Austin Police Arrest Santa Claus

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Seems the PR department at the Austin Pig Detachment didn’t train these fine officers in the art of optics.  From the Occupy Austin press release:

Acclaimed Arctic peace activist Kris Kringle, better known to the world as Santa Claus, was arrested early this afternoon at the Texas State Capitol. Claus was arrested while chalking Christmas wishes for the world, offered by children and other holiday merry makers.

“Today I saw the jolly red elf at the Capitol, cheerfully requesting that children write their wishes for a better world in chalk on the sidewalk. Santa said his favorite word was ‘Community.’ Various children wrote words like ‘Peace,’ ‘Friendship,’ and ‘Grace,’” said Occupy Austin’s Lainie Duro, a witness to the arrest.

After wrestling Santa to the ground and placing handcuffs on him, State Troopers also arrested Corey Elf after he used sidewalk chalk to write “Free Santa.” Both were arrested for Criminal Mischief, while Santa may face additional resisting arrest charges.

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This entry was posted on Tuesday, December 25, 2012 at 7:48 am and is poested under OTHER SHIT category.


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