arrest warrant after Germany accused her of participating in a bank expropriation in the country in 2014.

The comrade has been held in solitary confinement in the prison of Soto del Real (Madrid) since 14th April and has expressed her opposition to being extradited; but judge Angela Murillo of the fourth section of the Audiencia Nacional gave in (as usual) to the request of the German state and on 26th May she ordered our comrade to be extradited within 10 days, after which she’ll be put in a maximum security prison.

The prosecutor in Aachen (Germany) is the same one that issued a European arrest warrant on 24th June 2015 against a Dutch anarchist comrade, who was arrested on the Greek-Bulgarian border and imprisoned for two months.
She was then extradited to Cologne, where she spent 4 months in jail, also charged with expropriating a German bank in 2013. She was released on bail on 16th December 2015 and is awaiting trial. (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Communique about the latest repressive operation in Barcelona and in solidarity with the comrade imprisoned in the prison of Soto del Real (Catalunya & Spain)

Monday, April 18th, 2016

On Wednesday April 13 at 5am an operation of the Mossos d’Esquadra [Catalan Police] began in which two private homes and a squat in the neighbourhood of La Salut, the “Blokes Fantasma” were raided and the twenty or so people living in the building were detained for twelve hours.

In addition to the looting and destruction that accompanies any police search, the operation resulted in the arrest of a comrade who had already been imprisoned within the framework of the Pandora Operation, and for whom since 11 April there was a European arrest warrant on charges of participation in bank expropriations in Germany.
After her transfer to the Spanish National Court, judge Eloy Velasco ordered preventive detention for our comrade, who has been transferred to the prison of Soto del Real.

As she is also charged in the Pandora trial (currently under instruction) and that she herself has expressed her desire not be extradited, our defence has called for a “conditioning” of the European extradition order, claiming that she be held in custody in the Spanish State until the trial pending here is held. Within a maximum period of 2 months (extendable for another month), the High Court would have to decide whether the handing over of our comrade to the German authorities can be temporarily suspended or not. From the German press we learned that she has been linked to an expropriation that occurred two years ago in the town of Aachen, during which, again according to the press, the assailant group took a significant amount of money from the bank without causing any injuries or personal damage. (more…)

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Posted in Social Control

Barcelona: ATMs and security companies damaged and set on fire by Individualities for the Diffusion of Chaos – FAI / FRI in solidarity with anarchist prisoners (Catalunya)

Tuesday, December 8th, 2015

Barcelona, Spanish State: The attack continues in the face of the blows inflicted by power

After the recent police operations against anarchist milieus, so much has been written and said; statements and opinions mainly denounce or ‘condemn’ the repression inflicted by the authorities. After the latest repressive operation and the reactions that followed, we reckon we should give our point of view.

Starting from the fact that the ongoing repression is the State’s logical response to those who consider themselves (or the State considers) its enemies, we don’t understand certain communiqués full of victimization, where in practice (and with the most appropriate words, of course) they beg the State to stop unleashing its cops ‘indiscriminately’ against anarchists. And they say that repression is unjustifiable, and of course they use and abuse the word ‘frame-up’, and say we do nothing wrong, and that they attack us because we ‘think in a different way’… They try to give a picture of ‘normality’ and endeavour with all means to make this picture clean and socially acceptable. They do their best to take distance from violent words and actions; and as they become entrapped in the game of power and use the latter’s language, they make distinctions between ‘good’ anarchists and ‘bad’ ones, thus promoting criminalization from within their ranks.

At this point some of these ‘anarchists’ don’t feel ashamed at giving pitiful interviews to the media, and what is worse they pose as spokespersons of the ‘anarchist movement’ (and then of all social movements); these would-be politicians and leaders of the masses try their best to alienate anarchism from its subversive and conflictual character, and present anarchism as a simple movement of activists, deprived of any words or actions that clash against power and the established order.

Then there are those who just talk of how terrible repression is, how all comrades are under strict surveillance, and one can’t do anything; this kind of attitudes only spread collective panic and paranoia, and these are the attitudes of those who hide their inactivity behind the pretext of ever present repression, surveillance, ‘I’m being strictly watched’, etc. Anyone who is reluctant to take responsibility can be so according to their personal decisions; but to hide oneself behind uncontrolled and often groundless fear and to spread discouraging feelings wherever one goes, is dangerous and counter-productive. This doesn’t mean that there are the ‘brave’ ones and the ‘cowardly’ ones; it’s perfectly normal to fear police checks, prison, beatings, torture and murders committed by cops and jailers…

But spreading fear leads to panic and paranoia, and in turn this leads to discouraging speeches calling for inaction, maintaining that ‘to behave’ is better for both oneself and other comrades so as not to be the objects of police investigations.

To conclude this topic it must be said that even if the State has shown us nothing more than the tip of the iceberg, this is nothing compared to what could happen; in fact it’s sufficient to look at repression currently occurring in other areas of the world (and not even that far) or in the Spanish State itself a few decades ago. It should be clear that as we stand as anarchists we live with the risk and possibility to be hit by the machine of repression, also at the margins of our practices, because, as we’ve seen, there are times when the same repressive machine tries to stir fear among the enemies and strikes everyone rather than inflict targeted blows; as a consequence anyone of us can be a target.

However, in spite of the deployment of police operations, arrests and slanders that have been carried out (and in spite of what has to come yet), power knows that there will always be individuals who cannot be controlled or frightened, no matter what, our desire to destroy everything that oppresses us cannot be put off. We are glad to see how in spite of everything, they didn’t manage to stop the attack on the existent; every day there are some who still don’t give in to fear and social submission and go on constant attack. Multiform anarchist action keeps on spreading through many neighbourhoods, cities and countries in the form of publications and militant texts, posters, graffiti, banners, sabotage, fires and explosions, roads blocked with barricades, clashes, attacks on the buildings of power and disorders during demonstrations…

Although the Spanish state prefers not to make claims known so that actions are silenced, we know for certain what’s happening, with more or less frequency. The violence of the minority will continue, and we talk about violence openly and without troubles because we are convinced that power won’t fall by itself, nor will any Messiah come from heaven with a solution.

We don’t use words such as ‘self-defence’ or ‘counter-violence’; nor do we talk of anarchist violence only in a context of mass uprising when it’s more acceptable. We’ve found out that in spite of everything, insurrectional practices and attacks are still possible; police can’t be everywhere, they don’t spy on us all or control us all, some common sense, good planning and good will are more than enough to prove that the picture of a controlled and pre-arranged world is just an illusion; it’s up to us to break this illusion of tranquility.

For in the face of the blows of power and the misery of some ‘anarchists’ who only care to give an image of good innocent boys to society in order to be safe, we arm our desires and passions, and go on the attack. To the masses and their inactivity we offer our aggressiveness, we expect nothing and throw ourselves into constant anarchist revolt.

We are the rebels who have decided to carry on and run the risk, and dare live anarchy here and now.

Words without action are dead words to us, so we take the occasion of this communiqué to claim the following actions carried out in several neighbourhoods in Barcelona: the fire on vehicles of security companies, private ones as well as State-owned ones; attacks on bank branches through damages to windows and ATMs caused by hammers, stones, paint and fire; fire and destruction of urban structures.
With this communiqué we want to give our warm greetings to our prisoners, especially Monica and Francisco, who have been in pre-trial detention for over two years always with their heads held high; to comrades Nicola and Alfredo, the comrades of the CCF and the comrades imprisoned in Chile; and we want to remember our fallen ones and greet those who day by day continue to bet on constant conflict and anarchist insurrection, and make anarchy be once again a threat.

For a Black December everywhere!
For the black international of the anarchists of action!
For the spreading of chaos and Anarchy!

Nothing ends, the war continues…

Individualities for the Diffusion of Chaos – FAI / FRI

via: croceneranarchica
Translated by act for freedom now

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Posted in Direct Action

Barcelona: Solidarity demo with anarchists persecuted by the State – 13 June 2015 – Operation Pandora/Piñata (Catalunya)

Sunday, June 21st, 2015


An “anti-repression” demonstration brought together nearly 500 people this Saturday, June 13, 2015 in Barcelona under the slogan “if they attack us for our struggles, we will respond with struggle,” it was called in solidarity with incarcerated and persecuted comrades following operations ‘Piñata’ (two are still detained, three others released under judicial control) and ‘Pandora’ and more generally against the repression of squats, and those who struggle against the state and this society.

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Posted in Direct Action

Three of the five anarchist prisoners of Operación Piñata released + 13 June day of solidarity demo in Barcelona (Catalunya, Spain)

Saturday, June 6th, 2015

On June 1 we got the great news that three of the five comrades being held in preventive detention, accused of being part of a terrorist group under Operation Piñata (including one who was already arrested and imprisoned in Operation Pandora) are being released without bail. They still have all their charges and have to sign in frequently at court, and two of them are prohibited from leaving the country.

Operation Pandora was launched in December in Catalunya, and Operation Piñata on March 30 all across the Spanish state but focused in Madrid. The operations resulted in the arrests of 26 anarchist comrades (plus the arrests of over a dozen more for resisting the raid on a social center) on anti-terrorism charges, the raids of dozens of houses and social centers, the theft of cash, and the seizure of computers, harddrives, phones, etc.

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Posted in Social Control

Barcelona/Granada/Madrid/Palencia: Operation Piñata raids (Spain & Catalunya)

Monday, March 30th, 2015

UPDATE: Operation Piñata – Five comrades imprisoned, ten conditionally bailed, address for three of the prisoners

Via squat.net:

This morning in Operation Piñata (following Pandora in December) cops have raided social centres and arrested people (at least 26) in Barcelona, Madrid, Palencia and Granada.

La 13-14 in Madrid announced it was being raided this morning.

CSOA La Redonda in Granada released a communique condemning the raids, which they said occurred without a warrant.

Centro Social (re)Okupado La Quimera in Lavapies, Madrid was evicted. It also stated no warrant was shown after its doors were smashed at 06:30 and added:

“This is just another attack on the anarchist movement with intent to criminalize and victimize our struggle.”

Other raided social centres were la Magdalena and La Enredadera de Tetuán.

In solidarity!

On squat.net:
Estado español: Zarpazo represivo, al menos 26 detenciones. Desalojan el CSOA La Quimera

La policia espanyola deté 27 persones en una operació contra col·lectius anarquistes

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Posted in Social Control

Police arrest at least 15 in raids against anarchists (Spain & Catalonia)

Friday, December 19th, 2014

From ABC Hurricane:

Bank account number in solidarity with comrades arrested in Operation Pandora in Madrid and Barcelona-

ES68 3025 0001 19 1433523907 (Caixa d’Enginyers)

For more info: solidaridadylucha(a)riseup.net

At least 15 people were arrested during raids in Spain on December 17th for being part of an “anarchist terror organization” in what the Spanish government is calling ‪#‎OperacionPandora‬.

At quarter past five, an operation consisting of Mossos d’Esquadra mobilized to carry out an operation against the Libertario movement. So far, the Mossos have raided the Kasa de la Montanya, the Libertarian Ateneo de Sant Andreu, the Anarchist Ateneo de Poble Sec and several private homes.

On orders from the Spanish National Court, in an operation ordered by Judge Javier Gómez Bermúdez, the agents have raided the Kasa de la Muntanya, a squat which this year celebrates twenty five years of occupation. They busted the main entrance of the house to gain access while a police helicopter with spotlights hovered over the building. The twenty inhabitants of the house had to retreat into the gym whilst the police forced entry into the building. At the time of the police raid, the building had two children aged five and six years. The Mossos separated one of the kids from his father on the ground floor.

The police confiscated all mobile phones, laptops and computer devices that were found on the premises. Agents seized all types of documentation, while numerous electric home workshop tools were also confiscated in order to help the police construct their narrative.

About fifty people installed a roadblock on Travessera de Dalt, in a spontaneous act of solidarity with the Kasa de la Muntanya, until riot police dispersed them a few minutes after eight o’clock. Subsequently the solidarity group moved to the Plaza Lesseps and called for more protests.

From the outside of the house located in the neighborhood of Gràcia district Salut, witnesses heard several firecrackers and said they could see in lights of several flashlights inside the building. The police operation is made ​​up of agents from the Information Division of the Mossos d’Esquadra, accompanied by a large number of members of the Mobile Brigade which, among other tasks, formed a perimeter around the whole area and denied any access to the home.

Write to the comrades:

-Beatriz Isabel Velazquez Dávila
-Lisa Sandra Dorfer

C. P. Madrid VII – Estremera
Ctra. M-241
28595 Estremera

-Alba Gracia Martínez
-Noemí Cuadrado Carvajal
-Anna Hernandez del Blanco

C. P. Madrid V – Soto del Real
Carretera M-609, Km 3,5
28791 Soto del Real

Enrique Balaguer Pérez
C. P. Madrid VI – Aranjuez
Ctra. Nacional 400, Km. 28
28300 Aranjuez

David Juan Fernández
C. P. Madrid III – Valdemoro
Ctra. Pinto-San Martín de la Vega, km. 4,5
28340 Valdemoro


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Posted in Social Control

Barcelona: Graffiti and info about anti-psychiatric hospitals (Catalunya)

Monday, December 8th, 2014

In the last week a few graffitis appeared in two psychiatric hospitals in the area of Barcelona…


PDF: http://network23.org/gam/files/2014/07/INGRESOS-FORZOSOS.pdf

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Posted in Cognitive Liberty

Karcelona: Jornada por la Destruccion de las Karceles y sus Karceleros (Catalunya)

Wednesday, August 27th, 2014

Del 23 al 30 de Agosto

El Jueves 28 en Karcelona….


desde las 19h

habrán pizzas vegan,

feria anarquika, fanzine kopilatorio de textos eskritos por presxs anarquistas

19.30 proyección del video sobre el proyecto fenix

20.00h charla informal entrono a la solidaridad kon lxs presxs

21.00h poesía acrata

22.00h kantautor Pedro Batalla

23.00h koncierto punk

Muerte Cotidiana (trash punk sudaka)

Infekzioa (d-beat zarata zikina)

y toda la noche soundsistem antikarcelario

en la okupa Pula Vida
c/salzareda, 8
(M)L.1 Baro de Viver


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Posted in Prison Struggle

Repression in Spain – A call for international solidarity

Friday, March 28th, 2014

325 receives and transmits this text from one of our comrades who is targeted by this latest repressive wave:

During the last three years Spanish society has witnessed a period of intense social protests against austerity, corruption, unemployment and so on. As in other times in history, the greater and more radicalised the protest the bigger the repression that the state organises against it. Since the general strike in September 2010, a common trend of this repression strategy is been a kind of ‘laissez faire’ in the streets but followed by ´selective´ detentions months later. Police have been literally knocking doors down of those who continuously take part in different actions and demonstrations, and consequently dozens of people have been arrested. (more…)

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Posted in Social Control

Amsterdam: Autonomen nihilist group attacks police station with paint and smoke bombs (Holland)

Wednesday, January 1st, 2014

325 receives and transmits:

[December 22, 2013] in the early hours of last week, group of people attacked police station with paint bombs and smoke bombs in AMSTERDAM. This modest action is in solidarity with Monica and Francisco and to all comrades in prison.

Autonomen nihilist group, Amsterdam

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Posted in Direct Action

Hamburg: Solidarity with the 5 arrested comrades from Barcelona (Germany, Catalunya)

Wednesday, December 11th, 2013

Here is a small report on a solidarity manifestation in Hamburg for the comrades arrested in Barcelona, also the flyer in German language and a few fotos of the action.

The evening of the 5th December a few people gathered in the Schanzenviertel (a neighborhood in Hamburg) to show solidarity with the 5 comrades arressted the 13th November in Barcelona. There was banners and flyers in solidarity. A flyer with information and a statement in solidarity was distributed to the people on the streets. Also it was read out with a megaphone. Fireworks were fired up to draw attention. (more…)

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Posted in Direct Action

December 16–22, 2013: International solidarity action week with the 5 anarchists arrested on November 13 in Barcelona (Catalunya)

Thursday, December 5th, 2013

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Barcelona: Anarchist comrades Monica and Francisco arrested for Zaragoza bomb attack – Chilean 'Caso Bombas' resurrected (Catalunya)

Saturday, November 16th, 2013

Distributed by: The Women’s Coordinating Committee for a Free Wallmapu (Toronto)

Also read this article on multi-language anarchist website Contra-info.

On November 13th, our comrades Monica and Francisco were arrested by the repressive forces of the Spanish State, accused of the explosive bomb attack on the Pillar Basilica in Spain. A hurricane of grandiloquent statements have been unleashed unto this situation between representatives of both [Chilean and Spanish] governments; congratulations of resurrected prosecutors and recycled Interior Ministers as well. Monica and Francisco were arrested in August 2010 in the so-called Chilean Bombs Case. Both confronted the trial against them with dignity and rebellion; more than 9 months in medium and maximum pre-trial prison, rejected the prosecutor’s blackmail, carried out a 65 day hunger strike and confronted one of the longest trials [in Chilean history], and had all their charges dropped by the Court with their convictions in tact. (more…)

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